中文名稱: 使命召喚7:黑色行動
英文名稱: Call of Duty: Black Ops
游戲平台: Wii
游戲類型: FPS 第一人稱視角射擊游戲
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: 美版PAL
發行時間: 2010年11月09日
制作發行: Activision
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
《使命召喚:黑色行動》(Call of Duty: Black Ops)是Activision公司出品的著名FPS游戲《使命召喚》系列的第七部,故事設定在越南戰爭與北極、古巴等一些冷戰地區。玩家將扮演神秘組織成員,進行暗殺、不可告人的任務。“喪屍”模式可能回歸,據了解“黑色行動”將是系列裡畫面最優秀的。
《使命召喚:黑色行動》游戲背景故事劇情設定在了上世紀後期的美國越南戰爭時期,游戲主要描述了戰爭期間的一個名稱為Studies and Observations Group的組織。
Call of Duty tackles a whole new era as Black Ops plunges you into the murky height of the Cold War and history's most secretive battles. The world's most popular first person shooter places you in the most dangerous conflict zones of the late '60s.
From the jungles of Vietnam to the snowy wastes of the Ural mountains, you and your team must operate behind enemy lines and using only the limited technology of the time. Luckily this includes air support such as the SR-71 Blackbird stealth plane, as well as deadly attack helicopters and armoured personnel carriers.
Like any Call of Duty game the multiplayer will set the standard for all other console games, with enhanced customisation tools, playable vehicles and a revamped scoring system.
Features:* Retro Warfare: Call of Duty explodes the myths of the Cold War as you join a team of Black Ops soldiers caught up in the fight against communism in Vietnam and beyond.
* Ammu-Nation: Use new special ammo including an explosive crossbow, Dragon's Breath flame rounds for your shotgun and a range of other period weapons.
* Twisted Metal: Take the controls of the iconic SR-71 Blackbird as you direct operations from high above or jump into an attack chopper in Vietnam for some close-up action.
* Online Perks: Create-a-Class 2.0 customisation tool lets you personalise your online battles even more, with new perks and revamped rules for killstreaks.
* Team Player: Online four-player co-operative mode lets you team up with fellow players as you take on the might of the Soviet military machine together
備注:Tested with softmod plus USB Loader GX.If the game freezes while "Loading", then install, via WAD Manager (in the HomeBrew Channel), the following cIOS, and then, from USB Loader GX choose IOS 249 to load the game.
cIOS249[57]-v19.wad 詳情