"《Photoshop Elements 10基礎培訓教程》(Lynda.com Photoshop Elements 10 Essential Training)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Photoshop Elements 10基礎培訓教程
英文名: Lynda.com Photoshop Elements 10 Essential Training
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Jan Kabili
發行日期: 2012年3月12日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Lynda.com 出品的時長達11小時20分鐘的 PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 10基礎培訓 視頻教程,時長:11小時14分。由 Jan Kabili 全面地演示了如何使用 PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 10這款圖像組織和優化程序。涵蓋了如何修正和改進照片,如何對大量的數碼照片進行組織整理。還包括如何在相冊、日歷和賀卡中使用圖片,如何將作品在線共享和打印。本教程附帶練習文件。
Adobe Photoshop Elements是Adobe公司是繼Photoshop之後全新推出的圖像編輯、照片修飾和 Web 圖形解決方案。它界面友好,易於使用,功能強大。具有簡單而快捷的操作方式、直觀的效果預覽、圖像智能處理的集成等全新特性,軟件專為業余攝影師、攝影愛好者和商務用戶設計,無需掌握太多的專業知識,就可以輕松地對照片進行修飾加工。或編輯成精美的圖片通過電子郵件發送給自己的親朋好友,還能夠發布到網上,供更多的朋友欣賞。
In this course, author Jan Kabili introduces the photo organizing, editing, and sharing features of Adobe Photoshop Elements 10, the less expensive version of Photoshop that’s ideal for casual photographers who want to achieve professional results. The course covers importing, organizing, and finding photos with the Organizer. It explains how and when to use each of the editing workspaces—from the simple Quick Fix and Guided Edit workspaces to the Full Edit workspace for enhancing your photos—including making photo corrections, retouching, compositing images, and adding text. The final chapter offers creative ways to share photos with Elements, including print projects like greeting cards, calendars, and books, emailing photos, and posting them on Facebook and Flickr.
Topics include:
Importing photos from a camera, computer, or iPhoto library
Adding keyword tags and ratings to photos
Automatically tagging people
Organizing photos into albums
Renaming and moving photos
Correcting common photo problems automatically
Retouching photos of friends and family
Adjusting lighting and color
Working with layers and layer masks
Converting photos to black-and-white
Cropping and straightening photos
Adding text to photos
Working with raw photos
Making a slideshow
Ordering prints
Welcome 00m 58s
Getting around Elements 06m 09s
Exploring the differences in Mac versions of Elements 05m 41s
Working with Organizer catalogs 06m 16s
Using the exercise files 04m 44s
21m 43s
1. Bringing Photos into the Organizer Touring the Organizer 05m 35s
Importing photos from a camera 04m 44s
Importing photos from a computer 03m 05s
Importing photos from an iPhoto library 05m 27s
Importing photos from external drives 02m 52s
31m 24s
2. Viewing Photos in the Organizer Working in Thumbnail view 04m 10s
Working in Folder Location view 04m 33s
Reviewing photos in Full Screen view 04m 55s
Editing and organizing in Full Screen view 07m 20s
Comparing photos in Side by Side view 04m 10s
Displaying photos in Date view 02m 40s
Viewing photo information 03m 36s
47m 47s
3. Organizing Photos in the Organizer Using keyword tags to categorize photos 06m 42s
Organizing keyword tags 04m 25s
Finding photos by keyword tag 03m 39s
Automatically tagging people 08m 21s
Using automatic smart tagging 05m 36s
Assigning ratings to photos 04m 09s
Creating albums to organize photos 05m 07s
Creating smart albums 05m 52s
Stacking photos to reduce thumbnail clutter 03m 56s
24m 35s
4. Finding Photos with the Organizer Finding photos that are visually similar to each other 04m 03s
Searching for an object in a photo 03m 45s
Finding duplicate photos 04m 50s
Searching by text 05m 59s
Exploring the Find menu 04m 27s
Finding photos in the Timeline 01m 31s
22m 41s
5. Managing Photos with the Organizer Deleting photos 04m 30s
Renaming photos 02m 24s
Moving photos 03m 58s
Reconnecting missing files 04m 37s
Changing photo dates 04m 29s
Backing up 02m 43s
16m 14s
6. Getting Started with Editing Choosing an editing workspace 04m 37s
Autocorrecting with the Organizer's Photo Fix options 03m 47s
Photo finishing with the Organizer's Photo Fix options 04m 02s
Changing a Photo Fix adjustment 03m 48s
22m 10s
7. Working in Guided Edit Editing with assistance: the Guided Edit workspace 06m 27s
Retouching a photo the step-by-step way 07m 55s
Creating a dreamlike Orton effect 01m 08s
Simulating shallow depth of field 04m 11s
Creating a collage using Picture Stack 02m 29s
29m 26s
8. Working in Quick Edit Quick improvements: introducing the Quick Edit workspace 03m 28s
Applying Quick Edit corrections 04m 08s
Adjusting lighting 04m 00s
Correcting color 04m 20s
Fixing red-eye, improving skies, and touching up photos 06m 28s
Sharpening images 03m 10s
Saving in Quick Edit 03m 52s
41m 28s
9. Working in Full Edit Full control: introducing the Full Edit workspace 05m 19s
Tips for using the editing tools 03m 50s
Customizing panels 05m 10s
Undoing your work 06m 22s
Zooming and navigating 04m 41s
Saving images and examining file formats 04m 50s
Working with multiple documents 04m 00s
Creating a file from scratch 02m 57s
Customizing Editor preferences 04m 19s
25m 42s
10. Working with Layers Understanding layers 07m 03s
