中文名: 搜索引擎優化寶典 第一版&第二版
英文名: SEO Search Engine Optimization Bible
別名: SEO,Bible
發行日期: 2009年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
SEO(Search Engine Optimization),漢譯為搜索引擎優化,為近年來較為流行的網絡營銷方式,主要目的是增加特定關鍵字的曝光率以增加網站的能見度,進而增加銷售的機會。分為站外SEO和站內SEO兩種.SEO的主要工作是通過了解各類搜索引擎如何抓取互聯網頁面、如何進行索引以及如何確定其對某一特定關鍵詞的搜索結果排名等技術,來對網頁進行相關的優化,使其提高搜索引擎排名,從而提高網站訪問量,最終提升網站的銷售能力或宣傳能力的技術。
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Detailed, practical guide to increasing your Web traffic through better search results
Wonder how some companies pop up high in search engine rankings? It's all about search appeal. Master the strategies, techniques, and shortcuts in this detailed guide and you can improve your Web site's search rankings and drive the targeted traffic you want to your virtual door. Learn new ways to add social media to the SEO mix, make your site mobile Web-friendly, write SEO tags for maximum exposure, and more.
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is hot; the online advertising market is expected to grow at 34% CAGR between 2005 and 2010, and nine out of ten companies are estimated to be implementing SEO strategies
* Find out how to get listed in the major search engines, directories, and indexes, and learn strategies for planning and implementing a successful SEO campaign
* Take advantage of the case studies of readers who implemented the SEO techniques outlined in the first edition of this book and significantly improved search rankings
* Discover how to target and reach the customers you really want; optimize your site specifically for Google, MSN, or Yahoo!; demystify the role of links and linking in search; implement social media and mobile search optimization; and analyze your SEO efforts to see what works
If you want to make SEO work for you, the new edition of this practical book is what you need to succeed.