由City Interactive制作的動作游戲《戰斗之翼:WWII大空戰》(Combat Wings: The Great Battle of WWII)現改名為《空中纏斗1942》(Dogfight 1942),發行商的執行監制 Lukasz Hacura 稱《空中纏斗 1942》是家用機上最容易上手的空戰游戲,游戲的控制是令人難以置信的直觀,減少冗長的教學過程,使任何類型的玩家在盡情游戲的同時,仍然可以讓核心玩家享受足夠的挑戰樂趣。
Title: Dogfight 1942
Genre: Action
Developer: City Interactive
Publisher: City Interactive
Release Date: 22 Sep 2012
Languages: English*, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish
*languages with full audio support
About the Game
Piloting a wide range of aircraft, players engage in aerial dogfights and dangerous fighter missions across the major theaters of war during WWII. Featuring realistic aircraft, DOGFIGHT 1942 introduces cutting-edge flight dynamics with unprecedented arcade accessibility. Fly over 40 historically accurate planes, ranging from the fabled P-38 Lightning and Britain’s Spitfire, to the feared Messerschmitt 109 and Japanese Kate.
Key Features
Explosive arcade action alongside advanced physics and painstaking recreation of actual events and aircraft creates an experience that’s easily accessible but hard to master
All aircraft are based on authentic models and all combat missions are representative of actual WWII engagements
Fun, dynamic battles offer a wide variety of action and most importantly targets to destroy – any given battle will combine dogfighting, escort missions and ground assault
Dogfight Mode – Fly against a friend in head-to-head aerial combat, to determine who is the top Ace.
Survival Mode – Fly with your wingman battling countless waves of enemies.
Campaign Co-op Mode – Fly with your wingman through various Co-op campaign missions fighting the Axis Alliance.
System Requirements
OS: Win XP SP3 / Win Vista / Win 7
Processor: Core2Duo 2.2GHz (E4500)
Memory: 1024MB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 2.95 GB
Video Card: GeForce 8600GT 256MB
DirectX: 9.0c
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█ ▓▓██ █
█ █
█ ▄耥蠥‥萀耥耥‥ ▓ ▄耥營‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥營‥ ▄耥‥ ▄營‥ █
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█ 耥耥耥‥耀耥耥‥ 耥‥ ‥ 耥耥‥ 耥耥耥‥耀耥耥
Dogfight 1942 (c) City Interactive
09/2012 :….. RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION …….: Steam
1 :………. DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ……..: Action
▄耥‥ ▄耥營‥萀耥營耥營‥萀耥耥‥ ‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥
耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥‥蠀‥耀錥‥蠀耥耥錥‥蠀‥ ▓ ▓‥萀‥蠀‥蠀‥ ▓ ▓‥ █ ▓ 耥耥蠥‥耀耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥
耥‥ ‥ ‥ ‥耀耥耥耥‥耀‥耀‥ ‥ 耥‥ 耥
Piloting a wide range of aircraft, players engage in aerial dogfights and
dangerous fighter missions across the major theaters of war during WWII.
Featuring realistic aircraft, DOGFIGHT 1942 introduces cutting-edge flight
dynamics with unprecedented arcade accessibility. Fly over 40 historically
accurate planes, ranging from the fabled P-38 Lightning and Britain’s
Spitfire, to the feared Messerschmitt 109 and Japanese Kate.
‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥‥ ▓▄▄ ▄耥營‥錀‥ ▓ ▄耥營‥萀耥耥營‥錀營營‥ ▄耥‥ ▄
耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥‥蠀‥蠀‥ ▓ 耥耥蠥‥蠀‥ ▄ █耥錥‥蠀‥ █ █ ▓ █ ▓ █ ▄ ▓‥萀‥耀耥耥蠥‥耀耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥
‥耀‥ 耥‥ 耥耥‥耀‥ 耥耥‥耀耥耥‥耀‥ 耥‥ 耥耥‥耀耥耥耥‥ 耥
1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy the content from /Crack directory on the DVD to the
directory of the game.
5. Play the game.
6. Support the software developers. If you like this game, BUY IT!
▄耥‥ ▄耥蠥‥萀耥耥營‥錀‥ ▄ ▄耥蠥‥萀耥耥營‥萀耥耥營‥錀營營‥ ▄耥‥ ▄
耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥‥蠀‥耀錥‥蠀耥錥‥ █ ▓ █ ▓ █耥‥ █ ▓ █ ▓ █ ▄ ▓‥萀‥耀耥耥蠥‥耀耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥耥
耥‥ █ 耥‥ 耥‥ ‥ ‥ 耥‥ 耥耥‥耀耥耥耥‥ 耥嬥/code]
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