"《Photoshop高端美容美發修飾技巧教程》(Beauty and Hair Retouching High End Techniques)Series two[壓縮包]"介紹
中文名: Photoshop高端美容美發修飾技巧教程
英文名: Beauty and Hair Retouching High End Techniques
資源格式: 壓縮包
版本: Series two
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
最新出品的Photoshop Retouching Tutorials系列教程第二輯. Beauty & Hair Retouching High End Techniques Series Two.
該DVD為全新出品、全面升級和進行了極大的擴展. 高端美容美發修飾技巧-系列二由世界著名的修飾藝術家Natalia Taffarel出品. 毫無保留地極其細致的講解了她的整個工作流程和技巧. Natalia擁有一大批的追隨者,而她主講的這張DVD是修飾工作從業者極其期待了數年的頂級教程. 現在,總算結束了漫長的等待~
該視頻教程會讓你感覺身臨其境,猶如私人講師就在你的面前來演示他們的技巧、解釋每一個細節步驟. 你可以隨意播放、暫停、回放或快進等~
所有Natalia講師在教程中使用到的圖片都包括在光盤中,以供練習. 素材包括RAW和完整的PSD分層模板等!
大家都知道該機構於2008年推出的 High-End Industry Retouching Techniques Series one 系列
視頻教程為3.5小時 推出後受到極大歡迎~
今年這張最新出品的DVD 教程長達11.5小時 在視頻教程容量 教學內容 素材等方面 可以說是全面升級 !
而這張教學DVD的售價是:$249 . 可見該教程的質量 大師級水准 現特地找來光盤放上來分享
官網鏈接: http://www.digitalphotoshopretouching.com/index.htm
教程級別: 中級/高級 使用的軟件:CS4 教程時長:長達11.5小時
這張DVD包括2碟. Two Disc Set:
碟二:實例文件 素材
The second DVD-ROM in the retouching series. Intermediate and advanced techniques on how to retouch beauty & hair images.
Completely new, updated and greatly expanded (11.5hours), Beauty & Hair Retouching High End Techniques - Series Two is hosted by the world renowned retouching artist, Natalia Taffarel. She is famous for her natural and completely seamless retouching style that is all about beauty and details. She leaves nothing a secret and holds nothing back as she explains in great detail her entire workflow and techniques, all the things she is famous for, her beauty and hair work. Natalia has a huge following and her DVD has been greatly anticipated by the retouching community for years and now, the wait is finally over!
The video is a screen recording with audio narration that makes you feel as if you have a private one on one instructor who sat you in front of their computer while they show you their techniques and explain every single step. You have full control of the playback and can easily pause, go back or skip forward to match your own pace.
All of the image files Natalia uses in the video are included for you to follow along and practice on for yourself. This includes the RAW and complete layered PSD files.
The retouching tutorial shows Natalia's complete workflow from start to finish as she works first on a beauty image and then the hair image, working in Adobe Photoshop CS4. The main goal of the tutorial is to show and explain the entire process and techniques needed for retouching high end beauty and hair images. Not only does Natalia show and explain the techniques she also explains the thought process behind the techniques and why they are used or why not or when. This makes for a much more thorough and complete learning tool, with the hope that the viewer can walk away with the knowledge needed to competently evaluate an image, envision the result in the mind's eye, plan the process and execute the work needed to achieve the vision.
The images used in the tutorial were chosen specifically to accurately illustrate as broad a technique set as possible, with pimples, blemishes, scars, bags, large pores, wrinkles, discoloration, etc, all while still keeping the high end feel.
The amount of information presented is incredible and it's highly recommended to view and study the tutorial at least twice, all while following along with the supplied project files.
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