"《Digital Tutors Maya 2010毛發入門與中文字幕連載》(Introduction to Maya Fur 2010)Maya 2010[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: Digital Tutors Maya 2010毛發入門與中文字幕連載
英文名: Introduction to Maya Fur 2010
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
版本: Maya 2010
發行日期: 2010年6月20日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 簡體中文
在本教學中我們將學習MAYA的FUR工具集,我們將大部分的時間花在一個叫Fur Description的核心節點上. 本教學對那些已經在使用Fur的用戶來說是一個很好的對Fur Description進行回顧的課程.
We will spend most of our time with the core node of this system the Fur Description. This course is a perfect review of the fur description for those of you who are already using Fur as well as a perfect overview for new artists using Fur for the first time. We will go through the process of loading the plugin and go through each of the attributes one by one in the Fur Desc. Node. By learning more about what the individual attributes do you will be armed with the knowledge to tackle your own fur projects. This is the first part of a 2 part series covering the fur system in Maya.
http://ezaskw.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pXyh6AtMTi4Sdv5elnWnHintYVd1WZX1Ipg3he70z67jTFM8il-pYvd9-FAp7sIQVy49WKFMN397pKj11CVkh7DBIhdgXt7IJ/4.jpg http://ezaskw.blu.livefilestore.com/y1payYJOIwv1zMezvrUbLWmj-83gu1zpZy0WAvmT75kYzcjOBvWnYKtPAXaAjdDz_Jr5e_KGluFxIRG6Lv0RW0VKRmJvmsKb1tW/5.jpg