由Ubisoft所開發的《復仇者聯盟:為地球而戰》,是一款對應Kinect for Xbox 360的體感動作游戲,玩家將在游戲中扮演如美國隊長、雷神索爾或綠巨人浩克等復仇者聯盟的成員們,挺身對抗來自外星球的史庫爾(Skull)星人的侵略。
近日剛剛上映的美國超級英雄題材的大片《復仇者聯盟》再度創下票房新高,而觀影歸來的玩家也對片中多位超級英雄的組隊集結津津樂道。《復仇者聯盟》影片大獲成功,據爆料續集的拍攝已經確定,而育碧也趁熱宣布了《復仇者聯盟》改編的游戲,將登陸kinect與Wii U。
育碧多倫多分部的Twitter宣布了《復仇者聯盟》改編游戲《復仇者聯盟:地球之戰》,該條信息表示《復仇者聯盟:地球之戰》將由育碧魁北克工作室開發,登陸Kinect與任天堂新一代主機Wii U。
The Skrulls have landed and now it is up to you to embody your favorite Marvel super heroes and defeat epic enemies during the Secret Invasion. Unleash your inner superhero in Marvel Avengers Battle For Earth!
The ultimate super hero brawler, Marvel Avengers: Battle For Earth features 20 different characters including the Avengers Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor, as well as other fan favorite super heroes and villains from the Marvel Universe. Players will use motion gameplay to execute explosive super attacks, unleash devastating special moves, and battle their friends in a wide variety of game modes.
- EMBODY ICONIC MARVEL SUPER HEROES AND VILLAINS: Choose from 20 classic Marvel characters, each equipped with four unique superpowers.
- USE MOTION TO FIGHT AS A SUPER HERO: Trigger super attacks with your movements.
- EXPERIENCE A WIDE VARIETY OF GAME MODES: Co-op, Campaign, Arcade, Challenges, Versus, and Tournament.
- TONS OF BONUSES TO UNLOCK: As you work your way through the battles, you’ll unlock unique outfits and collector cards.
- BATTLE WITH AN ENHANCED FIGHTING SYSTEM: Use Super Attacks, Velocity Boost, Breaker, or Frenzy to beat your opponents.
- EYE-CATCHING COMIC BOOK STYLE: Inspired by iconic comic artwork based on the Secret Invasion storyline.[/code]
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