"《CBT Nuggets MySQL CMA認證數據庫管理教程》(CBT Nuggets MySQL CMA Database Administrator Associate)[光盤鏡像]"介紹
中文名: CBT Nuggets MySQL CMA認證數據庫管理教程
英文名: CBT Nuggets MySQL CMA Database Administrator Associate
資源格式: 光盤鏡像
發行日期: 2010年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
CBT Nuggets 出品的 MySQL CMA Database Administrator Associate 數據庫管理員培訓視頻教程.
教程名稱:MySQL CMA Database Admin Associate——Covers Exam Packs 010-002
主講人:Timothy L. Warner
教學時長:10個小時 共20個小節教程內容
如果你對開發和管理開源數據庫應用程序有興趣.MySQL是你的選擇. Tim Warner的 "MySQL Administrator: Associate"系列教程是你獲得MySQL基本要素最快的方法.
Tim''s 的視頻教程是為你的MySQL Associate (CMA)認證考試而准備的. 演示了如何管理MySQL 數據庫服務器。 對MySQL應用程序開發有個很好的入門介紹. 闡述了如何在任何一個平台下設計和建立關系型數據庫......
If you''re interested in developing and administering open-source database applications, MySQL is your ticket to ride. And this "MySQL Administrator: Associate" training by Tim Warner is the fastest way to get your MySQL basics down pat.
Tim''s video series prepares you for the MySQL Associate (CMA) certification exam, shows you how to administer a MySQL database server, gives you an excellent intoduction to MySQL application development and explains how to design and build relational databases on any platform.
What You'll Learn
Video 1: Series Overview|16:52
Setting Expectations. Understanding this Series. Tackling the MySQL Associate Exam.
Video 2: What is MySQL?|38:06
Understanding the Product. Reviewing MySQL Architecture. Relevant Exam Objectives: Client/Server Concepts; Database and Database Objects. In this nugget we learn this history of MySQL and review the underpinnings of the MySQL client/server technology.
Video 3: Client/Server Concepts|44:54
Using Client Applications. Accessing Help. Using MySQL Server Modes. Relevant Exam Objectives: Client/Server Concepts; Database and Database Objects; Recurring SQL Constructs. Description: In this nugget we familiarize ourselves with the myriad client applications used to access the MySQL Server. We also learn how to make use of online help, as well as to set the appropriate SQL mode to meet our specific business requirements.
Video 4: Understanding Data Types|42:17
Introducing Data Types. Using String, Numeric, and Date/Time Data Types. Implementing Data Types in Tables. Relevant Exam Objectives: Databases; Data Types; Tables. Description: In this nugget we learn the data types that are supported by MySQL 5.x. We also learn how to use data types in the creation of table columns.
Video 5: Managing Databases Part 1|39:16
Planning Databases. Creating databases. Relevant Exam Objectives: Databases; Data Types; Tables. Description: In this nugget we learn some of the principles the underlie database design. We also learn how to create database objects in MySQL.
Video 6: Managing Databases Part 2|27:21
Altering Databases. Database Administration Statements. Relevant Exam Objectives: Databases; Data Types; Tables. Description: In this nugget we learn how to alter the structure of schema (database) objects in MySQL. We also begin to develop stronger skills with administrator-specific SQL commands in MySQL Server.
Video 7: Managing Databases Part 3|33:00
Dropping Databases. Accessing Database Metadata. Relevant Exam Objectives: Databases; Data Types; Tables. Description: In this nugget we learn how to permanently decommission databases by dropping them from the server. We also learn how to access metadata, or data about data, for all objects in our MySQL server instance.
Video 8: Managing Tables and Indexes Part 1|40:29
Setting Table Properties. Creating Tables. Altering Tables. Dropping Tables. Relevant Exam Objectives: Tables; Constraints and Indexes; Adding data; Modifying data; Removing data; Searching data. Description: In this nugget we learn all aspects of table management in MySQL Server: creating, altering, and dropping table objects, as well as configuring table properties.
Video 9: Managing Tables and Indexes Part 2|31:59
Understanding Indexes. Creating and Managing Indexes. Checking Index . Operation with EXPLAIN. Relevant Exam Objectives: Tables; Constraints and Indexes; Adding data; Modifying data; Removing data; Searching data. Description: In this nugget we delve into what is probably the number one factor in optimizing query performance in any relational database system: the index. Here we understand indexing theory, and then learn how to create and manage indexes in MySQL. Finally, we use the EXPLAIN keyword to parse query execution plans to fine-tune index and query performance.
