中文名: 完美美語語音教程 更新PDF電子書
英文名: Pronounce it Perfectly in English
版本: 第二版
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
這本書是我們外教從美國帶來的,我借來自作成了 Mp3 和word版的電子書. 這本書的配套錄音極為標准,尤其是其中的男朗讀者發音如天籁般美.美的令人羨慕. 希望廣大英語學習者能從中受益.
壓縮包內有:1. 錄音 2. word 掃描版 圖書文字.
Part One: English Vowel Sounds(元音)
Part Two: English Consonatnt sounds (輔音)
Part Three: Stress Patterns
1.Syllables and stress
2.Two-Syllable Words
3.Words with Three or More Syllables
4.One-Syllable Prefixes
5.Two-Syllable Prefixes
7.Sentence Stress
Part Four: Intonation Patterns
4.Counting and listening
Part Five: Appendix
1.More Words to Practice
2.Pronunciation Difference
Barron's Pronounce It Perfectly in English : 2nd Edition : Jean Yates, M.A.
List Price: $24.99
2nd Edition
Jean Yates - All books by this author
Pronounce It Perfectly Series - All books in this series
ESL students, TOEFL and TOEIC test takers, and all others for whom English is a second language and who want to improve their pronunciation will find this book and compact disc combination especially instructive. The new second edition presents a significantly increased number of exercises, all of them providing practice in every sound that is specific to American-style English. Emphasis is on stress and intonation patterns in conversational English. Recognition of these patterns is essential to fluent speech and listening comprehension. Four compact discs replace the first edition抯 audiocassettes, and have been increased by 50 minutes in playing time to a total of 5 hours and 20 minutes.
Paperback w/four audio CDs / 208 Pages / 7 3/8 x 10 x 1 5/8 / 2005
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