"《CBT Nuggets MySQL 5.0數據庫管理教程》(CBT Nuggets MySQL 5.0 Database Administrator 2 )[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: CBT Nuggets MySQL 5.0數據庫管理教程
英文名: CBT Nuggets MySQL 5.0 Database Administrator 2
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Tim Warner
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
CBT Nuggets 出品的《MySQL 5.0 Database Administrator 2》數據庫管理視頻教程.
教程時長: 長達9小時. 共20個小節.
主講:Tim Warner
在這個了不起的視頻系列中,Tim Warner 告訴您如何運行MySQL的生產環境,建立可依靠MySQL和全面負責兩個MySQL認證Dabase Admuinistraror(CMDBA)考試准備第二Web應用程序。演示在Windows和Linux平台的MySQL,MySQL復制演示.(一些你不可能在其他任何教程看到的內容.)對MySQL的安全性有一個清晰的認識.
In this terrific video series, Tim Warner shows you how to run a production MySQL environment, build Web applications that rely upon MySQL and be fully prepared for the second of two MySQL Certified Dabase Admuinistraror (CMDBA) exam. Tim demonstrates MySQL on both Windows and Linux platforms, demonstrates MySQL replication (something you''re unlikely to see in any other training) and leaves with a crystal-clear understanding of MySQL security.
教程目錄安排: What You'll Learn
Video 1: Series Overview
Untangling the MySQL Certification Program. Understanding the Series. Tackling the DBA II Exam. Description: In this nugget we describe the course and introduce the student to the MySQL certification program in general and the DBA II exam in particular.
Video 2: Understanding Identifiers
MySQL Identifier Syntax Rules. Using Qualified Object Names. Description: In this nugget we cover the foundational topic of MySQL object naming conventions.
Video 3: Creating Stored Procedures
What are Stored Procedures? Creating, Altering, and Dropping Stored Procedures. Relevant Exam Objectives: Using Stored Routines and Triggers for Security Purposes, Using Stored Routines to Enhance Performance. Description: In this nugget we learn the ground rules of stored procedures: what they are, why they are crucial in a relational database management system (RDBMS), and how we can create and manage them in MySQL 5.x.
Video 4: Creating Triggers
What are Triggers? Creating, Altering, and Dropping Triggers. Relevant Exam Objectives: Using Stored Routines and Triggers for Security Purposes, Using Stored Routines to Enhance Performance. Description: In this nugget we learn all about triggers: what they are, why they are important in business, and how to create and manage them in MySQL Server.
Video 5: Using Stored Routines for Administration
Enhancing Security with Stored Procedures. Enhancing Performance with Stored Procedures. Relevant Exam Objectives: Using Stored Routines and Triggers for Security Purposes, Using Stored Routines to Enhance Performance. Description: In this nugget we build upon what we learned in the previous two nuggets and learn how to improve the security and efficiency of our MySQL server by intelligently deploying stored procedures and triggers.
Video 6: MySQL User Account Administration
User Account Management. Client Access Control. Relevant Exam Objectives: User Account Management, Client Access Control. Description: In this nugget we learn the basics of user account management and client access control in MySQL. By the end of this nugget you will learn how to create users, grant and revoke privileges, and you will fully understand how privileges are applied throughout the MySQL connection and data access processes.
Video 7: MySQL Security Basics Part 1
Overview of MySQL Security Issues. Securing the Host Operating System. Relevant Exam Objectives: Security Issues, Operating System Security. Description: In this nugget we begin a three-part mini-series on MySQL security fundamentals. In this nugget we look at MySQL security from a ?bird?s eye? perspective. Next, we focus on best practices for securing the host operating system, whether that host OS be Microsoft Windows, Linux/UNIX, or Apple Mac OS X.
Video 8: MySQL Security Basics Part 2
Securing the File System. Protecting MySQL Log Files. Relevant Exam Objectives: Filesystem Security, Log Files and Security. Description: In this nugget we continue our journey through MySQL security best practices, this time concentrating on securing file system resources, including the MySQL table files and log files.
