與《地下狂飙2》一樣,你依然可以在城市裡四處飛馳,在特定地點購買新車、改裝、接受挑戰等等,而進入一些模式後,你肯定會有《熱力追蹤2》的感覺,但為了有所區別,《最高通緝》還是對游戲模式進行了調整,加入了一些新的模式,如收費站模式(Toll booth races)、超速區照片模式(Speed trap photos)、最佳路徑模式(Outrun best route)、最小費用模式(Cost to state )等等。在收費站模式中,賽道中存在著一些收費站,這些地方並非讓你交納養路費,而是警察用來檢測車速,當你經過此收費站時,會自動拍下一張相片,上面還顯示了車輛的時速,如果車速超過了規定的范圍,你就會聽到警察在對講機上的談話,“某車輛經過89號收費站,時速達到142公裡,報告完畢”,一會兒後,警察們駕駛著性能極高的警車追趕前來,他們剛開始只是平靜地靠近你,並對你發出警告,如果你繼續加速,那他們會變得具有攻擊性,試圖阻擊你繼續前進。本來就是一場艱難的比賽,再加上眾多警車的追逐和攻擊,讓游戲變得更加困難,如果你想減少一些不必要的麻煩,那最好在經過收費站時降低車速。
賽車種類會比以往都豐富,我們能看到保時捷Carerra GT II、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、馬自達RX8、奔馳SLR邁克拉倫、雪佛蘭 C6R、寶馬等名車,大家可以根據自己的需要對賽車進行改裝,這仍然是游戲的重要部分,玩家可以通過升級性能組件以到挑戰任何級別的對手,包括警車,你可以試著把警車從你的車尾甩的無影無蹤。《最高通緝》則邀請名模Josie Maran,她是美國化妝品牌美寶蓮的代言人,並曾在電影《凡赫辛》中飾演一名吸血新娘,還經常登上國際知名雜志封面。Josie Maran在游戲中將扮演當地賽車手Mia,帶領玩家一步一步進入改裝飙速的賽車世界中,讓玩家學習通過一次次的飙速競賽獲得獎勵,而成為世界知名的賽車手。而同時,《最高通緝》將采用最新的技術,將高解析的實際人物照片轉換成游戲中的游戲明星角色,此革命性的技術將可以讓在3D環境中出現的游戲人物呈現前所未有的視覺效果。
[url=http://player.opengg.me/player.php/sid/XNDA5MTY5MDcy/v.swf][b][u]極品飛車17:最高通緝[/u][/b] [/url]
[code]To be Most Wanted, you’ll need to outrun the cops, outdrive your friends, and outsmart your rivals. With a relentless police force gunning to take you down, you’ll need to make split second decisions. Use the open world to your advantage to find hiding spots, hit jumps and earn new vehicles to keep you one step ahead. In true Criterion Games fashion, your friends are at the heart of your experience. In an open world with no menus or lobbies, you’ll be able to instantly challenge your friends and prove your driving skill in a variety of seamless multiplayer events. Your rivals will do everything they can to stop you from getting to the top. In this world, there can only be one Most Wanted.
Open World Action – Lose the cops – your way. Hit jumps and shortcuts, lay low, or shake the cops in surroundings that play to your car’s unique strengths. Freedom is everything. Drive anywhere with your friends, discover hidden gameplay or utilize your knowledge of the city to beat them in a never-ending supply of challenges.
Non-Stop Multiplayer – Pick a car, hook up with friends and jump into a non-stop playlist of tight, competitive events. No lobby screens means the action never stops. Score big, rank up and earn endless rewards and upgrades. Keep the fierce rivalries going between events with endless opportunities to race, battle and explore in a huge open world.
Beat Your Friends – Autolog 2 ratchets up the intense competition with personalized race recommendations and feeds broadcasting all of your most newsworthy scores, speeds and times to your friends. Earn Need for Speed points at all times on any system as you try to outdrive your friends and become the Most Wanted.
Racing Without Rules – It’s survival of the fastest as Need for Speed Most Wanted fuses the franchise’s, authentic -real car feel with the intense speed and aggression of Burnout. Power down, slide out, and battle your way past cops and rivals using pure driving skill, and heavy doses of nitrous.
