中文名: Java高級教程
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: David Gassner
發行日期: 2012年9月27日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
主講:David Gassner
Java是一種可以撰寫跨平台應用軟件的面向對象的程序設計語言,是由Sun Microsystems公司於1995年5月推出的Java程序設計語言和Java平台(即JavaSE, JavaEE, JavaME)的總稱。Java 技術具有卓越的通用性、高效性、平台移植性和安全性,廣泛應用於個人PC、數據中心、游戲控制台、科學超級計算機、移動電話和互聯網,同時擁有全球最大的開發者專業社群。在全球雲計算和移動互聯網的產業環境下,Java更具備了顯著優勢和廣闊前景。
開發人員展示了如何擴大自己的Java編程技能,並獲得更多 。本課程提供可用於構建Web ,移動和桌面應用程序的教程。自定義Java類和計劃流程與先進的方法,作者David Gassner來描述Java反射API的集合框架,文件和目錄的管理,測試驅動的開發與先進的異常處理和報告;以及如何使用多個線程。
Java Advanced Training shows developers how to expand their programming skills and get more out of Java. This course offers platform- and framework-neutral tutorials that can be used to build web, mobile, and desktop applications. Starting with advanced methods of defining Java classes and programmatic flow, author David Gassner goes on to describe the Java Reflection API and the Collections Framework; management of files and directories; test-driven development with advanced exception handling and reporting; and how to work with multiple threads.
Topics include:
Installing Java on Windows and Mac OS X
Installing Eclipse
Using new features such as simplified generics
Working with advanced class structures (member, local inner, etc.)
Using the Reflection API
Navigating inheritance trees
Managing unordered and ordered sets
Peeking and polling with queues
Testing and error handling
Managing files and directories
Working with I/O streams
Next steps with Java
5m 33s
Understanding what you should know before watching this course
1m 24s
Using the exercise files
3m 30s
1. Getting Started
9m 15s
Installing Java 7 on Windows
1m 39s
Installing Java 7 on OS X
2m 41s
Installing Eclipse 4.2 Juno
4m 55s
2. Java 7 New Features
15m 51s
An overview of Java 7 new features
3m 12s
Exploring the simplified use of generics
4m 17s
Using underscores in numeric literals
3m 31s
Using strings in switch statements
4m 51s
3. Using Advanced Class Structures
33m 2s
Using static initializers
7m 23s
Using instance field initializers
5m 30s
Using member classes
5m 25s
Using local inner classes
3m 20s
Using anonymous inner classes
3m 8s
Creating and using enumeration classes
8m 16s
4. Using the Reflection API
18m 27s
Using the Class class
4m 42s
Instantiating classes dynamically
8m 19s
Navigating inheritance trees
5m 26s
5. More of the Collections Framework
20m 33s
Managing unordered sets with HashSet
4m 58s
Managing ordered sets with TreeSet
6m 33s
Controlling list order with LinkedList
5m 12s
Peeking and polling with queues
3m 50s
6. Testing and Advanced Exception Handling
21m 45s
Exploring test-driven development with the assert keyword
6m 52s
Using the finally keyword
5m 40s
Using try-with-resources in Java 7
2m 35s
Defining and throwing a custom exception
6m 38s
7. Managing Files and Directories in Java 7
48m 44s
Using the Path class
7m 12s
Managing files and directories
7m 45s
Reading and writing text files
8m 41s
Walking the directory tree
7m 42s
Finding files
7m 45s
Watching a directory for file changes
9m 39s
8. Working with I/O Streams
17m 46s
Reading and writing byte streams
6m 58s
Reading and writing character streams
2m 35s
Using buffered streams
3m 19s
Scanning tokenized text
4m 54s
9. Working with Multi-threading
21m 4s
Extending the Thread class
7m 13s
Implementing the Runnable interface
3m 55s
Interrupting a thread
2m 43s
Synchronizing threads
7m 13s
Where to go from here
JWARE Proudly Presents: Lynda.com - Java Advanced Training
Release Type: Bookware
Supplier: JWARE
Cracker: JWARE
Packer: JWARE
Protection: DRM
Publisher URL: http://www.lynda.com/
Publisher: Lynda.com
Publication date: 27/09/12
Release date: 28/10/12
Java Advanced Training shows developers how to expand their
programming skills and get more out of Java. This course offers
platform- and framework-neutral tutorials that can be used to
build web, mobile, and desktop applications. Starting with
advanced methods of defining Java classes and programmatic flow,
author David Gassner goes on to describe the Java Reflection API
and the Collections Framework; management of files and directories;
test-driven development with advanced exception handling and
reporting; and how to work with multiple threads.