《勇敢傳說》的故事設定在公元10世紀神秘的蘇格蘭高地,故事圍繞一位魯莽的公主梅麗達(Merida)展開,作為國王弗格斯(Fergus)與王後埃莉諾(Elinor)的女兒,梅麗達有著娴熟的弓箭技能;為了讓人生留下獨特的印記,沖動的她公然挑戰三位不安分勳爵之間古老而神聖的習俗,不曾想這一舉動竟導致國家陷入混亂與動蕩之中,在求助巫婆“女智者”(Wise Woman)無果後,為了拯救家園、讓生活重歸美好,受到詛咒的梅麗達將書寫屬於自己的“勇敢傳說”,激發出真正的勇敢雄心。
長久以來,那些偉大的戰爭故事和魔幻的傳說一直被人們口口相傳,一代又一代,生生不息在這片延綿又神秘的蘇格蘭高地上。迪士尼皮克斯的又一誠意之作,勇敢的梅莉達抗爭傳統束縛,追求自由從而改變自己命運的瑰麗故事橫空出世。梅莉達是佛格國王與艾莉諾皇後的長女,她是一名出色的弓箭手, 也有任性不羁,《勇敢傳說》講述的就是她的冒險故事。
[code]Brave: The Video Game is a Third-Person Action-Adventure game that is a companion release to the Disney/Pixar 2012 major animated release of the same name. Brave is Pixar’s first fairy tale release and features the adventures of Princess Merida, the studio’s first female lead character in a movie. The game features: a family-friendly storyline, bow and arrow as well as a sword combat, agile in-game movement, puzzle play, characters from the movie as well as others unique to the game, co-op play and the ability to play as a bear, and optional support for the Kinect sensor for Xbox 360.
Inspired by "Brave", the upcoming Disney/Pixar animated fantasy adventure movie, Brave: The Video Game invites players to run, jump and battle their way through the rugged landscape of mythical and mysterious Scotland. By using their wits and bravery, gamers will also be able to wield a sword and bow and arrow to defeat fierce enemies, break a magical curse and save a kingdom.
Play as Merida, Pixar’s first female hero and an expert archer, or in the console versions players can also play as other entertaining characters from the film. In addition, they will be able to go on quests through a magical world and solve puzzles to uncover secrets. Gameplay features include an exciting single-player campaign, co-op for family and friends and a special Bear mode, in which players are able to play as a bear. The Xbox 360 version also contains optional support for the Kinect Sensor for Xbox 360.
- Third-person action-adventure in which player uncover secrets and break a magical curse
- Battle fierce enemies with your sword, bow and arrow
- Jump, dodge and climb through rugged environments
- Hear the voice of Merida as you play the game
- Discover new characters and costumes inspired by the film
- Varied ways to play including an exciting single player campaign, and co-op or ‘Bear’ mode
- Compete with archery mini-games using the Kinect Sensor for Xbox 360[/code]
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