中文名稱: 歐陸風雲III:王位繼承人
英文名稱: Europa Universalis III: Heir to the Throne
游戲類型: SRPG 戰略角色扮演游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
發行時間: 2009年
制作發行: Paradox Interactive
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
簡介:Paradox Interactive發行的即時戰略游戲《王位繼承人》(Heir to the Throne )是歐陸風雲3的最新資料片,預計將在2009年12月15日上市,游戲發行平台為PC。
《歐陸風雲3》(Europa Universalis 3)游戲時間開始設定在1453年,結束於1789年,大約橫跨三個多世紀。起初處於東羅馬帝國首都君士坦丁堡被土耳其人攻陷的時刻,後期是法國大革命和美國獨立戰爭時期。
System requirements
•Microsoft Windows XP/2000/Vista
•1.9GHz Intel Pentium 4 or similar AMD
•512MB RAM
•DirectX9.0c compatible videocard with at least 128MB and support for Vertex- and Pixelshader 2.0
»» Intriguing Casus Belli system, where wars have specific goals from start to finish.
»» Monarchs now belong to dynasties, with far reaching effects on the diplomatic model.
»» More involving and powerful Holy Roman Empire and Papacy options.
»» Special diplomatic options for Republics.
»» Set your National Focus in a province to enhance growth and strengthen your hold in the region.
»» Permanent Terra Incognita removed and replaced with impassable regions.
»» Cultural Tradition allows better advisors in the same way that Military Tradition allows better generals and admirals.
»» Many other additions and improvements.