中文名: LinkedIn商業客戶社交網絡使用教程
英文名: Lynda.com LinkedIn Essential Training
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Richard Colback
發行日期: 2012年2月16日
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時28分鐘的LinkedIn商業客戶社交網絡使用教程,在這個過程中,Richard Colback演示如何使用LinkedIn世界上最大的專業人士社會網絡的聯系和業務網絡。課程內容包括建立一個配置文件,提供和接受建議,管理組。此外,教程還包括最大化的就業招聘搜索和業務擴展的網上操作。
§ 尋求人力資源的獵頭和企業
§ 在特定人群做市場推廣的機構
§ 主動求職者
§ 維護人脈關系的
§ 你可以了解朋友的工作動態
§ 你可以推薦或者被推薦工作機會
§ 你可以對感興趣的公司進行背景調查
§ 你可以對感興趣的員工進行背景調查
§ 可以搜索工作機會
§ 向你的朋友征詢工作意見
§ 可以發起民意調查
§ 可以搜索具備特定技能、背景和經歷的員工
§ 可以搜索具備特定技能、背景和經歷的就業狀況
Topics include:
Joining LinkedIn
Building and managing a profile
Connecting with contacts
Selecting an appropriate network approach
Sending and receiving invitations and messages
Growing a network
Gaining insight on connections using network statistics
Managing a group
Seeking employment opportunities
Recruiting employees
Promoting a company's brand and services
Sharing information using applications
Keeping a profile relevant
Welcome 01m 00s
How we recorded this course 01m 23s
02m 58s
1. Introducing LinkedIn What is LinkedIn? 02m 58s
05m 07s
2. Signing Up Signing up with LinkedIn 05m 07s
21m 14s
3. Reviewing the Key Parts of LinkedIn with a Finished Profile Learning the homepage 04m 43s
Understanding the importance of the Highlights section 02m 38s
Exploring the personal summary 01m 26s
Reviewing work experience and education 01m 31s
Working through additional profile information 03m 19s
Understanding the importance of connections 02m 42s
Looking at the power of groups 02m 14s
Understanding how companies use LinkedIn 02m 41s
10m 07s
4. Creating Your Profile Building your profile starting with the highlights 03m 15s
Adding your work experience and education 03m 16s
Using groups to add depth to your profile 01m 53s
Understanding the difference between a public and private profile 01m 43s
23m 39s
5. Managing Connections Understanding why connecting is powerful 02m 49s
Selecting an appropriate networking approach: Open vs. closed 02m 30s
Reviewing connection settings 03m 06s
Accepting and sending invitations and messages 04m 42s
Giving and receiving recommendations 04m 39s
Accepting automatic connection recommendations 01m 18s
Connecting via groups 02m 44s
Understanding what your network statistics mean 01m 51s
06m 36s
6. Being Part of a Group Finding the right groups for you 02m 12s
Joining groups and selecting options 03m 00s
Being mindful of etiquette and communication within groups 01m 24s
10m 05s
7. Starting Your Own Group Why start a LinkedIn group? 01m 29s
Defining groups 01m 43s
Selecting options 02m 50s
Building your group membership 01m 49s
Managing your group 02m 14s
20m 53s
8. Seeking Jobs Looking for jobs on LinkedIn 04m 28s
Reviewing the Jobs section 04m 38s
Accessing the job board in groups 02m 06s
Using keywords and skills in your profile 03m 18s
Following companies and getting job alerts 02m 54s
Monitoring your network stats to know where to make adjustments 01m 35s
Using additional options: Buttons, service provider listings, and paid options 01m 54s
05m 07s
9. Recruiting Employees Searching profiles to find suitable candidates 01m 45s
Understanding the etiquette for approaching candidates 01m 59s
Assessing references 01m 23s
06m 26s
10. Marketing Your Business Using Linkedin for business 03m 10s
Setting up a business profile 03m 16s
06m 47s
11. Getting Involved with Communities Asking questions and providing answers 04m 39s
Engaging through group discussions and news 02m 08s
20m 26s
12. Using Applications What are apps? 01m 36s
File-sharing apps 01m 08s
Blog apps 02m 53s
Personal interest apps 03m 22s
Business info apps 03m 39s
Presentation apps 02m 57s
Professionally focused apps 01m 07s
Mobile apps 03m 03s
Removing apps from your profile 00m 41s
05m 19s
13. Editing Your Profile Completing your profile 03m 43s
Editing your profile to stay relevant 01m 36s
01m 14s
Conclusion Next Steps 01m 14s
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: Lynda.com – LinkedIn Essential Training
In LinkedIn Essential Training, author Richard Colback explains how to
network and engage with contacts and businesses using LinkedIn, the world's
largest social network for professionals. The course covers building a profile,
providing and receiving recommendations, and managing groups. Also included are
tutorials on maximizing employment and recruitment searches and extending a
business's online presence.
Topics include:
Joining LinkedIn
Building and managing a profile
Connecting with contacts
Selecting an appropriate network approach
Sending and receiving invitations and messages
Growing a network
Gaining insight on connections using network statistics
Managing a group
Seeking employment opportunities
Recruiting employees
Promoting a company's brand and services
Sharing information using applications
Keeping a profile relevant
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