中文名: 3ds Max權威教程-大型帆船制作
英文名: 3D-Palace The Cutty Sark For 3Ds Max
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2008年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
PS:我已經把DVD2的ed2k地址重新編輯了 煩請下載 要是不能下 告我聲 謝謝The Cutty Sark 是最具權威性的3D Max 教程之一.這意味著什麼呢?它是業界有史以業最為龐大的,最長的,最祥細的,最復雜的,最具有特性的3D Max 視頻教學訓練課程,在界面是非常少有的極品教程。內容覆蓋了50多個方面,教學時間長達40小時以上,教程共3個DVD。
詳細說明: 全程高清視頻講解:
From the initial setup of the ship, everything is carefully covered. The Student is shown how to set up the splines that will eventually form the keel, which is then surfaced up. The keel is split into a top and bottom segment so that the top can have deck holes for draining water added, then the deck is laid. The deck is then refined to its three main heights and deck houses are added followed by additional detail and yardarms, belaying pins, rope hooks and so forth.
內容:DVD 1. Size : 3,58GB
Front Keel Splines
Rear Keel Splines
Side Splines for the Keel
Surfacing of the Hull
Finishing the keel
Optimizing the keel
Laying Decking
Refining the Deck
Adding platforms
Starting forecabin
Deck House 1.1
Deck House 1.2
Deck House 2
Deck House 3.1
Deck House 3.2
Deck House 3.3
Tweaking Decking
Deck House 3 Refurb
Additional Decking Details
Raising the deck
DVD 2 4,14GB
Creating the Railings
Detailing the Stern
Detailing the Prow
Creating the Capstan
The Yardarms
Belaying pin ropes
Belaying pin rack 1
Belaying pin rack 2
Belaying pin rack 3
Deck Pin racks and Mast Bases
Growing the Middle Mast
Finishing the Middle Mast and Duplication using FFD
Finishing the 3 main masts
Fore and Aft Masts and Repair of the Wheelhouse
Initial Rigging
DVD 3 3,71GB
Rigging 1
Rigging 2
Rigging 3
Sails and Wind
Scene Management
Prow and Anchor
The lifeboats
Sea Witch 1
Sea Witch 2
Sea Witch 3
Sea Witch 4
Attaching the figurehead
Painting 1
Painting 2
Painting 3
Painting 4
Creating the sea and rendering
殺毒引擎版本:2009-03-12 20:03:00
測試系統:Windows XP
版本:5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
共享服務器:eDonkeyServer No2;