英文名稱:Spec Ops: The Line
游戲制作:Yager Development
游戲發行:2K Games
《特殊行動:一線生機》的游戲故事從沒落的迪拜展開。這座曾經是世界上最富有的城市由於一連串的沙塵暴災難而逐漸沒落下來。它的超現代建築群有一半都被成噸的黃沙所掩埋。而這些黃沙為戰斗中改變局勢提供了天然的屏障,會為玩家提供意想不到的掩護作用。你會看到可憐的孩子們被迫呆在那些曾經無比輝煌的建築的殘骸中避難的場景。我們的主人公,三角洲部隊上尉Martin Walker將奉命尋找為疏散迪拜平民而失蹤的John Konrad上校。但是, John Konrad上校因為這次災難而精神失常,他殺光了之前派去營救他的三角洲部隊。這次就要靠你,也就是Martin Walker上尉如何完成使命了。游戲的開頭,你會發現一個被倒掛的美國士兵的遺體,旁邊還倒掛這一幅美國國旗。仿佛是游戲中的反派頭目在向你宣戰:“來啊,我要把你也掛在這裡!”
《特殊行動:一線生機(Spec Ops: The Line)》是2K旗下德國游戲開發商Yager Development開發制作的游戲,游戲的背景設定於阿聯酋迪拜。在游戲中,迪拜被嚴重的沙塵暴所掩埋。你會看到可憐的孩子們被迫呆在那些曾經無比輝煌的建築的殘骸中避難的場景。游戲采用虛幻3引擎制作,將給玩家帶來很強的視覺質感。
在《特別行動 一線生機》中,將會以因為環境惡化而嚴重遭到沙塵風暴侵襲的阿拉伯珍珠「迪拜」作為舞台,描述為了救出失蹤的陸軍上校,因此身為三角洲特種部隊之一的玩家將與伙伴們組成搜索隊前往調查,並因此而展開整個故事發展。在游戲中,玩家將化身為部隊領導「Martin Walker」,並與兩名隊友一起前往迪拜展開搜索行動。而在這個已經因為沙塵風暴與暴動而變成一片廢墟的城市裡,雖然之前就已經為了搜索失蹤的陸軍上校而派出陸軍部隊前往調查,但都因為不明的原因而發生叛亂並失去聯絡。
由於《特別行動 一線生機》是一款第三人稱視點的動作射擊游戲,因此游戲中玩家們可以在城市廢墟等遮蔽物後方來進行射擊戰斗,或是潛入設施或是遭到破壞的車子等等的方式繞到對方身後來進行戰斗,在戰術上可說是非常豐富!另外本作將會對應網路連線的協力跟對戰模式,以及網路排行榜等等的功能,還將會加入讓玩家們可以在網路模式自訂自己的紙娃娃分身的設定要素,也讓整個協力對戰樂趣更加倍增許多。
*操作系統:Windows XP SP3
*處理器:Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2等效CPU
*內存:2GB RAM
*硬盤:6 GB可用空間
*顯存:256 MB
*顯卡:NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS/ ATI Radeon HD 2600XT
*操作系統:Windows Vista/7
*處理器:2.4 GHz 4核CPU
*內存:3GB RAM
*硬盤:10 GB可用空間
*顯存:512+ MB
*顯卡:NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/ATI Radeon HD 4850
其他要求和支持:首次安裝需要一次性的互聯網連接以進行Steam驗證;軟件方面的需要:STEAM客戶端、Microsoft Direct X、Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable、Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable。
1). 使用winrar軟件解壓縮分卷的RAR得到游戲的光盤鏡像ISO文件
2). 使用DAEMONTOOLS虛擬光驅軟件或者UltraISO軟件模擬ISO文件到虛擬光驅上
3). 到虛擬光驅上執行SETUP.EXE 安裝游戲
4). 復制虛擬光驅上的SKIDROW目錄裡的所有文件到游戲安裝目錄裡覆蓋
5). 執行 “你的游戲目錄\Binaries\Win32\SpecOpsTheLine.exe” 開始游戲[/b]
[code] 營營
營營‥ ▄■
蠥蠥谥‥ ▄ ‥ ▄ ■■ ▄▄▄▄
▄██‥ ▄▄▄耥‥ ■‥ 蠥蠥蠥錥營
▄▄█耥‥ ▄▄▓耥耥‥萀‥耀‥萀營營耥耥耥營‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥谥
▄▄▓▓耥‥ ▄ ▄▄███‥萀營蠥耥‥萀營錥錥蠥谥‥ ‥ ▄▄███▓
█‥萀營蠥耥‥ █████▌ 蠥蠥谥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營營營營營營營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥耥鄥‥ ▄▄■ ■耥錥營營鄥
錥錥蠥蠥谥‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥耀蠥蠥營‥耀耥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥耥‥萀營營營錥蠥蠥耥‥ ‥ 耥蠥錥
██████▄‥耀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥營‥耀錥錥蠥營鄥‥耀耥耥耥耥耥蠥蠥營營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥錥蠥蠥耥‥ ▄▄▄▄‥ 蠥
蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥營營‥ 耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥耀蠥蠥錥錥蠥蠥耥鄥‥萀營營營營營‥耀耥耥耥營‥ 營營營營營錥蠥蠥蠥耥耥‥ ▄▄██
營蠥耥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營營‥ 耥耥錥錥營‥耀蠥蠥蠥營錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鈥鈥鈥營營‥鄀錥營營營‥耀耥耥蠥錥營‥ ‥ ▄▓▓▄ ▄▄▄▓████▓
蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥耥耥蠥蠥耥錥鄥‥ ▄▄▄▄▄▄‥錀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥錥鈥鈥營耥蠥蠥蠥鄥鄥營營鄥耥耥蠥營‥萀‥耀耥‥萀營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鄥
▓████耥耥‥萀營營營蠥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鄥‥耀鈥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥鈥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥鄥‥耀■ 錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營
██‥萀營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥谥‥退蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鄥‥ 耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥鄥鄥‥ ▓████████████████▌
███▄▄ 錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥耥營營蠥蠥蠥蠥耥營營蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鄥‥鄀耥耥耥耥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥
耥耥耥‥萀營‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥ 錥蠥谥鄥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥‥ ▄▄鄥‥ 蠥蠥蠥錥鈥耥耥營營耥
‥ 錥蠥蠥錥錥營營耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥耥鄥營錥錥蠥蠥蠥營‥鄀耥鄥‥退蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥鄥鄥‥ 耥鄥營蠥蠥錥
錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥營營營‥ 錥蠥蠥蠥‥鄀‥錀耥‥ 耥錥錥蠥蠥營‥ ▄ ████████▓▓████████鄥‥ 蠥蠥蠥谥
蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鄥‥ 蠥蠥‥ ‥ ‥耀蠥錥鄥‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥鄥鄥‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥營
▓█████████████████████▓‥蠀錥‥ ‥ 營‥耀錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥鄥‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
▓██████████████████████▌蠥鄥‥ 蠥錥錥鄥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鈥鄥‥ ▓▓███
蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥營蠥谥‥ 耥蠥蠥‥退蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鈥鈥鄥‥ ‥耀耥
錥耥蠥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥耥錥鄥‥ 蠥谥逥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥鈥鄥耥耥鄥鄥‥ ▄▄▄
營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥鄀‥ ▄營蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥鈥鄥耥耥鄥‥萀營營營鈥鈥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥鄥
蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥鄥鄥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥谥‥錀‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥耥耥營營營鈥錥蠥蠥營‥耀耥耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥谥
蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥‥ 錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥蠥營鄥‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥營鈥錥耥耥耥耥鄥‥ 錥‥ ‥蠀蠥蠥谥