NFO: Select all 營營
蠀蠥 ▄ ‥萀‥■■ ▄▄▄▄
▄▄▓▓耥‥萀‥萀營蠥蠥蠥耥‥萀營蠥耥‥萀營錥錥蠥 ‥萀營蠥蠥蠥錥耥
█‥萀營蠥耥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥 蠀蠥 ███████▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█████▓▓耥鄥‥萀營■ ■耥錥營營鄥
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▓████耥耥‥萀營營營蠥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鄥‥耀鈥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥鈥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥鄥‥耀■ 錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營
██‥萀營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥 蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鄥‥耀耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥鄥鄥‥錀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
███▄▄ 錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥耥營營蠥蠥蠥蠥耥營營蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥耀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鄥‥鄀耥耥耥耥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥
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蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥鄥鄥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥 ▓ 蠀蠥蠥蠥錥鈥耥耥營營營鈥錥蠥蠥營‥耀耥耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥
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██▄▄ 耥耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥 █████████████████████▓▓▄▓‥萀‥鄀‥錀‥
███████▄ 蠥蠥錥錥鄥錀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鈥營蠥鈥鈥耥‥萀錥‥萀‥鄀‥鈀‥蠀
████████▓蠀蠥錥鄥‥錀錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鈥鈥耥耥耥‥鄀營蠥耥鄥‥錀 ▓ ‥蠀
█ 蠥蠥錥錥耥‥萀蠥蠥耥‥耀錥鈥耥耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥錥鈥鈥鄥鄥營營營蠥蠥蠥鄥‥蠀蠥 ▓‥萀蠥蠥
██▄ ▄ 耥營營營‥耀營‥鄀‥耀耥錥錥蠥錥錥錥錥錥鈥鈥鈥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營營營營蠥蠥蠥‥ ▓▓▄▄ █▄ 蠥蠥
██ 營營錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥蠀蠥營營營營‥鄀鄥‥耀耥耥耥耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥營鄥‥蠀錥鄥‥蠀蠥蠥鈥鈥營營營‥錀耥‥蠀
███ 蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥錀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥耥‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥耥耥‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥蠥蠥蠥營‥耀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營營營營營
██ 蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥錀蠀耥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥營錀耀耥錥耥耥‥蠀蠥錥營‥蠀錥營耥耥鈥鈥蠥蠥蠥錥錥錥錥錥鈥鈥鄥鄥
██▓ 錥錥蠥蠥蠥耥‥萀耥耥‥蠀蠀蠥耥蠥錥‥耀鄥‥耀‥鄀營 ██鈥鄥‥鄀‥耀耥耥鈥鈥鄥鄥鄥
鄥‥■▄▄▄███ ▄▄▓ ▄▄▓ ▄▄█ 蠥蠥營營‥萀營錥鄥‥萀蠥蠥蠥‥萀營蠥蠥錥錥營營‥萀營錥鄥‥錀耥營營
■▄ ▄▓▄█▓▓█▄耥‥鄀‥蠀蠥耥蠥‥鈀蠥蠥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥‥萀蠥蠥耥‥萀‥耀蠥蠥蠥‥蠀錥錥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥
████ 蠥蠥蠥 █鄥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥■▄█鈥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥‥蠀錥鈥蠥‥蠀錥錥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥營‥蠀錥蠥蠥‥蠀鄥鄥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥‥鄀‥蠀蠥蠥蠥
█▓██ ████ ▓ ▓ 蠥蠥蠥‥蠀鈥錥蠥‥蠀蠥錥蠥‥錀鈥鄥蠥‥錀‥錀‥蠀蠥蠥蠥‥蠀錥錥蠥‥蠀‥錀‥蠀蠥錥蠥‥鈀‥蠀蠥蠥蠥
█▓▓█ █▓██ ▄ ▄ 蠥蠥蠥‥蠀錥蠥錥鄥‥蠀錥錥蠥‥鈀鄥‥蠀‥萀‥萀‥蠀蠥錥耥營■█錥蠥‥萀‥萀‥蠀錥鈥蠥‥錀‥蠀蠥蠥蠥
█鈥蠥‥蠀鈥錥蠥■▄█鄥蠥‥錀蠥蠥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥錥‥蠀錥鈥蠥‥鄀‥萀蠥‥蠀鄥鄥錥‥蠀錥錥蠥 █鈥蠥‥蠀鄥鄥蠥‥蠀鈥鄥蠥‥蠀‥蠀蠥錥蠥
■█ █ █ 蠥‥蠀錥錥蠥‥蠀蠥蠥耥營■██鄥‥蠀鄥‥蠀營錥錥耥耥鄥‥蠀錥錥蠥‥蠀鄥鄥蠥‥耀‥萀營‥蠀錥營蠥營■營營蠥營蠥營‥耀鄥蠥
▓耥耥■▄█▄ █ ████ ████ ███▄ █▄▓耥‥鄀‥蠀蠥耥耥‥蠀‥萀蠥■耥耥錥錥營營蠥耥耥‥萀‥蠀錥耥耥‥萀‥耀耥營錥營
████████▄▄▄▄ ████▓鈥蠥蠥營‥鄀錥營錥耥‥鄀錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥 ▄███營蠥蠥蠥錥‥萀錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
