十年前,由CAPCOM在Xbox上開發的機甲模擬作戰游戲Steel Battlion《鐵騎》,操縱名為「直立式坦克」(Vertical Tank,簡稱VT)的二足步行機甲,給予玩家全新的方式去探索戰場上的一切,並操控厚重的鋼鐵機甲將敵方殲滅。《鐵騎》強調操縱的真實性與機甲的厚重感,因此本作還推出專用控制器。不僅游戲核心訴求寫實,硬派的控制器也有別於其它擬真游戲,在當年可是蔚為佳話。
十年後,From Software團隊再度推出續作Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor《重鐵騎》。繼上一代的專屬控制器玩法,新作《重鐵騎》首創結合Kinect體感技術與手把的獨特方式來操縱VT。在戰場上不用再像前作一般手忙腳亂,這一代在手把的部份只會用到移動、瞄准、開火這三個動作而已。其它像是使用潛望鏡、換檔加速、轉換艙內視角、查看攝影機…等,甚至是「自爆程序」都要依靠Kinect才能達成。
《重鐵騎》故事背景以公元2020年為開端,當時出現了名為「半導體霉菌」(Silicon Mold)的微生物,迅速感染全球各地將計算機電子等數字設施完全化為廢鐵。回到游戲時間2082年,不僅沒有能穿梭宇宙的技術,科技文明甚至嚴重倒退。在這科技簡陋的年代,唯有一種武器能夠決定戰場上的勝負,那就是「直立式坦克」VT。玩家將扮演VT的駕駛員Powers中士,帶領小隊員在戰場上拿下勝利。
[code]Taking full advantage of Kinect for Xbox 360, Steel Battalion Heavy Armor is an Xbox 360 exclusive frst person action game that promises to deliver a uniquely immersive experience and an evolution in warfare gaming. Set in 2082, Steel Battalion Heavy Armor depicts a world devoid of semiconductors, where war is waged with rudimentary weapons as new superpowers struggle for dominance. In a twist of fate, the U.S. army has been forced to begin major landing operations on what was once its own soil. In this low-tech era, there is one weapon class that will determine the course of the war – the Vertical Tank (VT). Playing as pilot Lt. Powers players control one such VT as he embarks on a mission that will see the action shift from North America to battlefields and war-torn streets across the globe.
- Warfare evolved – Steel Battalion Heavy Armor provides a combination of frst person shooter (FPS) controller gameplay with immersive gameplay elements that only Kinect can provide.
- Take to the battlefeld – Instil fear in the enemy as the pilot of a Vertical Tank (VT), but feel fear of death as you and your crew become the focus of the enemy’s attacks.
- Brothers in arms – Utilise Kinect to engage with fellow VT crew members as you share the emotional highs and lows of the battlefield.
- Unique universe – Steel Battalion Heavy Armor is set in a world where the balance of power has been dramatically changed following a technology meltdown and once mighty nations are now reliant on human skill and courage to regain justice and freedom.
- Innovation – As with the original Steel Battalion, Steel Battalion Heavy Armor, once more demonstrates Capcom’s commitment to take advantage of current technologies and push development boundaries to deliver unique and compelling gaming experiences.
- Online Cooperative multiplayer – Team up with up to four players on many different battlefields and work together to destroy the enemy and get the best score possible[/code]
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