Video 9: MySQL Security Basics Part 3
Securing the Network. FEDERATED Table Security. Relevant Exam Objectives: Network Security, FEDERATED Table Security. Description: In this nugget we complete our consideration of MySQL security by learning how to secure the network for MySQL access. We also learn how to implement the FEDERATED storage engine.
Video 10: Upgrade-Related Security Considerations
Upgrading the Grant Tables. Security-Related SQL Mode Values. Relevant Exam Objectives: Upgrading the Privilege Tables, Security-Related SQL Mode Values.
Video 11: Optimizing Queries Part 1
Basics of Query Analysis. Analyzing Queries with EXPLAIN. Relevant Exam Objectives: Identifying Candidates for Query Analysis, Using EXPLAIN to Analyze Queries. Description: In this nugget we undertake a study of the basics of query analysis, including a detailed tutorial on how the EXPLAIN statement can help us DBAs to better. understand how the MySQL query optimizer parses SQL query statements.
Video 12: Optimizing Queries Part 2
Using SHOW WARNINGS. Enabling MyISAM Index Caching. Relevant Exam Objectives: Using SHOW WARNINGS for Optimization, MyISAM Index Caching. Description: In this nugget we learn how to use the SHOW WARNINGS statement to gain a deeper understanding of MySQL parser-related problems. We also learn how to improve the performance of our MyISAM-based tables by tweaking the MyISAM index cache.
Video 13: Optimizing Databases and Tables
Optimizing Tables. The Normalization Process. Relevant Exam Objectives: General Table Optimizations, Normalization. Description: In this nugget we pick up some useful tips ?n? tricks for optimizing tables. We then tackle the often daunting subject of database normalization.
Video 14: Storage Engine-Specific Optimizations Part 1
Optimizing MyISAM. Optimizing InnoDB. Relevant Exam Objectives: MyISAM-Specific Optimizations, InnoDB-Specific Optimizations. Description: In this nugget we learn how to maximize the performance of the two most commonly used storage engines in MySQL: the default MyISAM and the transaction-safe InnoDB.
Video 15: Storage Engine-Specific Optimizations Part 2
Optimizing MERGE. Optimizing MEMORY. Relevant Exam Objectives: MERGE-Specific Optimizations, MEMORY-Specific Optimizations. Description: In this nugget we learn how to tune the MERGE and MEMORY storage engines for peak performance and security.
Video 16: Performance Tuning MySQL Server
Assessing Server Status and Load. Tweaking Memory Parameters. Tuning the Query Cache. Relevant Exam Objectives: Interpreting MySQL Server Information, Measuring Server Load, Tuning Memory Parameters, Using the Query Cache. Description: In this nugget we introduce you to a variety of in-box tools to help you ?put your finger on the pulse? of your MySQL server. Specifically, we learn to assess server variables and status, tweak memory parameters, and adjust the various and sundry query cache parameters offered by MySQL 5.x.
Video 17: Diagnosing MySQL Problems
Using the Error Log. Using The Slow Query Log. Relevant Exam Objectives: Using the Error Log for Diagnostic Purposes, Using the Slow Query Log for Diagnostic Purposes. Description: In this nugget we seek diagnostic and performance-tuning information from the MySQL error log and the slow query log.
Video 18: Optimizing the MySQL Server Environment Part 1
Selecting Hardware for MySQL. Configuring Disks for MySQL. Relevant Exam Objectives: Choosing Hardware for MySQL Use, Configuring Disks for MySQL Use. Description: In this nugget we examine suggestions offered from the MySQL development team regarding hardware and disk choice/configuration for MySQL server.
Video 19: Optimizing the MySQL Server Environment Part 2
Optimizing the Network. Optimizing the Operating System for MySQL. Relevant Exam Objectives: Network Issues, Optimizing the Operating System for MySQL Use. Description: In this nugget we revisit and expand upon earlier discussions concerning how to maximize network and operating system performance for MySQL server.
Video 20: Scaling Out MySQL
Multi-Server MySQL. MySQL Replication. Relevant Exam Objectives: Using Multiple Servers, Replication. Description: In this nugget we learn how to successfully install more than one instance of MySQL on a single physical or virtual server. We also learn how to implement database replication.
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