中文名稱: 暮蟬悲鳴時
英文名稱: Higurashi When They Cry
游戲類型: AVG 冒險游戲
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行時間: 2010年10月17日
制作發行: 07th Expansion
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
All Ages
OS: Windows XP(32bit), Windows Vista(32bit)
Text Lang.: English
NOTE: This game includes chapters 1-4
《暮蟬悲鳴時》(日語:ひぐらしのなく頃に)是日本同人社團07th Expansion所制作的同人游戲以及依此改編的廣播劇、漫畫、電視動畫及電影。日文標題名稱「ひぐらしのなく頃に」中的「な」使用紅色標記,中文則是「暮蟬悲鳴時」的「鳴」。
本作原先是以同人游戲在日本Comic Market販售,在2004年5月時在官方網站公開體驗版後,由於以「結合日式恐怖要素的獵奇殺人」、「導入本格派的推理要素」等過去在同人游戲界不甚被注意的題材為號召,且因故事謎題豐富、劇本完整等因素,作品的知名度因而一路水漲船高。原作的累計銷售量已超過5萬套[來源請求],成為繼「月姬」以來又一以原創同人作品之名掀起熱潮之作。
挾此人氣之勢,本作亦朝廣播劇、漫畫、動畫等多方面跨平台發展。動畫於2006年4月起在電視上映。本作亦為首部宣布移植至家用游戲機(PlayStation 2)的同人游戲(但目前已有花帰葬、MELTY BLOOD Act Cadenza兩部作品早本作一步完成移植)。
本作劇本與角色設定由07th Expansion之代表龍騎士07(竜騎士07,りゅうきしぜろなな)所擔任,並使用NScripter作為游戲引擎。
* 已完成篇章的章節跳躍模式(シナリオジャンプモード):可讓玩家自行選擇欲回顧的故事位置
* 提示一覽(TIPS閲覧室):可讓玩家回顧故事中出現過的所有提示
* 音樂室(音楽室):收錄作品中配樂的相關資訊
* 小游戲(ミニゲーム)(僅出題篇):附贈的小游戲
* 慶功宴(お疲れさま會)(僅出題篇):故事主要人物齊聚一堂,共同對該篇章的內容進行詼諧的推理
* 工作室(スタッフルーム):07th Expansion成員們的感謝詞
* 新篇章鎖定解除(新しいシナリオ):玩家可選擇下一篇章以繼續進行游戲
(以下轉自mangagamer)Story/Detail* Welcome to the world of Higurashi When They Cry.
Welcome to the village of Hinamizawa, the 58th year of Shouwa, June.
You will enjoy your stay in this village through the eyes of the protagonist of the story.
Maebara Keiichi has only just moved to Hinamizawa.
The village is recovering from its battle against the dam's construction,
and now its number of residents is increasing as it welcomes newcomers.
As a newcomer, Keiichi has no friends in this town, and so he feels lonely.
But his classmates won't just let him hang.
Soon, Keiichi finds himself enjoying a cheerful existence in their company.
* Higurashi When They Cry is a sound novel.
The format of this product is a sound novel.
The music, backgrounds and characters work together to create a world that is the stage of a novel for the user to read.
They laugh and cry and get angry. The user takes the point of view of the protagonist to experience the story.
An important point to note here is the absence of what is commonly called choices and forks.
This means that you are freed from the tedious saving and loading, the searching for events and routes, and can instead enjoy the story from the beginning to the end.
Nevertheless, this is a game, not a novel.
As the player, you will be able to unravel the mystery surrounding the events in the game as the scenarios unfold.
You can ponder on the nature of the mystery by yourself when you're on the train, you can discuss it with your friends, you can search for clues on the Internet or you can even file complaints on the circle's website. The choice is yours.
This is Higurashi When They Cry, a serial murder themed sound novel that doesn't offer you any choices, but does offer you the opportunity to search for the truth yourself.
Will you fear? Will you become engrossed? Will you face the challenge? Only you can decide how to enjoy the story.
Upon developing the English version of Higurashi When They Cry",
the following elements could not be implemented from the Japanese version.
This is primarily due to complications in the
copyright because of the nature of the original work.
Please understand it was a necessary measure for the release.
- Replacement of BGM in some scenes
- Removal of the Music Room
- Removal of the Mini Game
- Removal of the Staff RoomRequired/Recommended SpecificationRequired CPU: Pentium III 800MHz
Recommended CPU: Pentium 4 1.4GHz
Required Memory: 256MB
Recommended Memory: 384MB
Required Resolution: 640x480
Required Colors: 16bit colors
Recommended Colors: 24bit colors
Required Graphics: 4MB VRAM
Recommended Graphics: 32MB VRAM
Required HDD Free Space: 400MB
DirectX: DirectX 8.1, Direct3D
Keiichi MaebaraThe protagonist of this story.
