"《Maya與Fusion高級合成視頻教程 》(Digital Tutors : Advanced Compositing Workflows with Maya and Fusion )[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: Maya與Fusion高級合成視頻教程
英文名: Digital Tutors : Advanced Compositing Workflows with Maya and Fusion
資源格式: 壓縮包
發行日期: 2009年12月10日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Digital Tutors 出品的Maya與Fusion高級合成教程 . 教程時長: 2小時13分
該教程中, 我們將帶領大家學習將MAYA場景渲染為多個層, 然後使用Fusion中的一些高級合成技術合成這些層.本教學的第一部分中我們將使用Maya中的render passes將場景在渲染時分解為多個部分,我們還會使用mental ray的render passes,contribution maps, custom framebuffer還有渲染層來為我們的場景創建必要的render passes,在該教程的第二部分我們將學習一些快速合成的技巧, 這些技巧與我們出版的Compositing 3D Renders in Fusion教學中講解的很類似,但我們在這裡會講解一些更高級的話題,比如基礎與進階景深技巧,使用HDR數據,調整色差等.
In this series of lessons, we will be taking you through the process of rendering your Maya scene into multiple passes, and using some advanced techniques for compositing these passes using Fusion.
We will dedicate the first portion of this course to using Render Passes in Maya to separate various elements of our scene at render time. We'll use mental ray's render passes, contribution maps, custom framebuffers, and render layers to create the necessary render passes for our scene. In the second portion of this course we will begin with some quick compositing similar to our Compositing 3D Renders in Fusion course, but we will quickly get into more advanced topics such as basic and advanced Depth-of-Field techniques, working with HDR data, painting fixes and chromatic aberration.
教程使用到的軟件: Maya 2009 & Fusion 6.0 and higher
1. Introduction and Project Overview
2. Preparing Maya scene for multi-pass rendering
3. Creating Contribution Maps for multi-pass rendering
4. Setting up render passes in mental ray
5. Using Custom Color Buffers to render specialized passes
6. Creating new Render Layers and using Layer Overrides
7. Setting up our Frame Format and LUT to see HDR colors
8. Using Merges to composite 3D Render Passes
9. Color Correcting and Tweaking our Ant using various tools
10. Creating a Lightwrap to tie the Foreground to the Background
11. Fixing common HDR issues by Clipping the Matte's White
12. Painting our Alpha Channel to fix issues
13. Setting up a Basic Depth-of-Field effect using the Depth pass
14. Adding Depth-of-Field to the background
15. Expanding the Depth Pass to fix Haloing
16. Expanding the Depth Pass of the Background
17. Adding a VariBlur to fix the Ant Outline
18. Adding Chromatic Aberration to our image
19. Adding and Tweaking Grain for that final level of detail
20. Blurring the Depth Pass to fix tiny interpolation issues
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