中文名稱: 八月之風
英文名稱: August Wind
游戲類型: STG 射擊游戲
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 完整硬盤版
發行時間: 2010年
制作發行: Jeremy Spillmann
Jeremy Spillmann
地區: 瑞士
語言: 英文
更多游戲信息盡在ED2000資料庫, http://www.ed2000.com/引用
2、August Wind.exe進游戲
我想大家看到「August Wind」這款飛行游戲時,很可能會說:“這畫面太贊了!”。
可愛的畫風、清新明快的鄉村音樂,自由飛行的樂趣,盡在「August Wind」。在游戲裡還可以賺錢改裝你的飛機
「August Wind」的作者 Jeremy Spillmann 就讀於蘇黎世大學的藝術系。他花了 800 小時制作游戲,用 Unity 3D Engine 來制作游戲中的物體,最後再把那些 3D 物體轉換為 2D 的畫面。
AugustWind is a story about a young badger named Andreas, trying to find his luck on Eelhaven VII during the season of August, dreaming of a life of fame and recognition. He teams up with Penelope, a seasoned but luckless eelminer who finally wants to get the life she deserves. Together they participate in the eelmining competition of August where pilots use their magnets to get as much valuable metal off the backs of majestic cloudeel in this world of floating islands.
AugustWind is also a Bachelor Thesis by a design student, graduate of the University of the arts in Zürich, Switzerland. The game tries to imagine a free-roaming shooter. A shmup where you are free to spend your day as you please and make it how you like it. You are free to advance the quest, participate in races, earn money and tune your airplane, but you only have a limited time each day to do so. This game is the prototype of the concept and the final exam in the game design school. You can download the prototype here, it is absolutely free.
Of course the game isn't completely finished and quite short. It lacks the missions and storyline objectives that would glue the experience together. However, you can explore the regions of Eelhaven VII, find hidden parts, customize your plane, hunt for the cloudeel and get rich together with Penelope to have a taste how the game could be.
The whole project took about 800 hours to make so far and was made with the Unity 3D Engine. Every object was drawn on paper first and then integrated in a 3D world with 2D gameplay.