鈥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥谥‥退蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥蠥錥錥營營‥ ▄ ▓‥錀耥耥鄥‥ 耥‥ 蠥鈥鄥
██▄▄ 耥耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥谥‥蠀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營錥耥‥ ▄ ‥ ▓
███████▄ 蠥蠥錥錥鄥逥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鈥營蠥鈥鈥耥‥萀錥‥ ▄ ‥ ‥ █
████████▓逥蠥蠥錥鄥‥錀錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥鈥鈥耥耥耥‥鄀營蠥耥鄥‥ ▓▌ ▓ ‥ 蠥
█ 蠥蠥錥錥耥‥萀蠥蠥耥‥ 錥鈥耥耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥錥鈥鈥鄥鄥營營營蠥蠥蠥鄥‥ ██▌ 谥‥錀鄥‥ ▄██
██▄ ▄ 耥營營營‥耀營‥ ‥耀耥錥錥蠥錥錥錥錥錥鈥鈥鈥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營營營營蠥蠥蠥‥ 谥‥錀錥營營‥ █▄ 蠥蠥
██▌ 營營錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥退蠥蠥營營營營‥鄀鄥‥耀耥耥耥耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥營鄥‥蠀錥鄥‥蠀蠥蠥鈥鈥營營營‥ 錥耥‥ 蠥
███ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥錀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥耥‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥耥耥‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥鈥蠥蠥蠥營‥耀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營營營營營谥‥
██‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥耀營營‥退蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥鄥‥錀谥逥耥耥鈥鄥‥ 耥耥錥錥錥逥營‥蠀錥錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥錥錥鈥鈥鄥
██ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥退錥谥逥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥營谥錥谥耥耥錥耥耥‥ ██▓▄ █▓▄耥鈥鈥蠥蠥蠥錥錥錥錥錥鈥鈥鄥鄥
██▓ 錥錥蠥蠥蠥耥‥萀耥耥‥退蠥谥逥蠥蠥耥蠥錥‥耀鄥‥耀‥ 營谥‥蠀蠥鈥鈥鄥‥鄀‥ 耥耥鈥鈥鄥鄥鄥
▓鄥‥ 營耥耥‥ ▄■‥鄀‥萀蠥耥‥ ‥ ‥ ▄ ▓ █耥
鄥‥ ■▄▄▄███▌ ▄▄▓ ▄▄▓ ▄▄█ 蠥蠥營營‥ ▄▄▓‥萀蠥蠥蠥‥ ▄▄██▓▓▄▄ ▄▄▓‥ ▓營營
‥萀蠥蠥蠥耥蠥‥ █■██‥蠀‥■█‥蠀‥ █鄥蠥‥ ████錥營營鄥‥ ■█‥耀營蠥蠥錥蠥蠥■蠥蠥蠥蠥‥ ▄ 蠥■■蠥蠥蠥‥ █‥萀耥
蠥耥錥鄥‥蠀鄥鄥蠥‥退蠥鄥鄥蠥‥ █鄥蠥‥鄀錥鄥錥蠥‥ ▓███ 蠥蠥錥蠥■▄鄥鄥蠥耥‥蠀鈥蠥營‥ ████ █ 蠥‥ ████ █鄥蠥
營鄥營‥ █▓▓█■蠥鈥鈥蠥‥ █鈥蠥‥ ▄█耥‥ ▄██ ████ █▄蠥‥ █蠥蠥‥ ████ █鈥蠥‥ ████ █▓蠥
營蠥‥ ██耥‥ █▓▓█ 蠥錥錥耥‥ ▄▄ 蠥蠥蠥‥ ████ █▓▓█ 營蠥蠥‥ ████ █錥蠥‥ ████ ██▓█
■▄ ▄▓▄█▓▓█▄耥‥鄀‥ ██蠥‥ 蠥蠥蠥‥ ████ ████ ▄██‥萀‥耀蠥蠥蠥‥ █▓▓█ ████ ████
營營‥ 蠥蠥營‥耀‥蠀鈥鈥蠥‥耀蠥營營‥ █ 蠥‥ ▓███ ██▓█ ██▄耥蠥營營‥耀錥耥‥蠀蠥蠥‥ █鈥蠥‥ ████ ████
████ 蠥蠥蠥谥‥ █鄥蠥‥ ███■▄█鈥蠥‥ ████ █▓蠥‥ █▓▓█ ███▄ █▓██ █鄥蠥‥ ████ ‥蠀蠥蠥蠥
█▓██ ████ ▓ ▓ 蠥蠥蠥‥退蠥鈥錥蠥‥ ██▓█ ▓鄥蠥‥ ▓ ▓ ████ █▓▓█ █ ▓ ██▓█ ‥蠀蠥蠥蠥
█▓▓█ █▓██ ▄ ▄ 蠥蠥蠥‥ █▓█▓‥蠀錥錥蠥‥ 鄥‥蠀‥ ▄ ▄ ██▓營■█錥蠥‥ ▄ ▄ █▓蠥‥錀‥蠀蠥蠥蠥
█鈥蠥‥ █錥蠥■▄█鄥蠥‥ ▓███ ███▓ █▓蠥‥ ‥萀蠥‥ █鄥錥‥ █▓▓█▌ █鈥蠥‥ █鄥蠥‥ █鄥蠥‥蠀‥蠀蠥錥蠥
█鄥蠥‥ █鈥蠥‥退蠥鈥鈥蠥‥ ████ ███‥ █鄥蠥‥ ▄██▓ █鈥蠥‥ █鈥蠥‥ █ 錥‥ █鈥蠥‥ █‥蠀‥蠀‥蠀蠥鈥蠥
■█ █ █ 蠥‥ █▓▓█ ███營■██鄥‥ █‥蠀營錥錥耥耥鄥‥ █▓▓█ █鄥蠥‥ ‥萀營‥ █▓▄█▄■營營蠥營蠥營‥耀鄥蠥
▓耥耥■▄█▄ █ ████ ████▌ ███▄ █▄▓耥‥鄀‥ ██耥‥ █ ▄█■耥耥錥錥營營蠥耥耥‥萀‥蠀錥耥耥‥萀‥耀耥營錥營
‥萀蠥營營‥耀耥耥■■耥‥萀營營‥ 耥耥‥ 耥■■‥ ‥萀營‥ █‥ ▄█▓▄ ▄▄▓‥耀‥萀營‥ ▄▓▄耥
████████▄▄▄▄ ████▓鈥蠥蠥營‥ 錥營錥耥‥ 錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥谥‥萀蠥蠥蠥耥營蠥蠥蠥錥‥ ▄▓▓█████
█████████████▌蠥蠥營錥耥耥營耥錥錥營‥ 營耥鄥‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥
蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥耥耥耥錥錥‥錀蠥蠥蠥蠥營營‥ 耥錥錥營營‥ ▄▄▓▓‥錀營‥ █████蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鈥
蠥蠥蠥蠥耥‥萀營蠥蠥蠥營營‥ 錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營營‥鄀鄥耥耥耥耥耥耥鈥鈥‥鄀鄥營錥耥‥ ██████▌ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥鄥
▓███▌ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營鄥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營營營營營營營錥錥耥耥鄥‥ █████▓‥萀蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
█████▄▓█████蠥蠥蠥蠥錥營‥耀錥錥錥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥耥蠥耥耥耥鄥‥萀營■ ▄██▓▓耥鄥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥
█████████耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥鄀鄥耥耥蠥錥鈥營營營營蠥錥錥錥耥耥‥ ▄▄██耥‥萀營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥谥
███耥耥‥萀營錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥營營營‥ 鄥‥耀耥耥‥ ‥ ▄▄█耥蠥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥耥蠥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營
營營營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥‥萀蠥錥耥耥‥萀‥耀耥‥萀營‥ ■ ‥ ▄▄█▓▓耥耥耥‥ ▄▄████████████▄蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營
▓█████▓▓耥耥‥ ▓‥鄀營耥‥萀營蠥錥耥‥ ▄█耥‥ ‥ ▄█耥耥‥ 耥耥錥錥蠥營‥耀耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
████耥鄥‥ ‥ ▄ 蠥蠥蠥谥‥ ‥ ▄ ‥耀蠥‥ 耥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
██‥ 錥錥蠥營‥ ‥ 蠥蠥
蠥營‥ ‥ ▄■營
‥ S K I D R O W ▄■‥ ▄
鄥鄥‥ ▄ .the leading force. 谥‥ 錥耥
鈥鈥‥ 谥‥ 營‥ ▄ ▄
▓▓▓ ▄‥ proudly presents ■▄錥營
██營■ Spec Ops: The Line (c) 2K Games 蠥蠥蠥
███▌ ███
███‥ ███
███ 27-06-2012….Release Date <-> Protection………….Steam + CEG ▓██
███ TFS…………..Game Type <-> Disk(s)………………….1 DVD 蠥蠥
███ 耥蠥
██營‥ ▄▓
蠥蠥谥‥ ▄ ■鄥
▄▄‥ 蠥蠥營
███ ███
███ Spec Ops: The Line is a new original title from 2K Games that features ███
███ provocative and gripping Third-Person modern military Shooter gameplay ███
███ designed to challenge players' morality by putting them in the middle ███
███ of unspeakable situations where unimaginable choices affecting human ███
███ life must be made. Features include, a gripping, storyline reminiscent ███
███ of Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness but set in a ruined Dubai, ███
███ tactical squad-based Delta Force gameplay throughout a horizontally ███
███ and vertically oriented world, devastating sandstorms which can be ███
███ used in combat, a variety of multiplayer modes and maps, and deep ███
███ support featuring two factions. ███
███ ███
███ It's been 6 months since Dubai was wiped off the map by a cataclysmic ███
███ sandstorm. Thousands of lives were lost, including those of American ███
███ soldiers sent to evacuate the city. Today, the city lies buried under ███
