version 1.1
Harmony is an independent game made by Thomas van der Velden.
It is inspired on 3D shooter games from the nineties like Doom and
Duke Nukem 3D. Harmony uses the free Zdoom engine, which was made
to mimic and enhance id Software抯 Doom2 engine.
Harmony works under: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Vista.
To play Harmony double click on 揌ARMONY.exe?
The game will then start by itself.
In the near future:
Led by greed and hatred mankind drove itself into another world war.
The forces of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere attacked
Each other with everything their destructive arsenal had to offer.
Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons wiped out entire countries.
The combined effect of the weapons resulted in an unforeseen side effect;
a supervirus emerged that mutated all the men on Earth.
For unknown reasons the women were unaffected.
But they weren't save either...
The mutated men, though intelligent, lost touch with reality.
From their corrupted minds a new order was formed; 'the Pax Pox'.
Its first priority is to rid the world of the "impure".
The women who survived the war united to form an army against the mutant
aggressors and called themselves "the Amazons".
Today one of the Amazon outposts is attacked and their leader; Amira is
taken captured. Her last hope is her loyal friend; Harmony.
Will Harmony be able to rescue her friend and the rest of the human race?
Harmony version 1.1 vs Harmony version 1.0.1
[10-12-2009] [01-11-2009]
- All wads (and deh) were merged into 1 wad named Harm1.wad making it:
1- easier to play Harmony with mods and add-ons.
2- easier to play Harmony with other source ports.
- Included autoexec.cfg to ensure compatibility (with Windows Vista).
- Map names are now consistent.
- Jumping and crouching is now impossible (due to 'mapinfo').
- put "version 1.1" on the title picture.
- Added PAR times on intermission screens.
- Fixed missing patch errors at startup.
- Implemented better difficulty settings (map06 had none).
- Fixed the height of 'self-destruct' explosions in map07.
- Cleaned up Harmony sprites.
- Brushed up textures RW48-2 and RW48-4.
- Fixed missing flat (cratop1) in map04.
- Shotgun is raised instead of appearing instantly.
- Updated the text file.
map names:
01: Abduction
02: Harm's way
03: Owt mood
04: Megalapolis
05: the Hospital
06: the Weapons factory
07: the underground lab
08: Airstrip one
09: the Launch base
10: the Radioactive zone
11: Echidna
I`d like to thank the creators of:
DOOM2 (the best game ever made, without which
Harmony would not exist),
ZDoom v2.3.1 (provided the free engine for Harmony)
DCK (used for map-building),
Doom Builder v1.66 (used for map-building),
NWT (used to transfer textures),
XWE v1.16 (used to transfer graphics and sounds;
create palette and several features),
WhackEd2 v0.60 (used to create the deh file),
Doomfont v2.1b (aided with making of text graphics)
Imagetool (used to make font files in 6zharm.wad)
GIMP 2.6 (use to make graphics)
Corel Paint (used to make textures),
Ultimate Paint [demo] (used to edit digital photograps for
the sprites),
MS Paint (used to edit graphics),
Anim8or v0.9 (used to create 3D models for some of
the sprites),
Goldwave [demo version] (used to edit sound files),
the Wav files I used (I used Wav files from various sources,
which are listed in the sounds.txt file).
Bat to Exe Converter (used to make old HARMONY.exe file)
HxD Hex Editor (used to edit the exe file)
IconChanger [demo] (used to edit the exe file)
Many thanks to playtesters:
* "Space is green"
* People of the Doomworld forums who provided additional feed-back.
Special credits go out to:
* Kyu for the great MP3 music.
They fit the game very well and I feel lucky to use them.
* "Space is green" for making the cool high resolution ending
picture ('BOSSBACK' harm1.wad).
* "Space is green", Tineke and Diana for assisting
me in making hundreds of digital pictures for the monster sprites.
* Enjay, who helped me with the mapinfo lump and answered all my
Zdoom related questions.
* The (Z)Doom community for your answers to my questions.
* The Doom community for your (indirect) inspiration.
In particular: ACE team Software, (the late) Epsi, Justin Fisher,
Gusta, Metabolist, Scientist (aka Space is green) and the Ultimate
Doomer. Also the late graphic artist Don Punchatz who made the
inspiring cover art and logo for the game Doom.
* The people hosting websites where Harmony can be downloaded for
free. In particular DRD Team Share Space, from which Harmony version
1.0.1 has already been downloaded 6300 times.
