"《Adobe Photoshop CS6照片增強功能關鍵內幕教程》(Lynda Photoshop Insider Training Enhancing Photos)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Adobe Photoshop CS6照片增強功能關鍵內幕教程
英文名: Lynda Photoshop Insider Training Enhancing Photos
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Bryan O'Neil Hughes
發行日期: 2012年9月5日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Lynda.com 出品的時長1小時37分鐘的Adobe Photoshop CS6照片增強功能關鍵內幕教程 。Adobe Photoshop 高級產品經理Bryan O'Neil Hughes演示CS6照片增強功能的關鍵內幕,提供如何更有效地使用它們的詳細信息,了解他們如何工作。
Photoshop是Adobe公司旗下最為出名的圖像處理軟件之一,集圖像掃描、編輯修改、圖像制作、廣告創意,圖像輸入與輸出於一體的圖形圖像處理軟件,深受廣大平面設計人員和電腦美術愛好者的喜愛。Photoshop軟件具備最先進的圖像處理技術、CS6全新的創意選項和極快的性能。潤色圖像使其具有更高的精確度,並使用全新和改良的工具和工作流程直觀地創建 3D 圖形、2D 設計和整部電影。增強您的創造性和提高工作效率。Adobe Photoshop CS6新的 Adobe Mercury 圖形引擎、創新的內容識別工具、簡化的 3D 圖稿創作、改良的設計工具等功能,具有極快的性能。
In this course, Photoshop senior product manager Bryan O'Neil Hughes takes you on an insider's tour of the key photo-enhancement features in Adobe Photoshop CS6, providing details on how they work, background into their evolution, and insights into how to use them more effectively.
The course begins with an exploration of Photoshop features that make changes to an entire image: the Crop tool, the Auto button that's present in many adjustment dialog boxes, and the Curves panel options. Next, Bryan explores sharpness and blur. Each has its place in a photograph, and Bryan details how the sharpening and blur features work and how to get the most out of them.
The course also looks at adjusting specific areas of an image with the Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools, and at the growing array of content-aware features in Photoshop, showing how they work and what to do when they don't work. The course concludes with a tour of the powerful Liquify filter, features for correcting lens distortion, and the world of presets that allow you to apply settings with a single click.
Topics include:
Reinventing the Crop tool
Rediscovering the Auto button
Getting the most out of curves
Understanding Smart Sharpen
Building blur and softness
Working with a graphics tablet
Using Content-Aware Fill, Scale, and Move effectively
Correcting distortion automatically based on lens profiles
Using presets
7m 53s
2m 29s
Using the exercise files
What you need to know about Adobe Camera Raw
4m 42s
1. Cropping to Enhance Composition
9m 30s
Reinventing the Crop tool
5m 44s
Using the new Crop tool the old way
3m 46s
2. Rediscovering the Auto Button
6m 4s
Then versus now: Understanding how the Auto button works
2m 55s
Exploring strategies for using Auto
3m 9s
3. Handling Curves
6m 37s
Using Curves
3m 31s
Exploring strategies for using Curves
3m 6s
4. Sharpening Insights
14m 57s
Looking at sharpening
2m 6s
Understanding Smart Sharpen
4m 41s
Understanding the role of Smart Objects in a sharpening workflow
2m 20s
Applying brush-based selective sharpening
5m 50s
5. Understanding Blur
9m 6s
Understanding the challenges of building blur
2m 54s
Using Iris Blur to create shallow depth of field
6m 12s
6. Local Adjustments
8m 20s
The evolving Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools
6m 24s
Understanding the role of the graphics tablet
1m 56s
7. Content Awareness
12m 33s
Understanding and using Content-Aware Fill
3m 16s
What to do when Content-Aware Fill doesn't work
2m 38s
Beyond fill: Content-Aware Patch
1m 16s
Content-Aware Scale: The feature nobody knows about
3m 30s
Content-Aware Move: Recomposing photos
1m 53s
8. The Evolution of Liquify
3m 17s
Exploring what Liquify is really used for
3m 17s
9. Correcting Lens Distortion
12m 1s
Correcting automatically based on lens profiles
4m 2s
Getting the most out of Adaptive Wide Angle
4m 47s
Exploring lens distortion and video
3m 12s
10. Working Smarter with Presets
7m 22s
Using presets new and old
Surprising yourself with the Color Look Up Adjustment layer
2m 15s
Using gradient map presets for black-and-white conversions
2m 31s
Imagining a connected Photoshop
1m 49s
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| Lynda: Photoshop Insider Training Enhancing Photos |
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| Date [ 2012–09–06 ] Disks [ xx/19 ] |
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| In this course, Photoshop senior product manager Bryan |
| O'Neil Hughes takes you on an insider's tour of the key |
| photo–enhancement features in Adobe Photoshop CS6, |
| providing details on how they work, background into their |
| evolution, and insights into how to use them more |
| effectively. |
| |
| The course begins with an exploration of Photoshop features |
| that make changes to an entire image: the Crop tool, the |
| Auto button that's present in many adjustment dialog boxes, |
| and the Curves panel options. Next, Bryan explores |
| sharpness and blur. Each has its place in a photograph, and |
| Bryan details how the sharpening and blur features work and |
| how to get the most out of them. |
| |
| The course also looks at adjusting specific areas of an |
| image with the Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools, and at the |
| growing array of content–aware features in Photoshop, |
| showing how they work and what to do when they don't work. |
| The course concludes with a tour of the powerful Liquify |
| filter, features for correcting lens distortion, and the |
| world of presets that allow you to apply settings with a |
| single click. |
| |
:_ _ _ _ _ ...__..__ _ _ _ _ __..__... _ _ _ _ _:
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| I – Unwrap the book. |
| II – Mount the book to access it's contents. |
| III – Watch, learn and expand your mind. |
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: _ / . [email protected] . \ _ :
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