你要是跟玩過《殺出重圍》這款游戲的人提一提這個名字,你將會看到他們之中大部分人的眼睛會突然睜大,面部受到懷舊氛圍的沖擊從而變得面紅耳赤。那是一款 2000年發布的混合類型FPS游戲,其強烈表達了一種玩家在游戲中所做的決定至關重要的情緒。在游戲中玩家將要扮演特工JC Denton,被寄予厚望的玩家需要跨越全球去粉碎一個大陰謀,並要盡情施展自己的技能,游戲將RPG式劇情的體驗,技能的構建,多個角色之間的密切合作,外加上激動人心的行動情節都融入到一體。從秘密潛入各種建築,到通過黑客手段進入敵方安全系統,游戲讓你真正覺得整體劇情的推進就是因你做的決定而產生的後果,而並不是一堆線性的劇本事件湊在一起。而之後的游戲續作《殺出重圍2:隱形戰爭》的受歡迎度就沒有前作那麼好了,《殺出重圍》如今依然是游戲行業的比照標准,經常占據各種經典游戲排行榜的前列。
Fw 3.60+
- D U P L E X -
P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S :
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (c) Eidos Interactive
Date : August 2011 Languages: English
Platform : PS3 Genre : RPG
Release Info:
You play Adam Jensen, an ex-SWAT specialist who's been handpicked to
oversee the defensive needs of one of America's most experimental
biotechnology firms. Your job is to safeguard company secrets, but when a
black ops team breaks in and kills the very scientists you were hired to
protect, everything you thought you knew about your job changes
Badly wounded during the attack, you have no choice but to become
mechanically augmented and you soon find yourself chasing down leads all
over the world, never knowing who you can trust. At a time when scientific
advancements are turning athletes, soldiers and spies into super enhanced
beings, someone is working very hard to ensure mankind's evolution follows
a particular path.
You need to discover where that path lies. Because when all is said and
done, the decisions you take, and the choices you make, will be the only
things that can change it.
A divided near-future: discover a time of great technological
advancement, but also a time of chaos and conspiracy. Mechanical
augmentations of the human body have divided society between those who can
afford them, and those who can't. Opposing forces conspire from the shadow
to control the destiny of mankind: a human revolution is coming.
A perfect mix of action and role-play: the game uniquely combines
action-packed close-quarter takedowns with intense shooting, offering a
vast array of character augmentations and upgrades for the many weapons at
your disposal. Unlock new abilities and increase your stealth, social,
hacking or combat skills: the game rewards all styles of play and
approaches. Determine how you want your character to evolve, based on how
you want to play the game.
Choices and consequences: shoot your way through your enemies, sneak
up behind them without being traced, hack systems to retrieve crucial
information, or use your social skills to extract information from key
characters - there are always choices, multiple approaches, multiple paths
and multiple tools at your disposal. Choose your playing style and face the
consequences of your actions: you decide how the story unfolds.
Fw 3.60+
Enjoy This Fine DUPLEX Release
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