"《AE影視級後期視覺特效制作教程集VOL.7》(After Effects Video Tutorials DVD ae tutsplus Vol.7)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: AE影視級後期視覺特效制作教程集VOL.7
英文名: After Effects Video Tutorials DVD ae tutsplus Vol.7
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Aetuts+為您使用目前世界上最好的AE影視級後期合成特效技術制作的系列影視視覺特效教程集。讓您驚歎於教程中的視覺特效。對您的影視,電視包裝,廣告創意制作都將有著重要的技術指導!專為motion graphics and VFX artists動畫師以及視覺特效師而准備!
142. Double Stuffed Tracking Walkthrough
143. Give Your Video A Pencil Sketched Look
144. Generate a Dynamic Morphing Background Design with Sinedots
145. Get Brilliantly Better Balcony Backdrops
146. Track Your Golf Swing Form Like A Master
147. Create A Beach Themed “Water Writing” Look
148. Generate Your Own Splendid Spirographical Designs
149. Use Color To Control Your Textures – Part 2
150. Discover How To Recreate the Sherlock Holmes End Credits Effect
151. Welcome CS5! An Intro To The New “Roto Brush”
152. Animate An Underground Map Without Keyframes In Motion 4
153. Create A Realistic Glass Reflection
154. Make A Stop At An Old Deserted Motel
155. Give Your Title A “Gamer” Like Glitch
156. Workflow In Zaxwerks ProAnimator Part 1
157. Workflow In Zaxwerks ProAnimator Part 2
158. Create A Techie Math Animation
159. Soak Your Logo With CC Glass
160. Build Some Sturdy Steel Structures – Day 1
161. Build Some Sturdy Steel Structures – Day 2
162. Audio Reactant Time Remapping
163. Recreate The Matrix Chopper Scene
164. Composite A Live Action Jet Flyby – AE Part
165. Enter A 3D Samurai Chamber – Day 1
166. Enter A 3D Samurai Chamber – Day 2