《游戲角色創建視頻教學》(Noesis Interactive - 3D Content Creation (3dsMax) )[光盤鏡像] | |
下載分級 | 其他资源 |
資源類別 | 電腦基礎 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/13 |
大 小 | - |
3D Content Creation with Autodesk® 3dsMax®, part of the MOD Your World™ training series from Noesis Interactive™, focuses on teaching how to “Build Your Character”. Learn the fundamentals of the Autodesk® 3dsMax® interface as well as professional techniques for polygon modeling, texture application, and more. Learn to generate props from scratch, and follow step-by-step instruction walking you through creating your own game-ready humanoid characters.
This tutorial, designed for beginning and intermediate users, introduces you to the world of 3D graphics and covers the basics of using Autodesk’s 3dsMax 3D software. Topics including 3D layout and navigation, basic modeling, texturing and material application, and prop and character creation. Each project based lesson also provides you with professional tips and shortcuts essential to the ultimate goal - integrating your own characters, props, and environments into video games.
DVD topics covered include:
Autodesk 3dsMax interface
Introduction to modeling
Basic texture application
Modeling from reference imagery
Step by step construction of biped characters
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: Noesis Interactive - 3D Content Creation (3dsMax)
3D Content Creation with Autodesk« 3dsMax«, part of the MOD Your
WorldÖtraining series from Noesis InteractiveÖ, focuses on teaching
how to ôBuild Your Characterö. Learn the fundamentals of the
Autodesk« 3dsMax« interface as well as professional techniques for
polygon modeling, texture application, and more. Learn to generate
props from scratch, and follow step-by-step instruction walking you
through creating your own game-ready humanoid characters.
This tutorial, designed for beginning and intermediate users,
introduces you to the world of 3D graphics and covers the basics of
using AutodeskÆs 3dsMax 3D software. Topics including 3D layout and
navigation, basic modeling, texturing and material application, and
prop and character creation. Each project based lesson also provides
you with professional tips and shortcuts essential to the ultimate
goal - integrating your own characters, props, and environments
into video games.
DVD topics covered include:
* Autodesk 3dsMax interface
* Introduction to modeling
* Basic texture application
* Modeling from reference imagery
* Step by step construction of biped characters
: http://www.noesisinteractive.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53
8 8
8 8
8 8
8 a. Extract 8
8 b. Mount/Burn 8
8 c. Play & Learn 8
8 8
8 8
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