《Reason 4 基本教程》(Lynda.com Reason 4 Essential Training)[ISO] | |
下載分級 | 其他资源 |
資源類別 | 電腦基礎 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/13 |
大 小 | - |
??咣? ?
?掭捋曹 咣?
? ?圹圹曹 咣馨 j0h2n!HoA
?稗蒉圹圹圹曹 ? ?
? ????圹圹圹策 苒 ???
?? ? ??拜掭捋圹圹?苒??????
圻 苘苘苘苘?苘苘苘苘 苘苘苘苘 苘苘苘?苘苘苘苘 ?苘? 苘??苘苘?苘苘苘苘 掭
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蒉圹草 捋鄄捋鄄?捋圹圯圹?捋捋鄄?捋圹莶?捋圹圯圹圹蒇圹圹蒉圹圹圹蒇?捋圹圯掭
圹鄄 圹蒇圹? 圹圹廁? 圹圹? 圹圹? 圹圹廁圹廁圹鄄掭 圹圹圹薏 圹圹??
圹鄄 圹蒇圹? 圹圹廁? 圹圹? 圹圹? 圹圹廁圹廁圹鄄 ?圹圹圹薏 圹圹??
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捋圹? 咿圹草策咿圹圹葺策 捋圹莶?捋圹策哌哌哌咿鄄蒇圹圯 ?捋圹圯鄄哌哌哌?苒
捋圹? 苻圹圯 捋圹草? 捋圹? 捋圹? 苒圹圹圯圹圹??捋圹圯圯 懿苓?
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圮 哌哌哌哌哌哌 ?哌哌哌? 哌 哌哌哌哌 ?哌? 哌??哌哌哌哌哌哌哌 苒
哌哌哌哌哌哌哌?哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌苓哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌 ?
? C A F F E i N E ( C F E ) (C) ???稗 哕 ?????????????
策哌咣 P R E S E N T S . . . ???蒉 鞍 ????????????
哕? ?
曹? 卑 Lynda.com.Reason.4.Essential.Training.DVD-CFE
槽 ?
曹? Packager ....... : CFE Team
曹? Our Rls Date ... : May 2008
槽 Store Date ..... : 2008
哕? Platform ....... : All
曹? Program Type ... : Training
哕? Protection ..... : Condom
曹? Cracker ........ : N/A
槽 Size ........... : 16 x 50mb
哕? Format ......... : bin/cue
Release Notes .. :
Reason 4 Essential Training
with: Bruce Williams
Reason is a loop-based music creation application with a focus on MIDI sequencing,
sampling, and synthesis. What sets it apart from other audio software is its unique user
interface, which emulates a virtual rack of audio hardware. It is highly technical and
can present a daunting learning curve even for those with experience in other audio
software, which makes recording engineer Bruce Williams the ideal guide. In Reason 4
Essential Training, Bruce explores every device in the rack, including the Transport
panel, and the new devices like the ReGroove mixer, the Thor polyphonic synthesizer, and
the RPG-8 arpeggiator. He also demonstrates production enhancements made possible by the
revamped sequencer and automation interfaces. Exercise files accompany the course.
Link: http://movielibrary.lynda.com/html/modPage.asp?ID=575
Enjoy !
PS: A few HQs are needed! U know how to find us!
哕? ? We are currently looking for:
哕? [X] 100mbit+ .EU legit affil sites (CZ DK FI HU GR LT NO PL RO RU SE SK UK)
槽 [X] Suppliers WANTED for unreleased bookware/samplecds/videostock such as:
哕? ? Total Training/Digital Tutors/Digital Juice/Artbeats or anything similar.
曹? Don't hesistate to contact us NOW!
哕? ?
曹?? Greets ......... :
槽 ? ?
圹?? AG SoSISO JGTiSO SaG W3D and the ones we forgot.. :)
薏 ??
苒圯 ??
槽圹? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
捋圹圹曹 懿哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策懿膊哕膊策??
哌鄄哌卟 哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哌苓哌哕哌哕 ??? ?
? ?? ?鞍 ?苘圹苘??
- [ ASCii By j0h2n Of HighOnASCii ] - ? ? 敗圹膊膊槽??
? ? ?? ?圹?? 膊槽 ?
- [ Edited By `high!HoA ] - ? ??薏郯?? 膊草
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