中文名: 微軟官方ASP.NET 2.0入門視頻教程
英文名: Videos for ASP.NET 2.0 Beginners
版本: [WMV]
發行日期: 2006年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
微軟官方網站(www.asp.net)提供的給asp.net初學者的入門視頻教程系列,采用express系列的開發工具和SQL SERVER 2005 express edition(均為免費產品),講述asp.net 2.0的標准使用方法,大家都知道asp.net 1.1 到 2.0發生了質的飛躍,這個教學視頻系列即使沒有asp.net 1.1基礎也可以輕松學習。
該系列教程時長超過6個小時,講述如何使用Visual Web Developer Express開發和部署你的第一個Web頁面和Quiz引擎的全功能網站。我做過長期.net培訓的講師,深感市面上的大量書籍和視頻教程誤人子弟,學習起來事倍功半,特選取官方精品教程提供給大家,希望能對好學的朋友有所幫助。看到下面跟貼的朋友,說英語不好學習有困難,
Videos for ASP.NET 2.0 Beginners.rar 是全部合集的打包。
This video series includes over six hours of video-based instruction that walks you through creating and deploying your first web page, to creating a fully-functioning Quiz Engine web site.
#1 | Lesson 1:Getting Started with Visual Web Developer Express [28 minutes, 40 seconds]
#2 | Lesson 2:Creating a Web Forms User Interface [49 minutes, 20 seconds]
#3 | Lesson 3:Understanding More About Events and Postback [17 minutes, 24 seconds]
#4 | Lesson 4:Understanding Web Application State [40 minutes, 42 seconds]
#5 | Lesson 5:Debugging and Tracing Your Website [29 minutes, 7 seconds]
#6 | Lesson 6:Working with Stylesheets and Master Pages [24 minutes, 18 seconds]
#7 | Lesson 7:Databinding to User Interface Controls [22 minutes, 58 seconds]
#8 | Lesson 8:Working with the GridView and FormView [30 minutes, 35 seconds]
#9 | Lesson 9:Securing your Web Site with Membership and Login Controls [33 minutes, 31 seconds]
#10 | Lesson 10:Configuring, Building and Deploying a Web Site [15 minutes]
#11 | Lesson 11:Building a Quiz Engine 1 [22 minutes, 32 seconds]
#12 | Lesson 12:Building a Quiz Engine 2 [29 minutes, 20 seconds]
#13 | Lesson 13:Building a Quiz Engine 3 [25 minutes, 27 seconds]
#14 | Lesson 14:Building a Quiz Engine 4 [31 minutes, 34 seconds]
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