由Lynda機構出品的Photoshop實用選區教程,教程使用軟件:Photoshop,時長1小時08分,Richard Harrington演示了如何使一個基本的選擇,選擇菜單命令“選框,套索,魔術棒工具,然後完善與擴張和收縮,光滑的羽化和其他控制。當然也包括先進技術,如選擇色彩范圍和渠道工作。本教程附帶練習文件。
Photoshop是Adobe公司旗下最為出名的圖像處理軟件之一,集圖像掃描、編輯修改、圖像制作、廣告創意,圖像輸入與輸出於一體的圖形圖像處理軟件,深受廣大平面設計人員和電腦美術愛好者的喜愛。CS5加入了全面改進後的高清視頻渲染引擎Mercury,尤其是其視頻處理軟件Premiere Pro。Mercury可以利用顯卡的圖形處理能力加速對高清格式視頻的編解碼和播放,當然不是所有的顯卡,由於和NVIDIA之前達成的協議,Mercury只 支持NVIDIA的顯卡。
Practical Photoshop Selections reveals the importance of making precise selections, whether for masking or making color and tone adjustments, and how to make them with the tools in Adobe Photoshop. Author Rich Harrington shows how to make a basic selection with the Select menu commands and the Marquee, Lasso, and Magic Wand tools, and then refine it with Expand and Contract, Smooth and Feather, Quick Masks, and other controls. The course also covers advanced techniques such as selecting with Color Range and working with channels. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
Creating masks from selections
Moving a selection
Selecting with the Quick Selection tool
Transforming a selection
Using the Refine Edge command
Selecting a color or tonal range throughout the image
Making a selection with the Pen tool
Saving a selection as an alpha channel
Creating a selection from multiple channels with the Calculations command
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