"《CBT Nuggets Automating Server 2008認證考試教程》(CBT Nuggets Automating Server 2008 Administration On the Job Training)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: CBT Nuggets Automating Server 2008認證考試教程
英文名: CBT Nuggets Automating Server 2008 Administration On the Job Training
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
主講人: Don Jones
發行日期: 2010年02月
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
CBT Nuggets 出品的 Automating.Server.2008.Administration.On.the.Job.Training.Windows Server 2008的管理自動化考試認證培訓視頻教程.
教程時長:5小時. 共15段教學視頻
主講人: Don Jones
你想自動化管理如:自動配置、配置庫存、 configuring, configuration inventorying, provisioning and deprovisioning 嗎. 學習完該篇Don Jones教程後你將會使用Windows PowerShell命令將現實世界的許多任務自動化。
Don''s的教程演示了如何如何運行命令...他們是如何工作的. 讓你可以根據自己的需要來自定義他們....
Wouldn''t you love to automate tasks like configuring, configuration inventorying, provisioning and deprovisioning? After watching this Don Jones training you''ll be automating lots of real-world tasks with Windows PowerShell commands.
Don''s cookbook approach shows you exactly which commands to run... and then shows you how they work, so that you can customize them for your own needs.
While this training is not certification oriented, like all CBT Nuggets training, it gives you solid expertise in the topics it covers. Whatever you need to do in Windows Server 2008 R2 -- this will help you automate it!
What You'll Learn
Video 1: Introduction|06:17
Course overview
Video 2: Windows PowerShell v2 Crash Course|25:06
A quick reminder of how to use Windows PowerShell, including the pipeline, cmdlets, and help. This is just a refresher; view CBT Nuggets: On The Job Training Series: Windows PowerShell if you'd like a full course on PowerShell fundamentals.
Video 3: Active Directory Automation, Part 1|22:06
Learn to automate key tasks in AD, including bulk user creation, user updating, group membership, and more. You'll also learn about the AD security model within PowerShell, and how to use pipeline parameter binding to make bulk operations as simple as connecting two commands.
Video 4: Active Directory Automation, Part 2|24:27
Learn to automate key tasks in AD, including bulk user creation, user updating, group membership, and more. You'll also learn about the AD security model within PowerShell, and how to use pipeline parameter binding to make bulk operations as simple as connecting two commands.
Video 5: AppLocker Automation|24:53
Learn to profile, use, and configure the new AppLocker feature from within the shell.
Video 6: BITS File Transfer Automation|22:52
Automate background uploads and downloads, and manage active downloads.
Video 7: Group Policy Automation|17:21
Link GPOs, create new GPOs, and even modify individual settings within a GPO. You'll also learn to report on GPO contents, compare GPOs, backup and restore GPOs, and more.
Video 8: Server Manager Automation|24:52
Use the shell to add and remove roles, create feature baseline reports, and compare features/roles to a previously-created baseline for configuration management.
Video 9: Working with the Best Practices Module|13:11
Learn to run and view Best Practices Analyzer reports from the command-line - including how to automate BPA batch reporting.
Video 10: Working with the PSDiagnostics and Troubleshooting Modules|25:19
Use PowerShell to troubleshoot and solve common tasks - you'll even see how to use PowerShell remoting to solve tasks on remote client computers.
Video 11: Internet Information Services Automation|25:38
Learn to use IIS cmdlets and the IIS: drive to automate key IIS tasks, such as creating new Web sites, changing site settings, and more.
Video 12: Hyper-V Automation|18:43
Learn to use freely-available Hyper-V cmdlets to automate key virtualization tasks, such as provisioning new virtual machines.
Video 13: Remote Desktop Services Automation|18:36
See how to use the shell to automate important RDS/Terminal Services tasks, such as listener provisioning and configuration.
Video 14: Failover Cluster Administration|11:50
Learn to use PowerShell cmdlets to manage, provision, and configure Cluster Service resources and resource groups.
Video 15: Automating Server Backup, AD Rights Management Services, Web Services for Management, and Network Load Balancing|20:09
The "Everything Else" nugget - learn to use Windows Server Backup, configure AD RMS, configure WS-MAN/WinRM, and even configure NLB - all from within the shell console.
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: CBT Nuggets - Automating Server 2008 Administration
... On-the-Job Training
Wouldn't you love to automate tasks like configuring, configuration
inventorying, provisioning and deprovisioning? After watching this Don
Jones training you'll be automating lots of real-world tasks with Windows
PowerShell commands.
Don's cookbook approach shows you exactly which commands to run... and
then shows you how they work, so that you can customize them for your
own needs.
While this training is not certification oriented, like all CBT Nuggets
training, it gives you solid expertise in the topics it covers. Whatever
you need to do in Windows Server 2008 R2 -- this will help you automate
Interested in joining iNK ? We're currently looking to expand.
: Suppliers - Bookware / Training / Apps
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: Other - Cracking / Scripting / Coding Skills
Email - [email protected]
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