《使用VC#構建ASP.NET MVC 2應用程序視頻教程》(AppDev Buildling ASP .NET MVC 2 Applications Using Visual C Sharp 2010)[光盤鏡像] | |
下載分級 | 其他资源 |
資源類別 | 電腦基礎 |
發布時間 | 2017/7/13 |
大 小 | - |
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: AppDev - Building ASP.NET MVC 2 Applications Using Visual C# 2010 vol. 1
... with Don Kiely
ASP.NET MVC is a fascinating technology that provides an alternative to
Web forms for building Web applications. Instead of building pages using
server controls that provide relatively little control over the HTML they
produce, MVC gives you complete control. The course starts with an
introduction to ASP.NET MVC and the Model-View-Controller pattern on which
it is based. YouÆll learn about the main differences between MVC and Web
forms applications, and see how to build a simple MVC application with
Visual Studio. Then youÆll explore each of the three main components of an
MVC application. Next, youÆll explore models, which encapsulate the data and
business rules of an application. YouÆll learn that there are almost no
limitations in how you provide data to an MVC application. Then youÆll get
into views, the user interface of an MVC application.
In this course, you will learn:
* Differences between MVC and Web forms applications
* How to create controllers and actions to manage the workflow of an application
* About methods and results, and how to write code to implement each
* That there are almost no limitations in how you provide data to an MVC application
* How to implement a model using both custom classes and Entity Framework data models
* How to centralize data validation using a model.
* Interact with data provided by the controller
* Some of the ways to add content to a view
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