Install Notes:
1. Install by running “[仙女紙牌].Faerie.Solitaire.RIP-Unleashed.exe”
2. Start game with FaerieSolitaire.exe
3. Enjoy!
Description: Have magical fun in the addicting Card game, Faerie Solitaire! Find and raise a Faerie pet and repopulate the magical land of Avalon using the resources found by clearing each level. Earn enough gold to purchase unique powerups and specialized upgrades, making each stage a breeze. Chain together combos to fill up your energy meter and save the Faeries! With 8 worlds, 40 levels, over 400 hands to play through, loads of upgrades to buy, and one exciting adventure, Faerie Solitaire will have you hooked for months, giving you the very best value over any other game available today.
Faerie Solitaire Reflexive—中文簡稱:仙女紙牌,一款結合了解救仙女精靈情節的桌面紙牌游戲,類似剛剛介紹《Faerie Solitaire-仙境空當接龍》,但在操作上是不一樣的。游戲的目標是盡量清除本關所有的游戲紙牌,當然不能全部清楚的話,也要賺取最低數目的積分。游戲有三種模式:冒險,自由發揮和挑戰。
在“Subsoap Games”的全新紙牌游戲《Faerie Solitaire》中,你需要運用所有的資源,通過每一道關卡,尋找並解救生活在阿瓦隆大陸上的小精靈。這是一款非常有趣味的游戲,趣味性很強,可以說越玩越想玩。。游戲有著童話中的故事情節,畫面也充分展露出童話般的圖象風格。另類卡通漫畫中的人物形象以及場景環境刻畫的華麗而精致,顏色搭配濃重而絢爛,整體畫面都具有不錯的表現。
相對來說,游戲規則很簡單,按照給出的紙牌數字來連接盤面中的紙牌,花色不限,順序可以從小到大或從大到小,保持數字相連即可。例如,下面的紙牌翻開是 8,那麼上邊的7或者9都可以點擊以清除,不要以為就這樣簡單清除即可,當同時有兩個以上的紙牌可以清除的時候,一定要考慮下一步能不能繼續多清楚。當沒有可移動的選擇時,點擊單一的紙牌換取新的數字。另外,如果下面的紙牌翻錯了的話,可以後悔一次。游戲采用了另類的紙牌接龍游戲玩法,類似的作品也有不少,本作以全新的故事劇情和主題創作,優質的畫面和音樂展示出本作的休閒特色。並且去掉了過關時間上的限制,可以充分進行思考。Faerie Solitaire仙女紙牌游戲,共包括40個章節,具有上百個多重的關卡設定,開啟獎勵紙牌會使你的分數翻倍增長。贏得足夠的金幣還可以去購買強力的道具物品,以及獨特的升級,使你可以更為輕松的拿下每一個關卡。
P R E P A R E T O B E U N L E A S H E D ! !
Faerie Solitaire RIP
Release Date : 11/10/2010 Protection : Steam
Release Type : RIP 19x5.00MB Company : Subsoap
Release Notes:
Have magical fun in the addicting Card game, Faerie Solitaire! Find
and raise a Faerie pet and repopulate the magical land of Avalon using
the resources found by clearing each level.
Earn enough gold to purchase unique powerups and specialized upgrades,
making each stage a breeze. Chain together combos to fill up your
energy meter and save the Faeries!
With 8 worlds, 40 levels, over 400 hands to play through, loads of
upgrades to buy, and one exciting adventure, Faerie Solitaire will
have you hooked for months, giving you the very best value over any
other game available today.
14 Hours of Adventure Mode Gameplay
40 Unique Fantasy Locations to Explore
32 Amazing Pets to Find, Hatch, & Evolve
Fantasy Story Complete with 8 Hand Painted Cutscenes
Adventure Mode: Explore the world of Avalon in Faerie Solitaire
Challenge Mode: Five More Bonus Locations!
Earn achievements as you play - 30 To Collect In All
Replay any location as many times as you wish.
Restore Faerie Land to its Former Glory!
Can You Save the Faeries?
RIPPED: Nothing
Install Notes:
1. Unpack the release with WinRAR or equivalent
2. Install by running unl-deso
3. Start game with FaerieSolitaire.exe
4. Enjoy!
Remember to support quality games!
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