《Adobe Photoshop CS6 攝影師新特點視頻教程》(Lynda.com Photoshop CS6 for Photographers New Features)[光盤鏡像] | |
下載分級 | 其他资源 |
資源類別 | 電腦基礎 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/13 |
大 小 | - |
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: Lynda.com – Photoshop CS6 for Photographers New Features
This course explores the newest version of Adobe Photoshop from a photographerÆs perspectiveùhelping users of previous Photoshop versions make upgrade decisions and get up to speed with CS6. Author Chris Orwig covers the improvements to Camera Raw, from the expanded exposure controls to the upgraded Adjustment Brush and Lens Correction tools, as well as the many enhancements to Photoshop. He covers the new Layers panel behavior, which makes renaming and organizing layers almost effortless; new image adjustment techniques, such as on–the–fly Liquify adjustments, content–aware retouching, photorealistic blur effects, configurable light sources, and redefined nondestructive cropping; plus the brand–new ability to edit video in Photoshop. This course promises to get photographers excitedùand informedùabout what's in store for them in Photoshop CS6.
Topics include:
Getting familiar with the new interface
Exploring improvements to Bridge and Mini Bridge
Recovering highlights and improving exposure with Camera Raw
Making precise raw adjustments with the Point Tone Curve
Grouping, filtering, and finding layers
Correcting distortion with Adaptive Wide Angle controls
Working with the new Content–Aware tools
Making better selections
Performing perspective cropping
Getting started with video in Photoshop
Making picture–perfect prints with the Print dialog
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8 a. Extract 8
8 b. Mount/Burn 8
8 c. Play & Learn 8
8 8
8 8
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