專輯中文名:Despicable Me 2
版本:Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Despicable Me 2 簡介:
Despicable Me 2 內容介紹:
《Despicable Me 2》洗心革面的可愛壞人格魯心甘情願給三個小養女當起了全職奶爸,成天操心孩子們的教育問題,這位前神偷似乎喜歡上了這種安逸溫馨的家庭生活,但是樹欲靜而風不止。
《Despicable Me 2》一位自稱來自“反惡人聯盟”的女特工露西·懷特不請自來,她將毫無防備的格魯擊倒後裝入水陸兩用的神奇汽車,把他帶到海底的基地裡,在這裡他遇見了打擊犯罪組織“反惡人聯盟”的主席塞拉斯·皮谷。
《Despicable Me 2》這個組織把一個打擊大惡人的任務交給了曾經是個大惡人的格魯……當然,跟著格魯屁顛屁顛來到這裡的還有他形影不離的忠實隨從“小黃人”們,我們且看這位奶爸級壞蛋如何搖身一變成為拯救世界的特工英雄。
Despicable Me 2 目錄:
01. Scream (Cee-Lo Green) [03:41]
02. Another Irish Drinking Song (The Minions) [00:39]
03. Just a Cloud Away (Pharrell Williams) [02:56]
04. Happy (Pharrell Williams) [03:53]
05. I Swear (The Minions) [01:38]
06. Y.M.C.A. (The Minions) [02:55]
07. Fun, Fun, Fun (Pharrell Williams) [03:26]
08. Despicable Me (Pharrell Williams) [04:14]
09. PX-41 Labs (Heitor Pereira) [02:06]
10. The Fairy Party (Heitor Pereira) [01:27]
11. Lucy and the AVL (Heitor Pereira) [05:39]
12. Goodbye Nefario (Heitor Pereira) [01:27]
13. Time For Bed (Heitor Pereira) [01:27]
14. Break-In (Heitor Pereira) [03:00]
15. Stalking Floyd Eaglesan (Heitor Pereira) [01:35]
16. Moving To Australia (Heitor Pereira) [03:09]
17. Going To Save the World (Heitor Pereira) [01:25]
18. El Macho (Heitor Pereira) [01:27]
19. Jillian (Heitor Pereira) [00:47]
20. Take Her Home (Heitor Pereira) [01:29]
21. El Macho's Lair (Heitor Pereira) [03:32]
22. Home Invasion (Heitor Pereira) [01:57]
23. The Big Battle (Heitor Pereira) [07:23]
24. Ba Do Bleep (Bonus Track) (The Minions) [00:13]
Despicable Me 2 相關內容資料:
Trina -《Diamonds Are Forever》
Tim McGraw -《Number One Hits》
Saosin -《In Search of Solid Ground》
Poets Of The Fall -《Twilight Theater》
Pianos Become the Teeth -《Old Pride》
Cynthia Witthoft -《The Murder Of Oneself》
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