1 Unpack it.
2 Mount with D-Tools 4 and install.
3 Use CD2 to play.
Five step alcohol to blindwrite conversion so MiRROR does not need
to bother releasing yet another useless proper:
1 Mount the alcohol clone in daemon tools or alcohol.
2 Start BlindWrite 4.5.7 or any newer version and make an image with
nibble mode and enable subchannel reading.
3 When ask to read topology data select YES.
4 Open the Alcohol mds file with dpmv.exe and convert the mds file
to a bwa file.
5 Burn the clone with BlindWrite.
苘? 哕?
捋? 捋? 苘?
咣? 苒? 捋?
咣苘? 圮 苘苘 圮 苒? 苘? 苘苘 咣苘苘?
苒? 咣?圹 苒? 咣? 圹圮 圹 捋? 苒? 咣? 苘 哌圮
圹? ?圹 圹? 圹?圹圻圮 圹苘苘圹? 圹? 哌圹? 圹
郯? 圹 郯? 鄄?郯? 咣圹 鄄? 咣?郯? 郯? 圹
郾? 圹 郾? 郾?郾? 圹 郾? 鄄 郾? 郾? 圹
鄄? 圹 鄄? 郯?鄄? 圹 郯圻哌哌咣槽 鄄? 圹
苒咣? 苘圹苒圹 圹圮圹? 圹 圹? 圹? ?圹? 圹
捋?咣? 苒?圹?咣? 苒? 圹? 圻 咣? 咣? 苒?圹? 圹
咣? 哌哌 咣?哌哌 圻 咣? 哌哌 哌哌?圹
捋 捋? 捋? 捋?
苘苘苘苘 ? 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘 ? 苘苘苘苘苘苘苘? ?
?Enter the Clone g0ds' world..
? Release Info: ?
苘苒苘苘 懿?苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苒??
? ?
? GAME NAME: Rugby League 2
? COMPANY: Sidhe Interactive / Tru Blu Entertainment
? RELEASE DATE: December 2005
? PROTECTION: Securom 7
? CD COUNT: 2 CD's
? SUPPLIER: Team CloneCD
? ?
? ?
哌哌哌哌哌哌哌? 哌哌哌哌 ? 哌咣哌?
? Notes: ?
? Developed by Sidhe Interactive and published by Tru Blu
? Entertainment, Rugby League 2 is the much anticipated sequel to
? 2003's record breaking NRL Rugby League. Featuring lifelike player
? graphics, highly realistic gameplay and a brand new 'Franchise'
? management mode, Rugby League 2 is sure to be the favourite this
? gaming season!
? - Over 40 licensed teams featuring NRL, Super League, State of
? Origin, City/Country & International test teams
? - Head to head multiplayer online play
? - New multi-year franchise mode
? - Video Referee Decisions
? - New gameplay features: Ball stripping, Contesting the high ball,
? Pass to playmaker & Diving
? - 40+ accurately modelled stadia
? - Motion captured lifelike animations
? - Team & player statistics
? - Over 500 individually modelled players
? - Edit players, Teams & Competitions - or create your own
? - Variable injuries, send offs and judiciary
? - All commentary by Andrew Voss
? ?
? ?
? 哌哌哌哌哌哌? 哌哌哌哌 ? 哌咣哌?
? Install Instructions: ?
? 1 Unpack it.
? 2 Mount with D-Tools 4 and install.
? 3 Use CD2 to play.
? Five step alcohol to blindwrite conversion so MiRROR does not need
? to bother releasing yet another useless proper:
? 1 Mount the alcohol clone in daemon tools or alcohol.
? 2 Start BlindWrite 4.5.7 or any newer
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