"《Photoshop Lightroom 4相冊制作視頻教程》(Lynda.com Photoshop Lightroom 4 Essentials: Creating Prints and Books)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Photoshop Lightroom 4相冊制作視頻教程
英文名: Lynda.com Photoshop Lightroom 4 Essentials: Creating Prints and Books
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Chris Orwig
發行日期: 2012年3月20日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Lynda.com 出品的時長4小時23分鐘的Photoshop Lightroom 4的相冊制作視頻教程。由Chris Orwig講解Adobe圖像處理與編輯工具Lightroom 4的創建相冊模塊部分,用以創建高品質的照片和頁面布局中選擇自定義您的相冊設計。以及打印設置、封裝,並制作一部精美的電子相冊。
Creating Prints and Books is part of author Chris Orwig's investigation of Lightroom 4, the image management and editing tool from Adobe, and focuses on the Print and Books modules, which can be used to create high-quality prints and proofs and design custom layouts for books and other print projects. Chris briefly reviews how to correct and paint away gamut issues and other problems in the Develop module and shows how to take advantage of templates and collections. The course also shows how to adjust print job settings for contact sheets, single image prints, and print packages, and the final chapters guide photographers through the step-by-step process of building and printing a book from Lightroom.
For more training on Lightroom, watch Photoshop Lightroom 4 Essentials: Organizing and Sharing with the Library Module and Photoshop Lightroom 4 Essentials: Enhancing Photos with the Develop Module.
Topics include:
Creating better prints by soft proofing
Choosing a soft proof rendering input
Creating a custom template
Customizing the print layout style
Adjusting print to JPG settings
Reviewing prints
Creating collections for a book project
Using Auto Layout
Using guides and cell controls
Swapping image position in a book
Changing the book background
Working with typography
Adding captions
Designing a book cover
Exporting to PDF
Ordering from Blurb
Welcome 01m 02s
Using the exercise files 01m 20s
41m 46s
1. Creating Better Prints with the Develop Module Making basic adjustments in the Develop module 03m 43s
Creating better prints by soft proofing 06m 32s
Choosing a rendering intent 08m 49s
Correcting a soft proof copy 04m 57s
Painting away soft proof gamut problems 06m 52s
Soft proofing to add visual snap 05m 48s
Fine-tuning soft proof color 05m 05s
17m 32s
2. Getting Started with the Print Module Making print collections 03m 33s
Using print templates 05m 35s
Creating a contact sheet 04m 21s
Creating your own custom templates 04m 03s
24m 31s
3. Customizing the Print Layout Style Customizing the layout of a single image 04m 24s
Exploring page options for a single image 06m 59s
Using the Picture Package layout style 07m 42s
Using custom layout styles 05m 26s
25m 48s
4. Creating Quality Prints Exploring different types of printers and papers 03m 44s
Configuring page setup and print settings 03m 10s
Exploring desktop print job settings 05m 17s
Setting up to print JPEG images 02m 47s
Looking at brightness and contrast in print samples 05m 25s
Reviewing prints 05m 25s
05m 19s
5. Creating Books with Lightroom Why build a book and why use Lightroom? 01m 36s
Reviewing samples of both printed and digital books 03m 43s
21m 00s
6. Getting Started with Your Book Project Creating collections for a book project 06m 39s
Choosing book settings and preferences 04m 03s
Exploring the Auto Layout option and tips for viewing pages and spreads 05m 09s
Editing Auto Layout presets 05m 09s
35m 40s
7. Customizing the Book Page Layout Customizing the page layout 05m 50s
Using guides and cell controls 06m 00s
Modifying individual images and page sequence 05m 25s
Swapping image position 01m 46s
Changing page spread sequence 02m 06s
Changing the zoom rate for multiple images 02m 09s
Changing the background 06m 11s
Reviewing the layout 03m 38s
Saving a book layout 02m 35s
08m 42s
8. Creating a Custom Layout Using the Print module to design a layout 04m 33s
Including a custom layout in a project 04m 09s
05m 56s
9. Perfecting Your Book Project Images Making specific adjustments 03m 42s
Applying global adjustments to multiple photographs 02m 14s
14m 59s
10. Working with Typography Adding captions 04m 04s
Customizing type, part 1 05m 40s
Customizing type, part 2 03m 05s
Creating and using type presets 02m 10s
22m 00s
11. Designing the Cover Changing the layout 03m 56s
A creative approach to selecting a book title 05m 46s
Adding a text field to a cover 06m 55s
Selecting an alternate cover layout 05m 23s
30m 36s
12. Creating and Repurposing a Book Layout Selecting the keepers 07m 27s
A conceptual approach to setting image sequence 11m 57s
Reviewing the layout 04m 55s
Duplicating the book design 06m 17s
06m 42s
13. Printing Your Book Exporting to PDF 03m 07s
Exporting to Blurb and evaluating the book online 03m 35s
00m 35s
Conclusion Goodbye 00m 35s
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: Lynda.com – Photoshop Lightroom 4 Essentials: Creating Prints and Books
Creating Prints and Books is part of author Chris Orwig's investigation
of Lightroom 4, the image management and editing tool from Adobe, and
focuses on the Print and Books modules, which can be used to create
high–quality prints and proofs and design custom layouts for books and
other print projects. Chris briefly reviews how to correct and paint
away gamut issues and other problems in the Develop module and shows
how to take advantage of templates and collections. The course also
shows how to adjust print job settings for contact sheets, single image
prints, and print packages, and the final chapters guide photographers
through the step–by–step process of building and printing a book from
Topics include:
Creating better prints by soft proofing
Choosing a soft proof rendering input
Creating a custom template
Customizing the print layout style
Adjusting print to JPG settings
Reviewing prints
Creating collections for a book project
Using Auto Layout
Using guides and cell controls
Swapping image position in a book
Changing the book background
Working with typography
Adding captions
Designing a book cover
Exporting to PDF
Ordering from Blurb
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