蠥蠥蠥蠥耥‥萀營蠥蠥蠥營營‥鄀錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營營‥鄀鄥耥耥耥耥耥耥鈥鈥‥鄀鄥營錥耥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥 蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鄥
▓███ 蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營鄥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營營營營營營營錥錥耥耥鄥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
█████▄▓█████蠥蠥蠥蠥錥營‥耀錥錥錥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥蠥耥耥耥鄥‥萀營■ ▄██▓▓耥鄥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥
營營營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥‥萀蠥錥耥耥‥萀‥耀耥‥萀營‥■ ‥萀營蠥錥錥耥耥耥耥‥萀營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營
████耥鄥‥鈀‥萀‥蠀蠥蠥 ‥萀‥鄀‥耀蠥‥鄀耥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
█ ‥鄀耥耥耥營營‥蠀
‥勻 K I D R O W ▄■‥萀
鄥鄥‥萀‥.the leading force. 錥耥
鈥鈥‥ 營‥萀‥萀
▓▓▓ ▄‥瀀爀漀甀攙氀礀 presents ■▄錥營
██營■ Need for Speed: Most Wanted Electronic Arts 蠀蠥蠥
███ ███
███ 29-10-2012……Release Date <-> Protection…………….EACore ▓██
███ Racing………….Game Type <-> Disk(s)………………..1 DVD 蠥蠥
███ 耥蠥
蠥蠥 ▄ ■鄥
███ ███
███ Need for Speed: Most Wanted is an open world Racing game. The game is ███
███ the 19th release in the long-running Need for Speed franchise, but ███
███ hearkens back to the earliest games in the series as players compete ███
███ in races with police unified against them. Races have a set beginning ███
███ and end point, with the open world game design allowing players to ███
███ complete each using whatever path they can find. Additional features ███
███ of performance include a unique blend of Simulation and Arcade ███
███ gameplay, social play options through the Autolog 2 feature, exciting ███
███ multiplayer support, and a large selection of vehicles. ███
███ ███
███ Elude the Cops, and Competitors in Open World Racing Play ███
███ ███
███ To be "Most Wanted," players need to outrun the cops, out drive your ███
███ friends, and outsmart your rivals. With a relentless police force ███
███ gunning to take you down, you'll need to make split second decisions. ███
███ Use the open world to your advantage to find hiding spots, hit jumps ███
███ and earn new vehicles to keep you one step ahead. In true Criterion ███
███ Games fashion, your friends are at the heart of your experience. In ███
███ an open world with no menus or lobbies, you'll be able to instantly ███
███ challenge your friends and prove your driving skill in a variety of ███
███ seamless multiplayer events. Your rivals will do everything they can ███
███ to stop you from getting to the top. In this world, only one thing is ███
███ certain – there can only be one "Most Wanted." ███
███ ███
███ Take to the streets and become the Most Wanted driver in Fairhaven ███
███ City. ███
███ ███
███ Features: ███
███ ███
███ Open World Action – Lose the cops, your way. Hit jumps and shortcuts, ███
███ lay low, or shake the cops in surroundings that play to your car's ███
███ unique strengths. Freedom is everything. Drive anywhere with your ███
███ friends, discover hidden gameplay or utilize your knowledge of the ███
███ city to beat them in a never-ending supply of challenges. ███
███ ███
███ Nonstop Multiplayer – Pick a car, hook up with friends and jump into a ███
███ nonstop playlist of tight, competitive events. No lobby screens means ███
