英文名稱:Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
制作廠商:Ubisoft Paris
游戲容量:Blu-ray Disc×1
距離初代作品推出已屆滿 10 週年,Ubisoft 於今日宣布知名軍事射擊游戲品牌《火線獵殺》系列最新一代、湯姆克蘭西之《火線獵殺:未來戰士》已經全面完成佈署。接續《火線獵殺:先進戰士 2》的墨西哥事件,這回時空背景將挺進未來、藉由無與倫比的作戰技巧及先進的軍事科技展開戰斗,當你以寡敵眾時...不擇手段才是求生之道!
隨著能源枯竭,俄羅斯由激進且自視甚高的民族主義團體 Raven's Rock Druzhina 所掌權,但他們的主要目標不是統治世界,而是讓俄羅斯回復到應有的繁榮和強大;他們不希望引起第三次世界大戰、卻企盼不計任何代價得到他們自認應有的,暗中資助煽動引發難以想像的戰爭,不惜讓俄羅斯陷入戰火之中。
從一組新的魅影小隊角度出發,快速佈署介入處理各式危機、並堅守到最後關頭。玩家扮演隊上新人 John Kozak,這群特戰菁英將深入敵後執行其他人無法完成的任務,他們迅速出擊、然後再無聲無息地消失在這些充滿叛亂與戰爭的一級戰區。
◆ 美軍魅影小隊 vs. 俄羅斯人狼軍團
Raven’s Rock 集合了俄羅斯各領域中最有權有勢的人,包括石油大亨、軍官和黑道老大,利用他們的權勢和影響力來支持一個祕密的「影子戰爭」,計畫讓俄羅斯勢力進入盛產石油的區域、破壞並占領他們獲得利益。雖然他們的努力都專注在俄羅斯,但影響力卻不只限於國內,這也不可避免地讓他們與「魅影」產生衝突,彼此擦槍走火。
對此,負責游戲研發的 Red Storm 工作室編劇 Richard Dansky 及敘事設計師 Jay Posey 表示:「我們瞭解這很容易讓人覺得:『喔,我們又要打俄國人,老套了老套了』,不過如果你玩遍了整個劇情戰役後、我想你會感到驚訝,有關你為何而戰、你起身對抗的人是誰、在哪裡、還有誰可能會是你在這場斗爭中的盟友,我們真的在盡力嘗試不要成為另一個『美國又再一次拯救世界』的故事,這不是『魅影』應該有的樣子」。
◆ 重金打造真人前傳電影造勢宣傳
一週前 Ubisoft 所公開的真人前傳電影【Ghost Recon Alpha】獲得玩家熱烈好評,現已透過 Xbox LIVE 及 PSN 開放下載;中文字幕版與全球同步在 Ubisoft SEA 官方 Youtube 頻道首播後、也已突破 5 萬次觀看次數。同樣具備光學迷彩、實力與科技都和魅影不相上下,電影短片中首次登場的俄羅斯精銳單位新陣營稱為「人狼軍團」(Bodark),這些成員來自俄軍特種部隊的菁英,並裝備了俄羅斯最先進的軍事科技和武器。
在全新導入的掩體系統中,藉由掩體間快速跑位機制,玩家得以在火線內快速穿梭,藉由隊友壓制火力的協助、從側翼進行突擊。透過與專業的軍事顧問及退役海豹部隊成員合作,游戲擷取了真實特戰人員超過 2,500 種細膩的人物動作實際運用在游戲之中,不論是翻滾、掩護、滑行、攀爬,都將帶來流暢的動作效果。
◆ 戰役合作、游擊戰、線上對戰:全方位的戰斗體驗
系列作玩家所熟悉的人物、《火線獵殺 2》的系列作主角史考特.米歇爾(Scott Mitchell)也將再次現身,不過這回他已經從上尉晉升為少校、不再需要趕赴前線出生入死,他將擔任本作中來自總部的關鍵簡報和情資來源、並且也是「魅影」部隊的領導者。他是魅影小隊的傳奇、並將藉由過去所累積的知識及經驗,引導傳承給由隊長 Ferguson 及 Pepper、30K、Kozak 所組成的全新魅影小隊。
強調團隊合作、支援 6 對 6 的 12 人連線對戰,情報分享的《火線獵殺:未來戰士》多人連線,帶來 4 種模式、3 種職業及 10 張地圖。游戲中更內建戰隊功能,玩家可與好友籌組「魅影小隊」,建立隊名參與全球排行、任命隊內成員軍階,並在小隊大廳內可與隊上成員透過語音交談;藉由游戲的團體配對機制,戰隊還能直接挑戰其它隊伍、展現真正的團隊作戰行動。
單人戰役橫跨全球 8 個地區、並帶來 12 個戰役關卡,戰役全程支援 4 人合作,玩家將可組織自己的魅影小隊執行任務;而持久戰玩法的「游擊戰」模式,則提供了 4 人線上合作、或 2 人本機畫面分割的不同玩法。在突入區域並且成功占領後,必須以一擋百、抵御一波波持續來犯的攻擊,隨著防守將陸續解開更多武器、補給及技能,挑戰 50 波的猛烈攻勢。
Ubisoft 旗下研發工作室聯手打造、包含了最初由湯姆克蘭西所創立的 Red Storm,與 Ubisoft 巴黎、布加勒斯特工作室共同開發,Xbox 360 及 PS3 版現已上市;PC 版預計將於暑期推出。
[code] S K I D R O W
.the leading force.
