中文名: Maya 2011:創建紋理和著色教程
英文名: Maya 2011: Creating Textures and Shaders
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
學校: Lynda
主講人: Eric Keller
發行日期: 2010年09月28日
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Lynda最新出品的Maya 2011: Creating Textures and Shaders 關於Maya進行紋理和著色方面的視頻教程.
主講人:Eric Keller
Maya 2011創建Eric Keller和紋理和著色器教程演示了如何創建紋理和材料,然後將它們應用到實際的模型來呈現表面。課程內容包括工作與心理陰影節點線,其中包括精神圖像的建築節點,次表面散射節點,閉塞,汽車漆著色器,以及如何將其納入陰影網絡在Hypershade編輯器使用這些節點。還探討了利用模型中添加細節紋理........
比較標准的mental ray和Maya著色
Maya 2011: Creating Textures and Shaders with Eric Keller shows how to create textures and materials, and then apply them to models to render realistic surfaces. The course covers working with the mental ray shading nodes, including the mental images architectural node, subsurface scattering nodes, occlusion, and car paint shaders, as well as how to incorporate these nodes into shading networks using the Hypershade editor. It also explores using textures, Maya software nodes, normal maps, and displacement maps for adding detail to models. Exercise files accompany the course.
Topics include:
Understanding shading concepts
Simulating the Fresnel effect for realistic reflections
Rendering transparent and translucent surfaces
Comparing mental ray and Maya standard shaders
Introducing the mia_material
Developing shader networks
Using subsurface scattering shaders
Mapping polygon UV coordinates
Incorporating texture nodes into networks
Improving skin detail with ambient occlusion
Painting bump maps
Creating normal and displacement maps
Troubleshooting maps
Welcome 01:06
Using the exercise files 01:13
17:49 1. Shading Concepts
Explaining diffuse reflections 02:39
Defining glossy and blurred reflections 02:32
Looking at refraction 04:20
Describing the Fresnel effect 01:56
Understanding anisotropy 01:10
Identifying ambient and reflection occlusion 01:49
Defining sub-surface scattering 02:04
Simulating translucency 01:19
01:08:10 2. Shading in mental ray
Using Maya's standard shaders with mental ray 07:02
Comparing mental ray and Maya shader nodes 09:12
Creating mental ray shaders 02:32
Making sense of mental ray shaders 10:35
Introducing the mia_material 09:16
Creating a custom mia_material preset 09:17
Looking at car paint materials 06:43
Using subsurface scattering shaders 13:33
01:05:39 3. Textures
Understanding UV coordinates 04:26
Comparing NURBS and polygon UVs 04:48
Mapping polygon UV surfaces 13:01
Using texture maps for color and other shader channels 08:01
Applying and projecting 2D procedural texture nodes 04:00
Applying 3D procedural texture nodes 07:01
Using ramp textures 08:12
Setting up utility nodes 06:29
Using file texture nodes 09:41
22:36 4. mental ray Texture Nodes
Applying the turbulence texture 09:37
Considering the round corners texture 04:17
Improving skin detail with ambient occlusion 04:27
Applying reflection occlusion 04:15
33:06 5. Creating Surface Details with Textures
Painting bump maps 04:14
Creating normal maps 05:24
Applying normal maps 06:17
Creating displacement maps 09:14
Troubleshooting displacement maps 07:57
00:33 Conclusion
Goodbye 00:33
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