Managing layers in the Layers panel 07m 19s
Tips for working with layers 04m 25s
Understanding layer masks 06m 55s
30m 04s
11. Working with Selections Understanding selections 06m 49s
Using manual selection tools 04m 42s
Modifying selections 04m 20s
Using the automatic selection tools 07m 11s
Refining selections 04m 55s
Saving selections 02m 07s
23m 52s
12. Touching Up Photos Retouching blemishes with the Spot Healing Brush tool 02m 50s
Retouching skin with the Healing Brush tool 06m 07s
Retouching with the Clone Stamp tool 01m 58s
Using the Content-Aware option in the Spot Healing Brush to remove content 03m 13s
Touching up photos with the Smart Brush tools 07m 22s
Using the Dodge, Burn, and Sponge tools 02m 22s
01h 01m
13. Correcting Photos Understanding color management 07m 32s
Understanding adjustment layers 06m 49s
Adjusting part of a photo 06m 16s
Correcting contrast and brightness using Levels controls 05m 06s
Enhancing color with Hue/Saturation 04m 32s
Improving shadow and highlights using Shadow/Highlight 02m 36s
Adjusting lighting and color using Color Curves 03m 53s
Removing a color cast 02m 11s
Converting color to black and white 03m 15s
Reducing noise 03m 53s
Sharpening images 06m 43s
Processing multiple photos 08m 19s
23m 06s
14. Changing Photo Size and Composition Resizing and changing photo resolution 07m 01s
Cropping photos 05m 35s
Straightening photos 02m 35s
Adding canvas around photos 02m 43s
Changing a photos orientation using the Recompose tool 05m 12s
23m 50s
15. Building Photo Composites Combining photos using the Place command 05m 21s
Using a layer mask to hide a background 06m 26s
Blending images using a gradient 08m 18s
Blending images using Blend modes 03m 45s
24m 02s
16. Adding and Formatting Text Creating text 06m 22s
Editing text 03m 49s
Creating text on a selection 06m 01s
Creating text around a shape 03m 51s
Creating text on a custom path 03m 59s
22m 43s
17. Adding Special Effects Applying filters 05m 24s
Adding effects 02m 06s
Adding layer styles 07m 38s
Making shapes 05m 17s
Using the Cookie Cutter tool 02m 18s
42m 14s
18. Working in Camera Raw Understanding Camera Raw 03m 35s
The Camera Raw interface 05m 16s
Adjusting color using the white balance controls 04m 41s
Controlling lighting and contrast 06m 26s
Enhancing photos with the Clarity, Vibrance, and Saturation controls 02m 39s
Cropping and straightening 02m 12s
Reducing Noise 02m 24s
Sharpening 06m 46s
Outputting from Camera Raw 04m 43s
Processing multiple photos in Camera Raw 03m 32s
56m 43s
19. Making Photo Creations Creating a photo book 06m 50s
Completing the photo book 10m 05s
Creating a photo calendar 08m 19s
Creating a photo greeting card 05m 17s
Making other photo creations in the Create workspace 02m 08s
Outputting photo creations from the Create workspace 02m 50s
Creating a photo slideshow in Windows 08m 45s
Completing the photo slideshow 03m 31s
Making a scrapbook page from scratch in Full Edit 08m 58s
41m 34s
20. Sharing Your Photos Printing photos 08m 30s
Printing contact sheets and picture packages in Windows 05m 23s
Printing contact sheets and picture packages on a Mac 08m 33s
Ordering prints from the Organizer 04m 22s
Sharing photos by email from the Organizer 03m 46s
Sharing photos with Photo Mail in Windows 05m 03s
Sharing photos on Facebook from the Organizer 03m 42s
Sharing photos on Flickr from the Organizer 02m 15s
07m 34s
21. Extending Elements with Online Services Signing up for an Adobe ID 02m 20s
Sharing online albums from the Organizer to Photoshop.com 05m 14s
00m 40s
Conclusion Goodbye 00m 40s
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: Lynda.com – Photoshop Elements 10 Essential Training
In this course, author Jan Kabili introduces the photo organizing, editing, and sharing features of Adobe Photoshop Elements 10, the less expensive version of Photoshop thatÆs ideal for casual photographers who want to achieve professional results. The course covers importing, organizing, and finding photos with the Organizer. It explains how and when to use each of the editing workspacesùfrom the simple Quick Fix and Guided Edit workspaces to the Full Edit workspace for enhancing your photosùincluding making photo corrections, retouching, compositing images, and adding text. The final chapter offers creative ways to share photos with Elements, including print projects like greeting cards, calendars, and books, emailing photos, and posting them on Facebook and Flickr.
Topics include:
Importing photos from a camera, computer, or iPhoto library
Adding keyword tags and ratings to photos
Automatically tagging people
Organizing photos into albums
Renaming and moving photos
Correcting common photo problems automatically
Retouching photos of friends and family
Adjusting lighting and color
Working with layers and layer masks
Converting photos to black–and–white
Cropping and straightening photos
Adding text to photos
Working with raw photos
Making a slideshow
Ordering prints
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