███ sand, the world猀 most opulent ruin. Now, a mysterious radio signal ███
███ is picked-up from Dubai, and a Delta Recon Team is sent to infiltrate ███
███ the city. Their mission is simple: Locate survivors and radio for ███
███ Evac. What they find is a city in the grip of war. To save Dubai, ███
███ they氀氀 have to find the man at the heart of its madnessùCol. John ███
███ Konrad. ███
███ ███
███ Spec Ops: The Line is an action-packed Third-Person Shooter that ███
███ delivers heart pounding physically close combat through a squad-based ███
███ play mechanic. Players lead a team of three characters, Captain ███
███ Martin Walker, Lieutenant Adams and Sergeant Lugo. Each character has ███
███ his own distinct personality and specialized skills, and the mature ███
███ story they each play a role in explores the dark side of war in a ███
███ realistic way, in which there are no good outcomes, only hard ███
███ choices. As missions are completed more advanced weapons and ███
███ equipment are made available. In addition, the desert environment of ███
███ Dubai is brought into the game in a unique way with stunning visuals, ███
███ and dynamic sandstorms that actively effect level designs, and which ███
███ can be used to help and hinder progress. The vertical interiors of ███
███ Dubai high rise buildings also provide tactical advantages and risks ███
███ that can used be by players. Multiplayer campaigns bring new modes ███
███ and unusual situations and environments to expand the single player ███
███ experience. ███
███ ███
███ Features: ███
███ ███
███ ███
███ A new portrayal of the military shooter experience with twisting ███
███ narrative uncertainties. ███
███ ███
███ Action packed 3rd Person Shooter gameplay provides an up-close and ███
███ personal view into the brutality and emotion within the combat. ███
███ ███
███ Command an intelligent and powerful squad of Delta-Force soldiers in a ███
███ dangerous and unpredictable combat zone. ███
███ ███
███ Cross "The Line" in a mature story that explores the dark side of war, ███
███ where there are no bright outcomes, only bad or worse choices. ███
███ ███
███ Unique Dubai setting strikes the imagination and transports players to ███
███ a larger-than-life playground for vertical gameplay and stunning ███
███ visuals. ███
███ ███
███ Sand-filled Dubai provides new gameplay experiences including sand ███
███ avalanches, and powerful, disorienting sandstorm combat. ███
███ ███
███ Customisable, Class-Based, Blazing Multiplayer ███
███ ███
███ ███
███ ███
███ ▄▄▄██蠥
███ ▄▄ ‥ ▄▄▄█蠥營錥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥
