由Lynda出品的面向對象的持久化框架Core Data操作和存儲數據教程。
主講:Simon Allardice
教程所使用的軟件:Mac OS X, iOS
Core Data是Mac OS X中Cocoa API的一部分,首次在Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger與iOS 3.0系統中出現。它允許按照實體-屬性-值模型組織數據,並以XML,二進制文件或SQLite數據文件的格式將其序列化。Core Data允許用戶使用代表實體和實體間關系的高層對象來操作數據。它也可以管理序列化的數據,提供對象生存期管理與object graph管理,包括存儲。Core Data直接與SQLite交互,避免開發者使用原本的SQL語句。
就像Cocoa綁定在模型-視圖-控制器設計中做了很多控制器的工作一樣,Core Data做了很多數據模型的工作。它的主要任務是負責數據更改的管理,序列化到磁盤,最小化內存占用,以及查詢數據。
本課程主要介紹Core Data的概念:它是什麼,它做什麼,以及如何開始。
作者Simon Allardice通過實際使用iOS和Cocoa的Core Data探討Core Data中的對象和步驟。本課程介紹如何轉變成為一個真正的對象持久化方法:從一個集中的數據庫或文件為中心的方法與儲存,載入,搜索和篩選。了解如何正確的數據模型,整合與iOS和Cocoa用戶界面的Core Data對象,並采取現有的數據,並將其加載到您的應用程序。
Core Data is an object-oriented persistence framework used to manipulate and store data in iOS and OS X applications, and it’s a core competency for any Apple developer. This course introduces the concepts behind Core Data: what it is, what it does, and how to get started. Author Simon Allardice explores the Core Data stack of objects and steps through the hands-on process of using Core Data in both iOS and Cocoa. The course shows how to shift from a database-focused or file-focused approach into a true object persistence approach: working with saving, loading, searching, and filtering. Discover how to model your data correctly, integrate Core Data objects with iOS and Cocoa user interfaces, and take existing data and load it into your app.
Topics include:
Understanding Core Data and object persistence frameworks
Creating a Core Data project
Exploring data modeling
Creating entities, attributes, and relationships
Creating managed objects
Fetching in Core Data
Implementing undo and redo support
Creating a Core Data Cocoa app without code
Responding to validation issues
Converting store types
Preloading default data
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