Video 10: Implementing Constraints|30:31
Handling Invalid Data Values. Can We Use CHECK Constraints? Implementing Table Constraints. Relevant Exam Objectives: Tables; Constraints and Indexes; Adding data; Modifying data; Removing data; Searching data. Description: In this nugget we understand the various and sundry ways that we can configure MySQL to handle missing and/or invalid data values. We also answer the question "Does MySQL Server support the CHECK constraint for table columns?" Finally, we learn how to implement table constraints such as NULL, DEFAULT, and the creative selection of data types for table columns.
Video 11: Using Views|36:41
Why Use Views? Creating and Managing Views. Obtaining View Metadata. Relevant Exam Objectives: Views; Recurring SQL Constructs; Constraints and Indexes; Tables. Description: In this nugget we learn what views are, how to use them, and how to create them in MySQL. We also learn how to obtain view metadata by using both the SHOW and DESCRIBE commands as well as the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views.
Video 12: Data Manipulation Language (DML) Part 1|30:49
Introducing the SELECT Statement. Customizing Column Retrieval. Customizing Row Retrieval. Relevant Exam Objectives: Searching data. Description: In this nugget we begin a detailed consideration of DML SQL commands, beginning with the SELECT statement.
Video 13: Data Manipulation Language (DML) Part 2|23:38
Adding New Records with the INSERT Statement. Using the REPLACE Statement. Relevant Exam Objectives: Adding data. Description: In this nugget we build upon what we learned in the previous nugget by learning how to add new records to a MySQL database table or view by using the INSERT DML statement.
Video 14: Data Manipulation Language (DML) Part 3|27:52
Modifying Existing Records with the UPDATE Statement. Preventing Dangerous Table Updates. Performing Multi-Table Updates. Relevant Exam Objectives: Modifying data. Description: In this nugget we continue to hone our SQL skills by learning how to updating existing row data by using the UPDATE DML statement.
Video 15: Data Manipulation Language (DML) Part 4|11:25
Removing Records with the DELETE Statement.Emptying a Table with the TRUNCATE TABLE Statement. Relevant Exam Objectives: Removing data. Description: In this nugget we conclude our four-part basic DML mini-series by learning how to delete data from MySQL database tables using both the DELETE and TRUNCATE TABLE statements.
Video 16: Advanced DML Operations Part 1|34:10
Understanding Expressions in MySQL.Using Expressions.Deploying Commenting in SQL Code. Relevant Exam Objectives: Expressions; Grouping and Aggregate Functions. Description: In this nugget we begin to work with some more advanced Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands. Here we work with SQL expressions and commenting, the former allowing us to extend the logic of our SQL code, and the latter allowing us to make our code more user-friendly.
Video 17: Advanced DML Operations Part 2|22:18
Aggregating Query Results. Grouping Query Results, Understanding the HAVING Clause. Relevant Exam Objectives: Expressions; Grouping and Aggregate Functions. Description: In this nugget we learn to group and aggregate our query results. Doing so enables us to produce subtotals, grand totals, and other data manipulations that are useful in many business scenarios.
Video 18: Advanced DML Operations Part 3|28:18
Why use Table Joins? Defining Inner Joins. Defining Outer Joins. Relevant Exam Objectives: Joining Tables. Description: In this Nugget we master a crucial concept in relational database theory--the table join. Table joins allow us to extend queries across two or more related tables, and also allow us to perform multi-table updates and deletes. Here we learn to create inner joins and outer joins in MySQL.
Video 19: Managing Transactions|35:11
Understanding Transactions. Controlling Transactions with the InnoDB Storage Engine. Relevant Exam Objectives: Transaction Concepts; SQL for Working with Transactions. Description: In this nugget we focus on the transactional support offered by the MySQL InnoDB storage engine. After a thorough grounding in database transaction theory, we turn to how we can control transactions in MySQL using InnoDB features.
Video 20: Administering Data Import/Export|31:14
mporting Data from Files. Exporting Data from Files. Using mysqlimport and mysqldump. Relevant Exam Objectives: Tools for Import/Export; SQL for Import/Export. Description: In this Nugget we leverage business intelligence (BI) features of MySQL and learn the many ways to export data from MySQL tables and also import data into the same.
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: CBT Nuggets - MySQL CMA Database Administrator: Associate,
If you're interested in developing and administering open-source
database applications, MySQL is your ticket to ride. And this "MySQL
Administrator: Associate" training by Tim Warner is the fastest way
to get your MySQL basics down pat.
Tim's video series prepares you for the MySQL Associate (CMA)
certification exam, shows you how to administer a MySQL database server,
gives you an excellent intoduction to MySQL application development and
explains how to design and build relational databases on any platform
Interested in joining iNK ? We're currently looking to expand.
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