All music tracks were made by Kyu/KERBERENES Antoine and are being
used for Harmony with permission.
Two weeks before the release of Harmony I was still in need of music.
Fortunately Kyu allowed me to use 3 of his tracks which fit Harmony very well.
Unfortunately there was no more time to add other tracks to the selection
so the available material had to be recycled in the game.
All music tracks fall under a Creative Commons license :
BY - No Commercial Use - No Modification. All tracks are under
copyright of Kyu/KERBERENES Antoine. Further authorizations
and questions can be asked at [email protected]
The tracks originate from Kyu's ablum "The Edge" (2009)
as tracks #6 . "Unititled"; #7 . "Mercury Stripes, Blue Mess"
and #10 . "The Edge".
More information on Kyu and his music can be found on:
* The player cannot swim. Harmony is inspired on games from the
nineties in which swimming was not common. For the same reason the
player cannot jump nor crouch.
This means the player will have to RUN instead of jump to get across
openings. For a list of the controls press the F1 key in the game or
select 'customize controls' in the options menu.
* Harmony has not been fully tested for multiplayer games so it will
probably be unbalanced when playing with more than one player.
Harmony started out as an add-on for Doom2, but along the way
the project started a life of its own. All features except for
the high resolution sprites, title, help and intermission picture are
compatible with any Doom related source port (although some maps
might give VPO's). All the mapping effects (iris doors/ 'solid'
floor over 'solid' floor in map 7 / exploding fire extinguisher /
etc...) are compatible with vanilla Doom2.exe!
In other words it should be easy to make versions of Harmony for
every Doom related source port. I chose only to make one for Zdoom
because I already had some experience with it. People are free to
make versions for other ports as long as they follow the rules
discribed below in the "LEGAL PART" section below.
Harmony is distributed with the Zdoom engine, but it can also works with
other Doom related engines (like GZDoom).
To play Harmony with a different engine you will need to:
1: download another source port, for example: GZDoom
( http://grafzahl.drdteam.org/page.php?page=230 ).
2: Run the port with the Harm1.wad file.
Note that Harmony will look and feel different from how it was intended to.
Note: Harmony can also be played with the lastest/ future versions of
zdoom, by dragging the Harmony.wad file onto zdoom.exe.
Working on Harmony was creatively challenging in many ways. It involved;
designing levels/ enemies/ weapons, sculpting, drawing, painting,
creating digital images, sound editing and 3D-modelling.
Furthermore, for the promotion of Harmony I learned how to make a website
with HTML. Making Harmony was a highly challenging and learnful experience.
If you want to learn more on how Harmony was made, please visit:
In the very unlikely event something goes wrong with your computer I do not
accept any form of liability.
* Maps and Graphics:
All resources in the harm1.wad were made by me (except for some coding
which is free, and the "BOSSBACK" image discussed later*).
You may freely distribute these Harmony files but you are not
allowed to make personal profit by selling/ renting/ leasing (one
of) them.
You may use them for your own project(s) on these 3 conditions:
1: You are NOT allowed to make (personal) profit from them in any
2: You are NOT allowed to use them for racist, sexist or otherwise
hateful intent.
3: You must give me (Rabotik) proper credit.
*The picture at the end of the game (named BOSSBACK) was
made by "Space is green". If you want to use this image you will need
to ask him for permission. www.spaceisgreen.nl .
* Sound effects:
The sound effects used in Harmony came from various sources. A list
with sources belonging to each sound can be found in sounds.txt in the
"other-files" folder.
I did my best to check if they were all completely free, and to my
best knowledge they are.
* Music:
The music tracks were created by Kyu. All music tracks fall under a
creative Commons license :
BY - No Commercial Use - No Modification. All tracks are under
copyright of Kyu/KERBERENES Antoine. Further authorizations
and questions can be asked at [email protected]
* harmico1.ico and txt files:
The harmico1.ico, autoexec.cfg, Harmony.txt, licenses.txt and
sounds.txt file were made by me and are free.
* Other files:
fmodex.dll, harmony.ini, zdoom.pk3 and licenses.zip are Zdoom related
files, which were not made by me but can be distributed freely.
HARMONY.exe is a modified version of Zdoom.exe (also free).
For more information read the text files in licenses.zip.
I hope you enjoy Harmony,
aka Rabotik
e-mail: rabotik AT gmail.com
December 2009
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