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Effortless English
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Effortless English 簡介: Introduction What is English fluency?What does it mean to speak English easily and automatically? My definition is simple-- you speak Englishautomatically when your speech is effort
"Effortless English"介紹

What is English fluency?What does it mean to speak English easily and


My definition is simple-- you speak Englishautomatically when your speech is

effortless. You speak fluent English when the wordscome out of your mouth-- without

translation and without hesitation.

Sometimes this is called “thinking in English”, buttruly automatic speech is even faster

than that-- there is no thinking. Youdonʼt thinkabout the language at all- you just

speak as easily and effortlessly as you do withyour native language.

Why is automatic fluent speech important?Itʼs importantbecause automatic English

speaking is the key to getting results withEnglish. Automatic speaking makes it easy

to connect with native speakers. As an automaticEnglish speaker, itʼs easy for you to

make friends, participate in business meetings,talk to customers, understand movies,

and get better jobs.

To get real results with English, you need to speakeasily and automatically.

My name is A.J. Hoge. I am the creator of theEffortless English Teaching System and I

am the Founder and Director of The EffortlessEnglish Club- one of the most popular

English learning systems in the world. My audiolessons are best-sellers in over 25

countries and my radio podcast has over one millionlisteners worldwide.

I am also the publisher of the Effortless EnglishOnline Newsletter, which has over half a

million subscribers (and growing every day). Ascreator of sold-out “English Speaking

Breakthrough Seminars” and multiple educationcompanies, I am a leading expert on

topics related to English speaking success andteaching mastery.

I created the Effortless English Teaching Systemafter many years of teaching English in

Universities. I obtained a Masters Degree inTeaching English as a Foreign Language.

My former students include business professionals,scientists, entrepreneurs, teachers,

professors, graduate students, foreign militarypersonnel, and many other successful

adult English learners.

These students were just like you. They werefrustrated English learners who could not

speak well. Using the Effortless English system,they learned to speak English easily

and automatically.

Each of these students made incredible improvementsin a very short time. You also

will improve quickly when you use the entireEffortless English System.


The Effortless Englishsystem is designed for you-- the independent adult learnerwho

wants to speak English easily and quickly.Effortless English focuses exclusively on

speaking and listening skills. The system isdesigned to improve your speaking power

as quickly as possible- using proven and testedmethods.

Over one million adult students worldwide have usedthe system to improve their

English speaking. By using all parts of the system,you will improve your English

speaking 2-5 times faster compared to othertraditional English classes.

It is very important that you use the systemexactly. Each part is important and each

part works with the other parts of the system tocreate a powerful learning experience

for you.

When you follow the entire system every day for 6months, your speaking becomes

much faster and much easier. Your spoken grammarimproves powerfully- yet you will

never study grammar rules in this system. Yourpronunciation improves powerfully- yet

you will not focus on pronunciation.

In creating Effortless English, I have assembledthe very best English teaching

techniques and combined them in a clear, simple,easy to use system. When you follow

the system exactly, you cannot fail. You willexperience the greatest English speaking

improvement of your life.


The Effortless EnglishSystem


The Effortless Englishsystem is very simple and consists of

three primary areas of mastery: Body, Mind,& Method. By

mastering specific techniques in each area, youwill

powerfully improve your English speaking ability.Your

speech will become faster and you will begin tospeak

English automatically.

Each of these three areas is important and each

contributes to the power of the Effortless EnglishTeaching


When we talk about “Body” in Effortless English, weare mostly talking about emotion.

Emotion is energy. Emotion is what gives us theenergy and the motivation to study

every day. Emotion gives us the confidence tospeak.

Positive emotion helps us to learn faster, whilenegative emotions slow our learning. To

learn very quickly, we must learn to master ouremotions-- and that requires mastery of

our body.

In the Effortless English System, “Mind” meansbeliefs and focus. Our beliefs about

learning, education, and our own abilities stronglyinfluences our learning ability.

Powerful beliefs lead to powerful learning, whileweak beliefs lead to slow learning.

Unfortunately, in school most of us learned veryweak beliefs. Therefore, most English

students lack confidence. They feel nervous aboutEnglish. They think they are “not

good at English”. They believe that Englishspeaking is very difficult. None of these

beliefs are true.

Finally, to improve English speaking quicklystudents must master the Effortless English

“Method”. “Method” refers to the specific teachingand learning techniques that we use

in the system. In the method section, you learnexactly how to study and exactly what

kinds of lessons to use.