proudly presents
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (c) Ubisoft
21-06-2012....Release Date - Protection.............Ubisoft DRM
TFS..............Game Type - Disk(s).....................BluRay
There is nothing fair, honorable, or just about combat. There is only
winning and losingthe dead and the living. The Ghosts don't worry
about even odds. They do everything in their power to overwhelm and
obliterate the enemy. Future technology is the key to winning an
asymmetric battle.
In Ghost Recon Future Soldier join an elite team of highly trained,
cut-throat special-ops soldiers. Armed to the teeth with unrivalled
combat technology and cutting-edge military hardware, Ghost Recon takes
you to the globe's most deadly warzones to hunt down the highest value
When you're outnumberedOnly the dead fight fair.
In Ghost Recon Future Soldier you will be equipped with the most
advanced combat technology designed to overwhelm and obliterate the
Cross Com:
Stay one step ahead of the enemy: Cross Com gives you real time intel
projected directly on your goggles. The HUD allows you to control
drones on the fly, as well as locate key enemy targets.
Optical Camouflage:
Be invisible: Use optical camouflage to move undetected through hot
spots and gain the upper hand on your enemies.
Sync Shot:
Tag 'em and bag 'em: Use the tagging feature on the ground or by drone
to coordinate synchronized attacks on enemy targets.
Cover Swap:
Stay out of enemy sight: Exploit unique cover system and swap through
dynamic covers to surprise, flank and eliminate the enemies.
Hand-to-Hand Combat:
Become the ultimate quiet professional: hand-to-hand combat will give
you brutal close-combat moves.
Over the Shoulder
Relish in over 2500 animations: Your Ghost Recon character will roll,
cover, slide, climb and disappear to stalk and take down your prey.
Single-Player Campaign:
An all-new, epic Ghost Recon experience
12 missions
8 spectacular locales - Fight across diverse terrains from the dust of
Africa, the suburbs of Moscow, to the icy territory of the Arctic
Co-op Campaign:
Team up with friends to take down the enemy
Play through the 12 campaign missions cooperatively online with up to 3
Perform highly coordinated takedowns and devastating large-scale
strikes utilizing multiple viewpoints. Your 5th man UAV drone can
draw fire and target enemies.
Lock onto enemy positions from the air or from the ground. Deploy sonic
blasts to incapacitate your targets.
Unleash the firepower of mounted weapons systems from jeeps to
helicopters, and eliminate enemies with your shooting skill.
Guerrilla Mode:
Dominate hundreds in this brand-new combat mode
You and your fellow Ghosts will face waves of enemies and utilize
real-life techniques inspired by U.S. Army counter-insurgency experts.
Enter, capture and secure a designated area, then prepare for up to 50
waves of enemies with increasing difficulty.
Compete against friends in online leaderboards.
Play with up to 3 friends online, or play on the same console and TV
with two-players split screen mode.
Multiplayer Mode:
Up to 12 players in 6Vs6 matches for a fast-paced, intense online
Select from 3 classes (Rifleman, Engineer and Scout) and unlock new
gear to battle online across 10 maps.
Gain experience and levels, make decisive choices to customize and
develop your character.
Gather Intel on your enemies positions and share it with your
Use the new suppression system to pin your enemies down while your
teammates flank them.
4 game modes focused on objectives and cooperation, including new
exclusives and GR's classic Siege.
Created by Red Storm, the studio behind the critically acclaimed Ghost
Recon Advanced Warfighter multiplayer modes.
Gunsmith Mode:
With over 20MM weapons at your disposal youll have the perfect weapon
for any combat situation
Customize your weapon in the Gunsmith mode to gain the unfair advantage
on your enemies.
Choose from dozens of attachments and components.
Replace triggers, barrels, stocks and much more to trick out your
weapon and make it your own.
Test your weapon in the firing range before taking it into battle for
ultimate accuracy and performance.
Compatible with Single-Player, Multi-Player and Co-Op.
1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn images
3. Install
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
5. Start game and you will be presented with the Ubisoft login screen
6. Username is of course SKIDROW, leave it like that
7. Type anything as password and put a mark in "remember me"
8. Hit the Play button
9. Play the game
0. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy
Ripped: Nothing
Language: English
Cracker: SKIDROW
Ripper & Packer: RAS
0. Make sure your operation system is Windows 7 SP1. For Windows XP users, please waiting for UBI's XP patch.
1. Unrar.
2. Run setup.bat to install.
3. Start game through desktop shortcut.[/code]
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