中文名稱: 火星炸彈人
英文名稱: Mars Miner
游戲類型: ACT 動作游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: v1.2.0硬盤版
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: RetroStyle Games
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
Mars Miner是一款優質的炸彈人游戲。當英雄發現自己身處火星時,他的首要目標就是生存下來,並找到返回地球的方式。經過廢棄礦井,火星實驗室等場所,各種丑惡和狡猾的怪物需要你來小心應對。
畫 面:
聲 音:
創 意:
你是否幻想過去玩一款聲音和畫面都更為時尚的炸彈人游戲呢?Mars Miner將給你一個這樣的機會,以全新而生動的故事情節,結合了經典的炸彈人游戲規則,使整體游戲內容更為充實。
Have you ever dreamed to play Bomberman-like game with modern graphics and sound? Now you have a chance to do it with Mars Miner! A game that has all qualities of a classic time proved gameplay on a completely new level!
The hero finds himself on Mars. Now his primary objective is to stay alive and find his way back to Earth through an abandoned Martian mine and a laboratory. A variety of hideous and crafty monsters are lurking on the way. Each of them is extremely dangerous, but when they hunt together, they are a real hazard, owing to the unique AI.
Players who like dynamic games will enjoy playing Mars Miner. The game will be interesting to all categories of players, from beginners to experienced arcade players. Superior graphics together with excellent music background create a fascinating atmosphere. You will want to get immersed in this world again and again.
An excellent Story mode and an almost unlimited Survival will not let you get bored!
Cute graphics. Cute pre-rendered and fully-animated graphics
Bomberman gameplay. Recreation of classic Bomberman’s gameplay
Detailed levels. More than 40 detailed Levels
Unique Monsters. 16 unique Monsters with high intellectual AI
Various Bonuses. 12 various Bonuses
Online score. Online High-score board
Atmospherical music. Nice atmospherical Music and 3D Sound
Store, Survival, Hotseat. Three game modes: Story, Survival and Hotseat
Interesting storyline. Interesting story-line with a couple of mini-games