中文名: 劍橋實用英語單詞附書光盤
英文名: Vocabulary in Use
別名: 感謝分流,全部更新!
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 1999年03月13日
地區: 英國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
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English Vocabulary in Use Elementary
English Vocabulary in Use Elementary is a vocabulary book for learners of English, primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice book, but which can also be used for classroom work. * 60 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a variety of follow up activities on right-hand pages. * Presents and explains new words in context and shows learners how to use them and how to work out rules for using them. * Based on a corpus of real written and spoken language. * Suggests tips and techniques for good vocabulary learning habits. * Contains a comprehensive, student-friendly key. * Includes a detailed index with phonetic transcription. * Beautifully illustrated in full colour.
Acknowledgements; Introduction; LEARNER TRAINING: 1 Talking about language (noun, verb etc. and the language of the rubrics inthis book); 2 Learning vocabulary; EVERYDAY VERBS: 3 Have / had / had; 4 Go / went / gone; 5 Do / did / done; 6 Make / made / made; 7 Come / came / come; 8 Take / took / taken; 9 Bring / brought / brought; 10 Get / got / got; 11 Phrasal verbs; 12 Every day; 13 Talking; 14 Moving; WORDS AND GRAMMAR: 15 Conjunctions and connecting words; 16 Time words: days, months and seasons; 17 Time words; 18 Places; 19 Manner; 20 Irregular verbs; 21 Common uncountable words; 22 Common adjectives: good and bad things; 23 Common adjectives: people; 24 Words and prepositions; 25 Prefixes; 25 Prefixes; 26 Suffixes; 27 words you may confuse; PEOPLE: 28 Birth, marriage and death; 29 The family; 30 Parts of the body; 31 Clothes; 32 Describing people; 33 Health and illness; 34 Feelings; 35 Greetings and other useful phrases; THE WORLD: 36 Countries, languages and people; 37 Weather; 38 In the town; 39 In the countryside; 40 Animals and pets; 41 Travelling; 42 notices; AT HOME: 43 Food and drink; 44 In the kitchen; 45 In the bedroom and bathroom; 46 In the living room; SCHOOL AND WORKPLACE: 47 Jobs; 48 At school and university; 49 Communications; LEISURE: 50 Holiday; 51 Shops and shopping; 52 In a hotel; 53 Eating out; 54 Sports; 55 Cinema; 56 Leisure at home; SOCIAL ISSUES: 57 Crime; 58 The media; 59 Everyday problems; 60 Global problems; Answer key; Index.
The second in the family of best-selling vocabulary reference and practice books from elementary to advanced level. Vocabulary is clearly presented and contextualized on left-hand pages with practice activities on facing right-hand pages. This book is primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice text but it can also be used for classroom work. This second edition has been fully revised to ensure that the vocabulary presented is current and relevant. It is beautifully illustrated in full colour and contains 100 units.
English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate
English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate is aimed specifically at upper-intermediate level learners. The material has been thoroughly revised following feedback from users of the first edition. The vocabulary presented in this new edition has now been informed by the Cambridge International Corpus of real language to ensure that the vocabulary is current, useful and relevant for learners. - 100 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a range of practice exercises on right-hand pages. - Presents and explains new words in context, shows learners how to use them and how to work out rules for using them. - Contains a comprehensive, learner-friendly answer key. - Includes a detailed index with phonetic transcriptions to help with the pronunciation of difficult vocabulary. - Is beautifully illustrated in full colour.
EFFECTIVE VOCABULARY LEARNING: 1 Learning vocabulary- general advice; 2 Learning vocabulary - aids to learning; 3 Organising a vocabulary notebook; 4 Names of English language words; 5 Using your dictionary; 6 Revising vocabulary; 7 Guessing and explaining meaning; WORD FORMATION: 8 Suffixes; 9 Prefixes; 10 Roots; 11 Abstract nouns; 12 Compound adjectives; 13 Compound nouns (1) noun + noun; 14 Compound nouns (2) verb + preposition; 15 Words from other languages; 16 Abbreviations and acronyms; 17 New words in English; WORDS AND PRONUNCIATION: 18 Words commonly mispronounced; 19 Onomatopoeic words; 20 Homonyms; CONNECTING AND LINKING WORDS: 21 Time; 22 Condition; 23 Cause, reason, purpose and result; 24 Concession and contrast; 25 Addition; 26 Text-referring words; 27 Discourse markers in speech; 28 Discourse markers in writing; COUNTABLES AND UNCOUNTABLES: 29 Uncountable words; 30 Words that occur only in the plural; 31 Countable and uncountable nouns with different meanings; 32 Collective nouns; 33 Making uncountable nouns countable; 34 Containers and contents; TOPICS: 35 Countries, nationalities and languages; 36 Weather; 37 Describing people (1) appearance; 38 Describing people (2) character; 39 Relationships; 40 At home; 41 Everyday problems; 42 Global problems; 43 Education; 44 Work; 45 Sport; 46 The arts; 47 Music; 48 Food; 49 The environment; 50 Towns; 51 The natural world; 52 Clothes; 53 Health and medicine; 54 Travel; 55 Holidays; 56 Numbers and shapes; 57 Science and technology; 58 Computers; 59 The press and the media; 60 Politics and public institutions; 61 Crime; 62 Money - buying, selling and paying; FEELINGS AND ACTIONS: 63 Belief and opinion; 64 Pleasant and unpleasant feelings; 65 Like, dislike and desire; 66 Speaking; 67 The six senses; 68 What your body does; BASIC CONCEPTS: 69 Number, quantity, degree and intensity; 70 Time; 71 Distance and dimension; 72 Obligation, need, possiblity and probability; 73 Sound and light; 74 Possession, giving and lending; 75 Movement and speed; 76 Texture, brightness, weight and density; 77 Success, failure and difficulty; IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS: 78 Idioms - general; 79 Everyday expressions; 80 Similes; 81 Binomials; 82 Idioms describing people; 83 Idioms describing feeling or mood; 84 Idioms describing problematic situations; 85 Idioms connected with praise and criticism; 86 Idioms connected with using language; 87 Miscellaneous idioms; 88 proverbs; PHRASAL VERBS AND VERB-BASED EXPRESSIONS: 89 Expressions with do and make; 90 Expressions with bring and take; 91 Expressions with get; 92 Expressions with set and put; 93 Expressions with come and go; 94 Expressions with other verbs; VARIETIES OF ENGLISH: 95 Formal and informal words (1); 96 Formal and informal words (2); 97 US English; 98 Other Englishes; 99 Headline English; 100 The language of signs and notices
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced
This new book in the successful English Vocabulary in Use series will bring students up to an advanced level knowledge of English. Over 2000 new words and expressions are presented and practised in typical contexts. Each unit provides valuable information for advanced level students about usage and there are clear explanations about subtle differences in meaning and collocation. This book has been carefully researched using evidence from the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that the language studied is the English native speakers actually use. • Clear, attractive colour units. • 100 easy-to-use two-page units. • Presents new words in context and shows learners how to use them. • Uses authentic texts. • Promotes good learning habits with learning tips and follow-up tasks. • Contains a comprehensive, student-friendly answer key and a detailed index with phonetic transcriptions.
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