"《Gnomon超強AE 3D影視視覺合成教程》(Gnomon - After Effects Turning a Still Image into 3D)2010[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: Gnomon超強AE 3D影視視覺合成教程
英文名: Gnomon - After Effects Turning a Still Image into 3D
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: 2010
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
The Gnomon Workshop - After Effects Turning a Still Image into 3D with Ergin Kuke 超強AE影視級教程!最新釋放。這張教程覆蓋了從初級到終極好萊塢影視特效所需要的全部思路思想技術!是影視後期愛好者必備的一張教程。
Gnomon After Effects Turning a Still Image into 3D with Ergin Kuke 目錄分類:/ISO
The Gnomon Workshop - After Effects Turning a Still Image into 3D with Ergin Kuke !教程涵蓋了廣泛的工具和主題域,同基本工具的廣泛報道,跟蹤,使用3D,鍵控等。本新聞稿的重點項目包括各種基於覆蓋效果高級教程和合成技術,您可能會在商業廣告中看到,技能和特效的終極教程!
Happy Holidays from the Gnomon Workshop! In our final release of Visual Effects tutorials for the decade, we’re proud to present over 19 hours After Effects tutorials by industry veteran and Gnomon School instructor Ergin Kuke. Just in time for Winter Break, these downloadable tutorials cover a wide gamut of tools and topics, with extensive coverage of the basic tools, tracking, using 3D, keying and more. Highlights of this release include a variety of project-based advanced tutorials covering effects and compositing techniques you might see in commercials, effects shots and opening title sequences. Stay warm, be safe, have fun ramping up your After Effects skills and see you in 2010!
Ergin Kuke
Co-founder, Angst VFX
Ergin is creative director and co-founder of Angst VFX, an up and coming visual effects company in Los Angeles, CA.
Ergin is also a part time instructor at Gnomon School of VFX where he teaches Compositing, Lighting and Texturing.
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