"《斯坦福大學開放課程 :編程方法論》(Open Stanford Course : Programming Abstractions)更新至27集全[MP4]"介紹
中文名: 斯坦福大學開放課程 :編程方法論
英文名: Open Stanford Course : Programming Abstractions
資源格式: MP4
版本: 更新至27集全
發行日期: 2008年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
斯坦福大學的C和C++教程講座導師介紹:Julie Zelenski
I left my rural hometown of Stevinson, CA (population: 262) to come to Stanford as a wide-eyed freshman in 1985. That tour passed through SLE, the LSJUMB, a half-dozen changes in my major, and I emerged with a Mathematical Sciences degree. A few years out in the "real world" were enough to send me running back for grad school in computer science and I segued into my current position as a lecturer in 1992 without setting foot off campus again. I teach courses in the undergrad systems curriculum, including programming methodology and abstractions, language paradigms, compilers, and object-oriented design and development, but I especially enjoy working with the section leaders in the CS106 courses. I have been the advisor to the Stanford SWE and ACM-W chapters and recently served on the Computer Science Advanced Placement development committee.
課程介紹:主題:抽象和編程的關系。 數據的軟件工程原則的抽象和模塊化。 面向對象編程,基本數據結構,如堆棧(隊列,集)和數據導向設計。 遞歸和遞歸數據結構(鏈表,樹,圖)。 引入時間和空間復雜度分析。