中文名: 藝用人體解剖講座
英文名: Robert Beverly Hale
資源格式: DVDRip
主講人: Artistic Anatomy
版本: (更新完畢)
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
藝用人體解剖,目前看應該是有十部,約11GB。先放出第一張。應該是一個叫Robert Beverly Hale 的視頻講座,跟Glen Vilppu有點類似。看年代,貌似很久遠了,聽介紹貌似一九四幾年的(我的英語很爛的,當不得數,O(∩_∩)O~),還是黑白的。效果馬馬虎虎,不過不是看電影,高不高清就不用計較了。
分 辨 率:720*480
Lecture 1 - Rib Cage (78 Minutes)
Lecture 2 - Pelvis (81 minutes)
Lecture 3 - Leg (74 minutes)
Lecture 4 - Foot (72 minutes)
Lecture 5 - Shoulder Girdle I (77 minutes)
Lecture 6 - Shoulder Girdle ll (68 minutes)
Lecture 7 - Arm (76 minutes)
Lecture 8 - Hand (80 minutes)
Lecture 9 - Head (Skull), (80 minutes)
Lecture 10 - Head and Features (97 minutes).
Realizing that the Hale lectures ought to be preserved for posterity, in 1976, before he retired, Mr. Hale's entire Monday night series of lectures was videotaped in black and white in the order that he delivered them at the Art Student's League of New York. Future generations of artists and students will be able to benefit from the vast knowledge and penetrating insights of these famous lectures, with all the warmth and wit that makes them such a memorable experience. Throughout the lectures, you see Mr. Hale demonstrating to his students the basic structure, proportions, anatomical details, function and renderings of the human figure, by way of the human skeleton and by his skillful step by step drawings.
World famous lectures on Artistic Anotomy & Figure Drawing by Robert Beverly Hale.