中文名稱: 御劍飛仙
英文名稱: Determinance
游戲類型: ACT 動作游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 免安裝完整硬盤版
發行時間: 2008年
制作發行: Mode 7 Games
地區: 美國
語言: 英文,多語言
中文名稱: 御劍飛仙
英文名稱: Determinance
版本: 硬盤版
發行時間: 2008年
《決斗》 是一款可以你自己定義戰斗方式的動作游戲.游戲用鼠標的瞬間移動控制人物劍的移動。你可以 在對戰競技場選一個對手, 或者在線上與其他8個玩家進行在線混戰. 離線狀態下與電腦對抗也很有意思.
Determinance is a multi-player action game which
allows you to create your own fighting style. Take on a single opponent in Duel Arena, or engage in a frenetic Free For All battle against up to eight other players online or on a LAN. Offline play against AI opponents is also available.
"I'm a very satisfied customer, like the previous review. There is no other game like this on the market today, and it's huge fun flying around with the ability to slash with the sword." Five Stars - Garage Games User Review
Two game modes: Duel Arena, Free for All
LAN, and Internet play (up to 8 players)
Seven characters with their own individual taunts
Five distinctive levels
Offline play against bots with differing fighting-styles
Nine original tracks by the musician nervous_testpilot Fully moddable: design your own swords, characters, special moves...
"The aim of giving the player total control of their weapon has been achieved. After a little practice the game is very fluid and a lot of fun." Bill Hartley, IC Games - Read the preview!
The Feint Engine
Based on the award-winning Torque game engine
Human skeletal system
Inverse kinematics
Dynamic animation system
Cloth simulation
Detailed collision
Fast netcode
System Requirements
Minimum: P3 800 MHz, 256 meg RAM, DX7 graphics
Recommended: P4 1.5 GHz, 512 meg RAM, DX8 graphics