"《美國加州藝術學院:攝影學講座》(California College of the Arts (CCA) : Photography)全2集/更新完畢[MP4]"介紹
中文名: 美國加州藝術學院:攝影學講座
英文名: California College of the Arts (CCA) : Photography
資源格式: MP4
學校: 美國加州藝術學院 California College of the Arts (CCA)
版本: 全2集/更新完畢
發行日期: 2011年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
院校名稱:美國加州藝術學院 California College of the Arts (CCA)
英文名稱:California College of the Arts (CCA) : Photography
課程官網:http://www.cca.edu/academics/photography美國加州藝術學院 California College of the Arts (CCA)提供給iTunes U上面供大家免費下載的一些關於 Photography 攝影學的系列講座. 目前有2個視頻,第一個時長1小時58分鐘,第二個時長約1小時25分鐘.
Presented as part of the photography lecture series :filmed February 24.2011 in Timken lecture Hall at the Oakland campus of california college of the arts.
Videos in this collection include,but are not limited to,lecures from CCA'S Photography Lecture Series as well as indiviual features.
美國加州藝術學院 California College of the Arts (CCA) 簡介:
美國加州藝術學院California College of the Arts建於1907年,由是國際上最負聲望的實驗藝術學院之一。該校由Frederick Meyer成立,1936年正式有CCAC的校名,第二次世界大戰後增加了許多科系,如家具設計,玻璃,室內設計,電影,錄影帶等,創校人 Frederick Meyer本身是景觀建築師,在二十世紀的設計與工藝運動中占有一席之位,此外,CCAC的校友多為加州的當代平面設計運動領導者,包括了Robert Arneson, Michael Vanderbyl, Lucille Tenazas.
它是由沃爾特·迪斯尼在40年前創建的,是美國唯一的一所集音樂、舞蹈、美術、電影、戲劇、寫作於一體的綜合藝術學院。它的電影與影像學院 (School of Film/Video)是以獨立、有個性及創意的純藝術電影制作為教學哲學的。純藝術電影(Fine Art Filmmaking)是把電影作為媒介,是觀念與創作思維,與繪畫、詩歌、音樂相同,是個人情感的表達和延伸。
美國加州藝術學院(CaliforniaCollege of the Arts簡稱CCA)主要校區位於舊金山對岸的奧克蘭市。該校的知名校友還有觀念藝術家DennisOppenheim(他主要是作地景類的裝置藝術,中文翻做丹尼思歐本漢,1982年在溫哥華以Launching Structure #2這件作品出名)
其他知名的校友還有極簡主義的雕塑家John McCracken,陶藝家Manuel Neri,油畫家Squeak Carnwath,導演王穎Wayne Wang(就是拍喜福會The Joy Luck Club的那個導演)
CCAC 在舊金山有新鎮的新校區,學校大致上是分成藝術Fine Arts/設計Design/建築Arch三個學院,是灣區設計人才的搖籃,鼓勵想要申請的同學先進行校園拜訪,該校是經過認證的WASC美國西岸教育聯盟, NAAB美國建築董事會,NASAD全美設計協會,FIDER全美室內設計教育研究學會的成員之一。
該校的師生比約為一比十,大學部最受歡迎的主修是graphic design平面設計, architecture建築,painting/drawing油畫與繪畫,該校的國際學生最多的是來自日本,次多的則是來自南韓和台灣。
校名很容易跟Calarts搞混《加州藝術學院 California Institute of the Arts (Valencia) 》(都可以翻譯為加州藝術學院),只不過一家是College,一家是Institute。這一家CCA以純藝術出名,另一家Calarts以動畫出名。
The Photography Program takes a broad-based approach, engaging students in the most contemporary practices, as well as in the traditions and historical structures from which those practices have evolved.
The curriculum provides a technical foundation in analog and digital imaging alike and introduces the critical skills and theoretical insights necessary for students to manifest their creative visions.
Our faculty—all professional artists—represents a diverse range of styles and approaches to the medium. Students graduate with the skills necessary to pursue careers as exhibiting artists and to work in most photography-related professions.
Facilities & Equipment
The program's facilities enable work in black-and-white, color, and alternative processes on large and small scales alike. The facilities on the Oakland campus are staffed more than 90 hours a week and include two large black-and-white darkrooms, 12 individual darkrooms for color printing, a 42-inch RA 4 color processor, Photography Program–specific high-end digital workstations, a black-and-white- and color-compatible mural darkroom, an alternative-processes lab, a dedicated lighting studio, and much more.
Cameras and equipment are available to advanced students for off-campus use. Other resources include a gallery for student exhibitions, guest lectures by emerging and high-profile photographers alike, and a visiting-artist program.
Internships & Alumni
Students pursue internships with photography studios, museums, galleries, major newspapers and magazines, and film production companies. Many alumni have become professional photographers, and several have been included in such national exhibitions as the Whitney Biennial. Our graduates typically enter top-tier graduate programs.Collapse
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