英文名稱:The Walking Dead Episode 5: No Time Left
游戲開發:Telltale Game
游戲發行:Telltale Game
- 很多動作場面
- 音響效果的驚人運用
- 重大決策的制定
- 合適的結局
- 技術瑕疵沒有改善
[code]Code: Select all 營營‥耀
▄▄▄▄▄▄▓▌ 蠥蠥營‥錀蠥營‥耀營
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█ ▓▓██ █
█ █
█ ▄耥蠥‥萀耥耥‥ ▓ ▄耥營‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥營‥ ▄耥‥ ▄營‥ █
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█ 耥耥耥‥耀耥耥‥ 耥‥ ‥ 耥耥‥ 耥耥耥‥耀耥耥
The Walking Dead – Episode 5 "No Time Left" (c) TellTale Games
11/2012 :….. RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION …….: Steam
1 :………. DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ……..: Adventure
▄耥‥ ▄耥營‥萀耥營耥營‥萀耥耥‥ ‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥
耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥‥蠀‥耀錥‥蠀耥耥錥‥蠀‥ ▓ ▓‥萀‥蠀‥蠀‥ ▓ ▓‥ █ ▓ 耥耥蠥‥耀耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥
耥‥ ‥ ‥ ‥耀耥耥耥‥耀‥耀‥ ‥ 耥‥ 耥
The living will have to survive amongst the dead in this game based on The
Walking Dead, the widely acclaimed comic book series and television series.
Across five dark and emotional episodes of gameplay, every decision and
action you take can result in the entire story of the game changing
around you.
Based on Robert Kirkman's Eisner-Award winning comic book series, The
Walking Dead allows gamers to experience the true horror of the zombie
A tailored game experience — Live with the profound and lasting consequences
of the decisions that you make in each episode. Your actions and choices
will affect how your story plays out across the entire series.
Experience events that connect to the Walking Dead saga. Meet people and
visit locations that foreshadow the story of Deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes.
Meet Glenn before he heads to Atlanta, explore Hershel's farm before Rick
and his group of survivors arrive and before the barn becomes a notorious
location in Walking Dead lore.
You'll be forced to make decisions that are not only difficult, but that
will require you to make an almost immediate choice. There's no time to
ponder when the undead are pounding the door down!
‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥‥ ▓▄▄ ▄耥營‥錀‥ ▓ ▄耥營‥萀耥耥營‥錀營營‥ ▄耥‥ ▄
耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥‥蠀‥蠀‥ ▓ 耥耥蠥‥蠀‥ ▄ █耥錥‥蠀‥ █ █ ▓ █ ▓ █ ▄ ▓‥萀‥耀耥耥蠥‥耀耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥
‥耀‥ 耥‥ 耥耥‥耀‥ 耥耥‥耀耥耥‥耀‥ 耥‥ 耥耥‥耀耥耥耥‥ 耥
1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy the content from /Crack directory on the DVD to the <install>
directory of the game, overwriting existing files.
5. Play the game.
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
▄耥‥ ▄耥蠥‥萀耥耥營‥錀‥ ▄ ▄耥蠥‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥耥營‥錀營營‥ ▄耥‥ ▄
耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥‥蠀‥耀錥‥蠀耥錥‥ █ ▓ █ ▓ █耥‥ █ ▓ █ ▓ █ ▄ ▓‥萀‥耀耥耥蠥‥耀耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥
耥‥ █ 耥‥ 耥‥ ‥ ‥ 耥‥ 耥耥‥耀耥耥耥‥ 耥‥ [/code]
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