· The map has been divided into multi province regions that governors are appointed to
· 地圖被劃分成委派了總督的多省份區域
· Disloyal governors will consider declaring their whole region independent
· 不忠誠的總督有機會宣佈他們管轄的全部地區獨立
· Armies can be assigned to regions. These are commanded by the region governor, may not leave the region and reduce the revolt risk and barbarian spawn chance inside that region.
· 軍隊可以被分派到地區。他們將會被該地區總督指揮,不會離開該地區和降低該地區的反叛風險和野蠻人繁衍機率。
· The senior members of each family are the clan chiefs. These are the people eligible to succeed the current chief when he dies
· 每個家族地位較高的成員會是家族領袖(族長)。這些人將會在當前的族長死後有資格成為新的族長
· Clan chiefs will be upset if their family are denied top jobs
· 如果某家族拒絕最高職位,他們的家族領袖(族長)將會被推翻
· There are three types of succession in monarchies. Agnatic (eldest male child), Agnatic Seniority (senior male family member) and Egyptian (the succession alternates between senior male and senior female family member)
· 君主國將會有三種類型的繼承人。Agnatic(長子),Agnatic Seniority(地位最高的男性家族成員),和Egyptian(地位最高的男性家族成員和地位最高的女性家族成員之間的繼承權候補者)
· There is a high council, each of whom gives bonuses to the country according to their stats
· 將會有一個最高議會,根據他們的身份每個人給予國家額外的好處
· Each council member will have a preferred heir. As more council members back someone other than the primary heir (as designated by succession) there is an increasing risk of civil war
· 每個議會成員將會有一個優先的繼承人選。當多數的議會成員支持主要的繼承人以外的人選時將會增加爆發內戰的風險
· If the primary heir is not part of your family the council is less likely to back the primary heir, increasing the risk of civil war
· 如果主要的繼承人不屬於家族的一部份,議會不大可能支持該繼承人,而且將會加爆發內戰的風險
· Potential successors may consider spending some of their wealth to promote themselves up the succession order
· 潛在的繼承人會考慮花費他們部份的財產去獲得優先的繼承順序
· The main heir may not always wait for the previous incumbent to die
· 主要的繼承人將不會再時常等候先前的領袖死亡(暗殺?)
· There is now a senate of 100 members all of whom are members of one of 5 factions
· 元老院終於出現了!!!,成員有100名,所有成員都是由內部5個派系的成員組成
· Each diplomatic and espionage action is liked or disliked by a party, although if you have more than 40% war score or less than –40% the senate will always be willing to make peace
· 每個外交和諜報行動都被政黨所喜愛或厭惡,儘管如果你的戰爭得分多於或少於40%,元老院都會經常樂意提出和平
· Each character is also affiliated to a faction
· 每個人物同樣和某派別發生聯繫
· Characters will consider switching faction according to their job
· 人物將會考慮改變派別,這將取決於他們的職務
· The faction affiliation of the consul gives the country bonuses (or penalties)
· 執政官加入派別將給予國家額外好處(也有可能是懲罰)
· Charismatic characters in important positions will influence the composition of the senate
· 身處重要位置而有魅力的人物將會影響元老院的構成
· Each republican government form defines how long the term of a consul last and how many years must pass until a consul can be elected again. The senate will have three likely candidates they are considering
· 每個共和國政府成立規定執政官最近的任期為多久和多少年要離任直至可以再次選舉執政官。元老院將會有考慮過的三種適當候選人
· The conditions for holding senior jobs are much more restrictive in republics
· 在共和政體掌握高級職位的條件會更為有約束性(就是難很多)
· Each of the senior jobs has a time limit (although some of these are for life)
· 每個高級職位都有時限(儘管擔當這項職務的人還在生)
· When someone』s term is up the senate may recommend someone else for the job
· 當任何人的任期增加時元老院可能會建議其他人擔當這項職務
· As the populists gain more support the risks of a populist civil war increase
· 當民粹主義者獲得更多的支持時民粹主義內戰爆發的機率會上升
· Depending on the party the consul is a member of; a republic may change ideas of that type for free. Except for Populist consuls, they pick a random idea for your country (oh those crazy populists they love having a laugh)
· 共和政體可以自由改變該類型的思想;視在政黨裡執政官是否成員之一而定。民粹主義執政官除外,他們會為國家選擇一個隨機的思想
· There are various ambitions that a character can acquire during his or her life. Completion of these objectives earn the characters increases to their values in particular prominence
· 增加各種各樣的志願,所有人物在他一生中都可以獲得。完成這些目標會令這些人物贏得增加他們獨特的聲望值
· Only the most prominent characters marry and have children. You can influence which families rise and fall in your nation by helping character complete their objective
· 只有最重要的人物才可以結婚生子。通過幫助人物完成他們的目標,你可以影響家族在你的國家的增加和減少
· For some ambitions the Character may actually fulfil him/herself
· 有些志願人物會實際上服從他/她自己
· Characters may now be imprisoned, exiled or executed, these actions raise tyranny this value lowers all characters loyalty in a country. The higher the tyranny the more likely a character will be prepared for this eventually and be able to avoid it.
· 人物現在可以被監禁,流放或處死,這些行動會少量的提升國家的暴政值。如果國家的暴政值過高,會使這些人物容易提防和有準備去避免被監禁,流放或處死。
· Attempting to imprison, exile or execute an important character runs the risk of a civil war. There is a similar risk when attempting to remove a character from a job before their term is up.
· 企圖監禁,流放或處死一個重要的人物會導致內戰的風險。還有一個類似的風險是當你企圖在任期完結前撤去一個重要的人物的職務。
· There are prestige titles that can be granted to characters. These give boosts to character stats and can be used to raise a characters loyalty
· 有些威望頭銜可以向人物授予。這將提高人物身份而且可以提升人物忠誠
· There are now missions for countries, some historical and some generic. Fulfilling missions gives bonuses while failing them gives penalties
· 將會有新的國家任務,包括歷史的的和YY的。順利完成任務將會給予額外的獎賞而失敗後將會給予相應的懲罰
· Each country now has national decisions that can be used to steer a country
· 每個國家現在都有自己的國家決議,可以被用來左右國家正確發展
· There are now laws that influence the shape of the country. The ability to enact and revoke laws depends on the ruler in monarchies and the governing faction in republics.
· 現在有新的法律影響國家的發展。如果是君主政體,制定和廢除法律的能力決定於王國的統治者;如果是共和政體,制定和廢除法律的能力決定於管理國家的派系
Also, there have been a lot of changes and improvements to how the interface works, with more information and interactivity.
We have also spent a lot of time at improving the AI, to give you a more challenging game.
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P r e s e n t s
Europa Universalis: Rome Vae Victis *STANDALONE*
(c) Kalypso Studios
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Game Type : Strategy # of Disks : 32 * 4.77MB
Released : January 14th 2009 Protection : ShrinkWrap
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- GAME NOTES -+- | ------------------>
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Vae Victis depicts the golden age of the Roman Republic where everything
gets decided via the Senate Not only does the Senate assign the player
more or less difficult tasks, it can also block diplomatic actions
outright depending on the current power of the five political parties.
Monarchies will get a council consisting of nine characters. The Council
does not have the power of the Senate, but the councillors can cause
trouble if the line of succession is not to their taste.
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