He is temperamental and hot blooded, but at the same time he's also indecisive. He gets shy around girls easily... He is the sort of character you would find in the lead role of a love story.
As a matter of course, he's not very honest about himself. And of course, he's also quite popular with the girls.
Unfortunately this isn't a love story, so his personality won't do him much good. Quite the opposite, in fact...
Rena RyuguRena is the main heroine of this story. She's a classmate of Keiichi's.
She is quite interested in his everyday life, possibly because of an inherent urge to look after people.
She comes with the standard-issue honesty, earnesty and blushes that you find in many heroines.
However, her only reward for taking care of Keiichi is an incessant series of pranks. It really is unfortunate for her.
She likes anything and everything she considers adorable, and this is also a very typical trait in a heroine.
But that is also her greatest weakness...
Mion SonozakiMion is one grade higher than Keiichi. She is the class representative.
She is the active class representative type, which is the second most common type.
She is a leader, someone who makes friends with everyone, regardless of gender or age.
Because of her high-strung, easy-going, hyperactive personality, those around her never have to be bored. She is about the best kind of friend anyone could wish for.
Her personality is somewhat marred by a tendency to sound like an old man, but that's something to be forgiven.
Mion likes games of all kinds, be they card games, board games or video games. Because of who she is, her games tend to be high-tension. It's to be expected.
She plays with her friends in the context of club activity.
Satoko HoujouA girl one grade lower than Keiichi.
She is usually very polite, but because she is still young she sometimes has difficulty with grammar.
However, behind her innocent exterior lies a personality that loves setting traps for other people. You could call her a trickster. She tries her utmost to snare Keiichi, but she has only limited success.
Although the result of failure is easily imaginable, Satoko doesn't like to lose, and she doesn't learn from experience. That is why she keeps confronting him, with all due consequences.
Even when she realizes her skills are insufficient, her smile never wavers.
Rika FurudeRika is a grade lower than Keiichi, and thus is a classmate of Satoko's.
She is very quiet and reserved for her age, which makes her almost the polar opposite of Satoko. However, the two of them can often be found in each other's company.
Whenever Satoko is in tears after losing against Keiichi, it is Rika who cheers her up. When Satoko wins, Rika comforts Keiichi instead. When Keiichi teases Rena, Rika comforts her.
In fact, Rika comforts whomever is in need of comfort.
She seems happy with it.
Higurashi When They Cry *ISO*
Date.........: 2010-10-17 Files........: 27 x 15.00
Company......: MangaGamer.com Language.....: English
Requirements.: Computer, Windows 98/2K/ME/XP/Vista
│ ::::::\_____/::' Game Notes
* Welcome to the world of Higurashi When They Cry.
Welcome to the village of Hinamizawa, the 58th year of Shouwa, June.
You will enjoy your stay in this village through the eyes of the
protagonist of the story.
Maebara Keiichi has only just moved to Hinamizawa.
The village is recovering from its battle against the dam's construction,
and now its number of residents is increasing as it welcomes newcomers.
As a newcomer, Keiichi has no friends in this town, and so he feels lonely.
But his classmates won't just let him hang.
Soon, Keiichi finds himself enjoying a cheerful existence in their company.
* Higurashi When They Cry is a sound novel.
The format of this product is a sound novel.
The music, backgrounds and characters work together to create a world that
is the stage of a novel for the user to read.
They laugh and cry and get angry. The user takes the point of view of the
protagonist to experience the story.
An important point to note here is the absence of what is commonly called
choices and forks.
This means that you are freed from the tedious saving and loading, the
searching for events and routes, and can instead enjoy the story from the
beginning to the end.
Nevertheless, this is a game, not a novel.
As the player, you will be able to unravel the mystery surrounding the
events in the game as the scenarios unfold.
You can ponder on the nature of the mystery by yourself when you're on the
train, you can discuss it with your friends, you can search for clues on
the Internet or you can even file complaints on the circle's website. The
choice is yours.
This is Higurashi When They Cry, a serial murder themed sound novel that
doesn't offer you any choices, but does offer you the opportunity to search
for the truth yourself.
Will you fear? Will you become engrossed? Will you face the challenge? Only
you can decide how to enjoy the story.
URL: http://www.mangagamer.com/allage ... /DB2324F5-8829-455B
NOTE: This game includes chapters 1-4
Installation Notes
1. UnRAR
2. Burn the ISO with your favorite software.
3. Install game
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