███ the action never stops. Score big, rank up and earn endless rewards ███
███ and upgrades. Keep the fierce rivalries going between events with ███
███ endless opportunities to race, battle and explore in a huge open world. ███
███ ███
███ Beat Your Friends – Autolog 2 ratchets up the intense competition with ███
███ personalized race recommendations and feeds broadcasting all of your ███
███ most newsworthy scores, speeds and times to your friends. Earn Need for ███
███ Speed points at all times on any system as you try to out drive your ███
███ friends and become the Most Wanted. ███
███ ███
███ Racing Without Rules – It's survival of the fastest as Need for Speed: ███
███ Most Wanted fuses the franchise's, authentic "real car" feel with the ███
███ intense speed and aggression of Burnout. Power down, slide out, and ███
███ battle your way past cops and rivals using pure driving skill, and ███
███ heavy doses of nitrous. ███
███ ███
███ The Best Performance Cars – Need for Speed: Most Wanted features the ███
███ most high-profile performance vehicles around. A sampling of these ███
███ include: Porsche 911 Carrera S, BMW M3 Coupe, Lamborghini Aventador ███
███ LP 700-4, Ford Mustang Boss 302, and Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400. ███
███ ███
███ ███
███ ▄▄▄██蠥
███ ▄▄ ‥萀營營蠥耥蠥營錥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥
██▄█‥萀‥■ ‥萀營營營蠥耥耥耥耥營營蠥蠥耥耥‥萀蠥蠥耥蠥
蠥蠥 ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▓▓耥耥耥‥鄀‥萀營營蠥耥耥耥‥萀營營錥錥耥耥‥萀營耥耥鄥
‥萀‥INSTALL NOTES 錥耥‥萀營營蠥耥耥耥耥‥鄀‥萀營錥耥耥耥‥萀營‥耀耥耥‥鄀‥耀‥萀
▄▄█‥萀■ 耥‥萀‥耀‥萀錥營‥蠀蠥營
███ ■‥耀‥萀‥蠀蠥蠥
███ ███
███ 1. Unpack the release ███
███ 2. Mount or burn image ███
███ 3. Install ███
███ 4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation ███
███ 5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as ███
███ secure/trusted in your antivirus program ███
███ 6. Play the game ███
███ 7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! ███
███ ███
███ ▄▄▄██蠥
███ ▄▄ ‥萀營營蠥耥蠥營錥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥
██▄█‥萀‥■ ‥萀營營營蠥耥耥耥耥營營蠥蠥耥耥‥萀蠥蠥耥蠥
蠥蠥 ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▓▓耥耥耥‥鄀‥萀營營蠥耥耥耥‥萀營營錥錥耥耥‥萀營耥耥鄥
‥萀‥GREETINGS 錥耥‥萀營營蠥耥耥耥耥‥鄀‥萀營錥耥耥耥‥萀營‥耀耥耥‥鄀‥耀‥萀
▄▄█‥萀■ 耥‥萀‥耀‥萀錥營‥蠀蠥營
███ ■‥耀‥萀‥蠀蠥蠥
███ ███
███ To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups! ███
███ ▓██
███ 蠥蠥
███ 營營營‥鄀耥蠥
███ ▄▄‥萀蠥蠥錥鄥‥萀‥■鄥
██████耥蠥營營營營蠥蠥蠥錥耥耥‥萀營營錥耥‥萀營營蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥耥‥萀■ ███
███營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥營營營營錥錥錥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥‥鄀‥萀‥萀‥ ▓██
████████蠥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥‥愀猀挀椀椀 art by the █▄▄ ▄ 營‥鈀蠥蠥
耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥 godlike & terrific duo ▓▓██▄▄▄ ■▄ ‥萀‥鄀蠥蠥
‥耀耥耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥洀愀氀漀攙椀砀 + irokos 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥蠥營營營耥■▄██
營‥耀耥蠥‥耀耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營耥耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥營‥琀椀琀愀渀 artdivision 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營營蠥
‥耀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥 耥耥錥鄥‥耀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
▄█耥‥鄀耥蠥蠥蠥 耥蠥
‥蠀耥‥ [/code]
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