██▄█‥萀‥■ ‥ ▄▄▄▄█耥耥耥營營蠥蠥耥耥‥萀蠥蠥耥蠥
██營耥‥ ▄▄▄▄█耥耥耥‥ ▄▄▄▓▓耥耥‥萀營蠥耥‥萀蠥錥耥
蠥蠥谥‥ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▓▓耥耥耥‥鄀‥ ▄▄▄█耥耥‥ ▄▄▄▓▓耥‥萀營耥耥鄥
‥萀‥INSTALL NOTES 錥耥‥ ▄▄▄█耥耥耥‥ ‥ ▄▄▓耥耥‥ ▄▄ 耥耥‥ ‥耀‥ ▄
▄▄█‥ ▄■ 耥‥ ▄ ‥ ▄▓▄ ██▄
███▌ ■‥ ‥萀‥ ███
███ ███
███ 1. Unpack the release ███
███ 2. Mount or burn image ███
███ 3. Install ███
███ 4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation ███
███ 5. Play the game ███
███ 6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy! ███
███ ███
███ ▄▄▄██蠥
███ ▄▄ ‥ ▄▄▄█蠥營錥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥
██▄█‥萀‥■ ‥ ▄▄▄▄█耥耥耥營營蠥蠥耥耥‥萀蠥蠥耥蠥
██營耥‥ ▄▄▄▄█耥耥耥‥ ▄▄▄▓▓耥耥‥萀營蠥耥‥萀蠥錥耥
蠥蠥谥‥ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▓▓耥耥耥‥鄀‥ ▄▄▄█耥耥‥ ▄▄▄▓▓耥‥萀營耥耥鄥
‥萀‥ADDITIONAL NOTES 錥耥‥ ▄▄▄█耥耥耥‥ ‥ ▄▄▓耥耥‥ ▄▄ 耥耥‥ ‥耀‥ ▄
▄▄█‥ ▄■ 耥‥ ▄ ‥ ▄▓▄ ██▄
███▌ ■‥ ‥萀‥ ███
███ ███
███ Use Launcher.exe, included with the cracked content, for setting the ███
███ language of your choice. ███
███ ███
███ ███
███ ▄▄▄██蠥
███ ▄▄ ‥ ▄▄▄█蠥營錥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥
██▄█‥萀‥■ ‥ ▄▄▄▄█耥耥耥營營蠥蠥耥耥‥萀蠥蠥耥蠥
██營耥‥ ▄▄▄▄█耥耥耥‥ ▄▄▄▓▓耥耥‥萀營蠥耥‥萀蠥錥耥
蠥蠥谥‥ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▓▓耥耥耥‥鄀‥ ▄▄▄█耥耥‥ ▄▄▄▓▓耥‥萀營耥耥鄥
‥萀‥GREETINGS 錥耥‥ ▄▄▄█耥耥耥‥ ‥ ▄▄▓耥耥‥ ▄▄ 耥耥‥ ‥耀‥ ▄
▄▄█‥ ▄■ 耥‥ ▄ ‥ ▄▓▄ ██▄
███▌ ■‥ ‥萀‥ ███
███ ███
███ To all friends of the family and honorable rival groups! ███
███ ▓██
███ 蠥蠥
███ 營營營‥ 耥蠥
██營‥ 蠥蠥錥鄥‥ ▄▓
███▌ ▄▄‥ ▄██▓‥ ▄ ■鄥
████營營營營蠥錥錥耥耥‥ ▄▄▄‥ ▄ ▄▄▄███耥‥ ██
██████耥蠥營營營營蠥蠥蠥錥耥耥‥ ▄▄▄▓‥萀營營蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥耥‥ ▄■ ███
███營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥營營營營錥錥錥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥耥‥ ‥ ▄ ▄ 谥‥ ▓██
████████蠥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥耥‥ ascii art by the █▄▄ ▄ 營‥ 蠥蠥
耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥谥逥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥谥逥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥谥‥ godlike & terrific duo ▓▓██▄▄▄ ■▄ ‥萀‥ 蠥蠥
‥ 耥耥營蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營‥ malodix + irokos 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥耥蠥營營營耥■▄██
營‥耀耥蠥‥ 耥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營耥耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥營‥ titan artdivision 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥錥錥營營蠥
‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥谥‥ 耥耥錥鄥‥ 蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥營蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥蠥
蠥錥錥耥‥ ‥ 耥錥錥蠥蠥蠥營耥蠥蠥蠥蠥
▄█耥‥ 耥蠥蠥蠥谥‥耀耥蠥
‥ 蠥耥
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