Method is very important, but students absolutelymust first master Body & Mind in

order to speak English easily. Remember, each partof the Effortless English System is

vital-- you must master all three areas in order tomaster English speaking.



Body Mind

Body (&Emotion)

The first step to Englishspeaking mastery is to master your

body & emotions. This seems like astrange statement. Why

do you need to use your body to learn English?

The reason is simple, by using your body andemotions you can

learn English 4-5 times faster! Dr. James Asher, alanguage

teaching expert, researched the role of the body inlanguage learning. He found

something quite amazing-- students who physicallymoved their bodies in class learned

4-5 times faster than students who sat still duringclass.

Dr. Asher developed an entire teaching programusing movement called “Total Physical

Response”. In this program, students always movetheir body while learning English.

Specifically, students make strong gestures ormovements related to the language they


For example, when the teacher says “walk”, thestudents move their feet and “walk”. If

the teacher says “hungry” the students might rubtheir stomach. In the beginning,

students do movements for almost every sentencethey hear. Later, when they reach

intermediate and advanced levels, they focus ononly new or difficult sentences.

By combining physical movement with Englishlistening, you push the English deep into

your brain. You remember vocabulary faster and younever forget it. You remember

correct grammar too- even though you never studygrammar rules. Physical movement

and gestures are the key to fast learning and along memory.

So when you listen to English lessons, identify thedifficult sentences. Create a

movement or gesture that reminds you of themeaning. Then, every time you hear that

sentence, do the movement or gesture. When you dothe movement, do it powerfully.

Use all of your body and use a lot of energy.

Posture is another important part of body andemotional mastery. Here is an

interesting fact-- you learn faster and remembermore when you have good posture. In

other words, you learn faster when you hold yourhead high, your shoulders are back,

your chest is up, and your body is strong andbalanced.

On the other hand, when you put your head down yourenergy decreases-- and you

learn more slowly. When you let your shoulders dropforward you lose energy-- and you

learn more slowly. So always keep your chest up,your shoulders back, and your head

up while you listen to English lessons. This issimple, but very important.

Finally, there is one super-simple secret toincreasing your emotional energy while

learning: SMILE. Did you know that your learningability increases when you smilewww.






and decreases when youfrown! Smiling changes your body and your emotion. Your

energy increases. You become more alert. Your brainbecomes more open.

I know it seems very simple- and it is. Yet thisone small change can powerfully improve

your English learning: Every time you listen to anEnglish lesson, smile. Smile big!

You might feel strange, but every time you listento a lesson put a huge smile on your

face. Keep that big smile on your face during theentire lesson and never stop smiling

until the lesson is finished.

The body is a powerful energy source. By using eachof these simple techniques, you

increase your energy while learning. Because youhave more energy, you learn faster

and you remember more. So use physical movement,always have a strong posture,

and smile, smile, smile while learning.



Our beliefs stronglyinfluence our results. Oftentimes, we succeed

when we believe we will succeed-- and we fail whenwe think we

will fail. In other words, our Mind influences ourlearning ability.

To learn faster and better, we must master ourmind. Specifically,

we must master our beliefs and our ideas.

As a successful adult, you are highly intelligent.Yet, you probably have a lot of

negative beliefs about your English learningability. Some common negative beliefs


* English speaking is difficult

* Iʼm not good at English

* Iʼm nervous when I speak English

* I must speak English perfectly every time

* I canʼt make mistakes

* There is only one right answer

* I must memorize and follow all grammar rules

* People from my country canʼt speak Englishwell

* Itʼs impossible to speak English easily andquickly

Where did these beliefs come from? For most people,these beliefs were created in

school. Very few children believe these things.When I taught small children it was

very easy, because they were fearless. Theybelieved that English was fun (and I

encouraged them to believe that). The children alsobelieved that speaking English was

easy. They never worried about mistakes. Theywerenʼtnervous. The children in my

class gradually learned to speak with nearlyperfect grammar, yet they never studied

grammar rules.

Unfortunately, in Middle School, High School, andUniversity, most students learn new

negative beliefs. Their teachers force the studentsto memorize grammar rules and

take tests. Students learn to believe that there isonly one right answer for every

question. They learn to fear mistakes. In school,students are embarrassed to make

mistakes-- and thus they fear speaking.

By the time they are adults, most English speakershave many negative beliefs about

speaking English. These beliefs destroy theirconfidence. These beliefs, therefore,

destroy their motivation. Most adult Englishlearners feel stressed and nervous.

To speak English easily, you must DESTROY thesenegative beliefs! Tell yourself every

day: These beliefs are wrong! These beliefs arebullshit!


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