《麻省理工學院開放課程 機電工程及計算機科學系 6.832 欠驅動機器人學》(MIT OCW Underactuated Robotics)更新至第3課/共23課[MP4] | |
下載分級 | 教育资源 |
資源類別 | 學習教程 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/14 |
大 小 | - |
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Robots today move far too conservatively, using control systems that attempt to maintain full control authority at all times. Humans and animals move much more aggressively by routinely executing motions which involve a loss of instantaneous control authority. Controlling nonlinear systems without complete control authority requires methods that can reason about and exploit the natural dynamics of our machines.
This course discusses nonlinear dynamics and control of underactuated mechanical systems, with an emphasis on machine learning methods. Topics include nonlinear dynamics of passive robots (walkers, swimmers, flyers), motion planning, partial feedback linearization, energy-shaping control, analytical optimal control, reinforcement learning/approximate optimal control, and the influence of mechanical design on control. Discussions include examples from biology and applications to legged locomotion, compliant manipulation, underwater robots, and flying machines.
Professor Tedrake would like to thank John Roberts for his help with the course and videotaping the lectures.
6.00 計算機科學與程序設計導論 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
6.001 計算機程序的構造和解釋 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
6.002 電路與電子學 Circuits and Electronics
6.006 算法導論 Introduction to Algorithms
6.033 計算機系統工程 Computer System Engineering
6.035 計算機語言工程 Computer Language Engineering
6.172 軟件系統性能工程 Performance Engineering of Software Systems
6.189 多核編程入門 Multicore Programming Primer
6.450 數字通信原理 1 Principles of Digital Communications I
6.451 數字通信原理 2 Principles of Digital Communications II
6.780J 制造過程的控制 Control of Manufacturing Processes
6.832 欠驅動機器人學 Underactuated Robotics
麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,MIT)是美國一所綜合性私立大學。位於馬薩諸塞州的波士頓,查爾斯河(Charles River)將其與波士頓的後灣區(Back Bay)隔開。MIT無論是在美國還是全世界都有非常重要的影響力,培養了眾多對世界產生重大影響的人士,是全球高科技和高等研究的先驅領導大學。麻省理工學院的自然及工程科學在世界上享有極佳的聲譽,其管理學、經濟學、哲學、政治學、語言學也同樣優秀。由於在學術方面的卓越成就,雖然MIT不是常春籐盟校成員,MIT也常被納入Ivy Plus。
Prof. David Hardt
Prof. Duane Boning
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